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Everything posted by 30hurtzaudio

  1. 30hurtzaudio

    SUV Choice

    well i think i am goin to go with the Explorer XLT or the XLS depends on if i can find the right deal....the blazer just seem to narrow to me and lower... Thanks for the feedback, Brock
  2. 30hurtzaudio

    5 - 3" = 1 - 15"

    how do u calculate those? I am goin to use four 6 inch ports with an inch of flare on both ends of all ports...also I was planing on doin exterior ports entering towrds the bottom rear of the box, about how far a part do they need to be and how far off of any walls? Thanks, Brock
  3. 30hurtzaudio

    5 - 3" = 1 - 15"

    well guys i am confused here and i can't figure it out does five 3 inch ports equal to one 15 inch as far as port area????? i know it is simple but i need to make sure for my design.....or also does two 6 inch ports equal one 12 inch port?????? well guy some feedback would help me out a lot.
  4. 30hurtzaudio

    5 - 3" = 1 - 15"

    well thanks for the help i know it was elementry but better safe then sorry guess i'll have to try something like four 6 inch ports.....slot ports are easier to deal with...one more question. do u count flare on lenght and surface area as well???? Thanks again, Brock
  5. 30hurtzaudio

    5 - 3" = 1 - 15"

    thats what i got 2 but i was curious because when u calculate port lenght they are pretty close when u add the 5 3's together
  6. 30hurtzaudio

    BTL 12" and port area

    I would love to do the 14" but we are looking at around $600 for just materials i am thinking i am goin to go with either 2 - 8" or 2 - 6" it all depends on room
  7. 30hurtzaudio

    BTL 12" and port area

    Any thoughts or ideas on 2 12" FI BTL's (Fully Loaded) in 5 ft^3 with almost 154 in of port area????? Tuned at 32 hertz.... I understand that it is going to be an extremly long port almost 71 inches. but i have ideas for that.....Planned on using 14 inch round pvc pipe with a few 90 degree elbows in it. and how would u go about measuring something that has that many bends. Also i planned on the port having its own chamber with only the end into the part of the box where the subs are to reduce flexing and hopefully where more air flow goes into the port. But it might be a crazy idea. So if anyone could give me some feed back it would be great!!!! Thank's, Brock