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Everything posted by cjj2d

  1. cjj2d

    d2 porn vid...

    what size amp are you using, and damn that sub is moving!! what song were you playing or was it just a bass track?
  2. cjj2d

    gotta sell the new 15" d2 :(

    damn looks like I am gonna miss out on this. Oh well kinda want to work this deal on the PC2350 a little more. Then I will hunt down a Mag.
  3. cjj2d

    gotta sell the new 15" d2 :(

    you have an Altima? I just got an 02 altima 2 months ago. I am really liking it.. I will let you know soon.
  4. cjj2d

    gotta sell the new 15" d2 :(

    damn, I want that Mag bad. But I am in the middle of trying to work a deal on a PPI PC2350. If I don't work a deal on this amp then I will contact you immediatly to see if it is still available.
  5. cjj2d

    1000 or 1500 watts

    just wanting to make sure I am not getting an unreliable amp that will crap out on me in a few months. I have been looking for a PC2350 for a while but can't find one. I love the PPI PC amps (black ones that is) they are the most reliable amps I have owned.
  6. cjj2d

    1000 or 1500 watts

    I think I am going to go with the Orion 1200D. I have heard good things about them. Hope they are as reliable and stable as I read.
  7. cjj2d

    I Gotta Wedgie

    SQ is alot tighter in a sealed box. SPL is much greater in a ported box.
  8. cjj2d

    1000 or 1500 watts

    I too am sending my Mag 15 600 watts at 4 ohms and it gets very loud. it is extremely loud at around 25 out of 35. But I am looking for a 1200 watt amp for it. thinking about a Cadence A7HC or a Orion 1200D. anyone have any suggestions on the two?
  9. cjj2d

    polyfil/install questions

    as far as the polyfill goes, I have the same question you do. I need to add it to my box. just never have done it before. as for the crossovers, mine are under the dash but I will be getting them out from there and either in the trunk or under the seat, or something.
  10. cjj2d

    more pics of 502's

    I better wait for the 327s then. While the 502s sound incredible the 327s will be more my territory. Can't wait to get some specs on them though.
  11. cjj2d

    polyfil/install questions

    it costs a little more sometimes but you can tell them to make sure to use all new speaker wire etc. instead of splicing into your factory wire. It should help on the SQ a little. I had some components put in my car a month or so ago and I noticed they just spliced into my factory wire. I felt kinda ripped off after seeing that since I paid quite a bit for the install. So I plan on running speaker wire through the doors and into the car to my crossovers and not use any factory wire. It will take some time fishing the wire through the door, but will be worth it. and I need to get my crossovers in a better location. so just make sure you know where you want your crossovers and other stuff like that to be. Some people just throw them in the door. this was done to me on my MB Quart Q series and the crossover got fried do to water leaking down on them. Make sure they put in a big enough power/ground wire. I have found that unless you tell them what size you want that they don't always put in the correct size. Hopefullly you are not getting it done at a place that likes to cut corners and not tell you all the details. I have had my fair share of that. good luck and enjoy.
  12. cjj2d

    more pics of 502's

    I have some Diamond Hex components, and I like them alot. But I am always looking for something different. I build my system for SQ. It is very capable of being extremely loud but I prefer the SQ over SPL any day. I would like to get more info on the 502s and 327s. If they don't want to post anything about them here i can email them about it. Thanks for the input though. Have you heard the 502s?? what about the 302 or 327s?
  13. cjj2d

    more pics of 502's

    are the 502s not available? They are not on the site. and what are the 327s?
  14. I need a class D amp for my mag15 (since I can't find a PPI PC2350). I am looking for 1000-1500 watts at either 1ohm or 4ohms. I have a PG Tantrum 1200.1 but it sucks my elec system dry and I want to get a Class D amp to help out on my elec system some. So if anyone has any recomendations please add them here. also: FS: PG Tantrum 1200.1
  15. just a desperate attempt at trying to find a 15D2 that someone won't be using. I got all excited cause someone PM'd me offering me a New one, but by the time I got home from work and replied it was sold. arrrgh.
  16. cjj2d

    anyone want to sell their mag??

    you still want to sell it?? I sent you an email.
  17. cjj2d

    anyone want to sell their mag??

    email sent. where are you at in KY??
  18. cjj2d

    I Gotta Wedgie

    nice. how do you like your Hifonics amp? I am considering one for my mag.
  19. cjj2d

    I Gotta Wedgie

    whay kind of car do you have? is that a claw basket I see? what did you use to mount your amp on the back of the seat??
  20. cjj2d

    anyone want to sell their mag??

    what is your email. I will get with you on that in the morning. it is still in great condition isn't it? where are you located??
  21. cjj2d

    recomend me an amp for my mag

    no ssf though. does it have a crossover?
  22. cjj2d

    anyone want to sell their mag??

    what's the right price for you??
  23. cjj2d

    recomend me an amp for my mag

    what do you mean by over 100 its inaudible? is there a sound associated with one that say has a damping factor of >50? like the Orion amps? searching forums as well.
  24. cjj2d

    recomend me an amp for my mag

    I got it to perform pretty damn well, but I just want a Class D amp stable at 1 ohm. No major reason against the PG amp. Alot of people love them.
  25. cjj2d

    Love my Mag!!

    I must have got lucky too. I got mine in less than 48 hrs of sending the paypal. Thanks Nick!! oh yeah, I think I found someone that wants to sell me their Mag (won't fit in their truck)