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About BoondockSaints

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  1. BoondockSaints

    8/10 Sub Selection

    Is the Rl-i capable of getting as low and hitting everything as the assasin? I know it can get loud.
  2. BoondockSaints

    8/10 Sub Selection

    Also, looking for videos of these besides Rl-i saw that, impressed.
  3. BoondockSaints

    8/10 Sub Selection

    Im pretty much set on 8s now, my seat is exactly 10" tall and I would have to lift it for the 10s. Almost hit my head as is so, 8s it is. Im thinking one of the following DD 1508 SS Rl-i TC1000 Assassins if i can find them If there are any more tell me so I can find out more about them and make the right choice.
  4. BoondockSaints

    8/10 Sub Selection

    Well, I could have sworn I saw an 8" sub with something like 800 RMS... don't remember what it was althought I really wanna say it was a Sound Solutions sub. If I get a 10 Im kinda leaning towards the TC10 OEM. 175 bucks is not bad for that sub.
  5. BoondockSaints

    8/10 Sub Selection

    Do they get loud and sound clean doing it?
  6. BoondockSaints

    8/10 Sub Selection

    Looking to getting an 8/10 inch subwoofer. I want the subs to be able to get loud, possibly mistaken for some 12s. But I really want them to be able to hit the spot, great SQ. Looking under 200 a sub. So far I was thinking along the lines of Assasins, DDs, SS Rls, TC10 OEM, smaller TCs, not realy sure yet though. Havent bought an amp for them yet so thats a little bit flexible.
  7. BoondockSaints

    Subwoofers facing upwards or towards the rear end

    What about a truck, extended cab.
  8. BoondockSaints


    Hey all, used to be on here... dont know what happened its been a long time.