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Everything posted by cjj2d

  1. cjj2d

    does a mag run in....?

    the only question needed to be asked when considering a Mag..... "Got Balls?"
  2. cjj2d

    does a mag run in....?

    they are "up there" on top of the quality charts!!! I have owned many different JL series subs and LOVE my mag more than my 3 12w3s I currently have in my closet. btw- I happily replace those three with one 15" mag.
  3. cjj2d

    Interest in pre-ordering 8's?

    would these be dual voice coil??
  4. cjj2d

    precision power on a magnum

    NO, do sell your arts, TO ME!
  5. good thinking not letting the dog go, no need for him to get hurt. Did you get any glimpse of them or their car? that way if you run across them again you recognize them?
  6. cjj2d

    precision power on a magnum

    I run PPI PC amps all throughout my setup. and have a PC2150 on my 15 mag. It does a great job, sounds real damn good and gets pretty loud. Though I really need to find a PC2350 for my mag or a a1200 (sell me yours!!!). I think either of those two amps will work great with a mag.
  7. good save! wish your dog would have caught their ass. I assume they were going after you car/stereo? or something else?
  8. so after reading some I need to build a slightly bigger box for my Mag 15. It's home now is a 2.03 cuft sealed box. From what I read, I need it to be about 2.4 cuft. Or should I go slightly bigger? what will I gain from the bigger box??? someone said it will be more efficient, what does that necassarily mean??? also, I am going to build it and integrate an amp rack of some sort, nothing too extravegant. anyone have any ideas??? something simple, it is for a 2002 Altima if that helps. tirefryr.... there is a BLACK a404 on ebay right now. How's that a1200 doing you?
  9. cjj2d

    My Sunday in a nutshell

  10. cjj2d

    new box for my mag

    probably just going to build a new box, and integrate an amp rack of some sort.
  11. cjj2d

    new box for my mag

    3.5 cubes sealed? wow. right now I have 2 PPI PC2150s that are a little longer than an a600. and a PG power grid that is about 8 inches long. I will get a pic of my trunk up soon.
  12. cjj2d

    Played with my MAG today!!

    like I said you can always glass me some kickpanels for my Altima.
  13. cjj2d

    think this will sound good?

    I got a 10 Farad Phoenix Gold Powergrid for 240 bucks brand new off ebay. It is a 10 farad cap and distribution block in one. do a search for one, it is sweet.
  14. cjj2d

    2.0 or 2.4cf?

    looks like I need to build a bigger box. damn. oh well. if it will be better for the sub then I will do it. would I see/hear a difference with a 2.4 cuft box??? or is it just better for the driver.
  15. cjj2d

    2.0 or 2.4cf?

    I think the displacement of it is .3 cuft. I have a 2.0 cuft sealed after displacement. It does just fine. That is what it says on the website. I still need to add polyfill. I have meant to do that for a while.
  16. cjj2d

    Morel WR-4 Review!

    I'm in the same boat. me too.
  17. what kind of car do you have that in?
  18. where are the pics at???
  19. cjj2d

    Magnum power!!!!!!

    come to Nashville and I will put you to work on my car. Especially if you are good at fiberglassing. I need some kicks bad.
  20. cjj2d

    Magnum power!!!!!!

    Once the SI 8's come out I will be getting two of them. and hopefully I will hear from this guy tonight that offered me a PC2350 and will be getting that this week. I then will have a PC 2150 for Front stage components, a PC 2150 for the SI 8's as mid bass, and the PC 2350 for 15 Mag. I then have 2 PC 250s and a PC 2100 sitting in my closet I need to do something with. I am sure I will find something for them. Might be time to hook up the fiance's car.
  21. cjj2d

    Magnum power!!!!!!

    what are you going to be running with the a404? a600? I know your mag will be on the a1200. that a600 would do great on some SI 8's if they become available.
  22. cjj2d

    Magnum power!!!!!!

    wow, that's a high bid. But the amp is def worth it. Those suckers are rock solid. and will deliver some mean ass power. I hope to close a deal on a PC2350 or a1200 this week. I have both of them available. Just gotta make a deal. I am hoping for the 2350, just awaiting pics of it.
  23. cjj2d

    I need some help

    you can get all the Mag D2 specs off their website... www.stereointegrity.com I have a 15" Mag D2 and love it. from all my readings on different forums the Mag D2 and RE XXX are very similar, some will say the Mag edges the XXX, some will say the other way around. I have not heard a XXX so I can't say. I however have had many different JL subs, had 3 12 W3s last. and I love my Mag more than any sub I have ever had. It is incredible. Very loud, accurate, clean, deep, and all the above. the 12 will take 900-1000 watts no problem. the 15 about 950-1200 if I am not mistaken. You will not be dissapointed with this sub! that is what everyone told me and they were right.
  24. cjj2d

    Magnum power!!!!!!

    so the 8s are going to be in production? or just for the demo purposes? you like the Adire's for mid bass??? I need some mid bass bad.
  25. cjj2d

    Magnum power!!!!!!

    damn Nick, 9 in the cab? what all are you putting in there? what is your a600 modded to? I think I found me a PC2350 for my mag!