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Everything posted by Pimp-Juice

  1. sounds like a bad idea why is that? Im not disagreeing with you, im just curious why you say that. Unless you know what you're doing... Those are very hard things to "match" in sound.... And if you knew what you were doing then you probably wouldn't even think of that... A nice 2-way set should be more than sufficient.. If not, then maybe you can power the tweeters off the HU and the mids off the amplifier... But no 6x9 in the mix... Right now i have 5 1/4s in the front doors and 6x9s in the rear, there kicker components. If i amped them, would it make a difference? Lol im starting to see im more then a rookie when it comes to this stuff.
  2. Components are a better option, unless you plan on going active. Also you will need more channels of amplification if you go that route. I do want to go active, but i want to make sure my ducks are in a row. Id hate to roll up to my first show and get laughed home lol
  3. sounds like a bad idea why is that? Im not disagreeing with you, im just curious why you say that.
  4. see, thats my issue... I dont want A set. I want tweeters, 6x9's and im seriously thinking of some 8's.
  5. Pimp-Juice

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    well, please note i DID NOT say assume lol
  6. Pimp-Juice

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    Well, not to thread jack, but i agree! Keep your eyes open for my build log coming soon Speaking of, earlier in the thread, Austin mentioned some IA mids, then you say you have a surprise for him, I just guessed you had some. If so and if you dont mind me asking, about how much did you pay for em? Ballpark.
  7. Pimp-Juice

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    Ahh i see. Cool idea. Ill try to find that sticker. Unless he already has IA...
  8. Pimp-Juice

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    Fi? That mean your just puttin stickers on it? if so i got a spare Incriminator sticker somewhere, just gotta find it. Your more then welcome to it.
  9. Pimp-Juice

    The Random Funny Picture Thread

    Lmao i agree bro! Ive been trying to find pics to put onhere sence i found this thread!
  10. Pimp-Juice

    The Random Funny Picture Thread

    For any other gamers here...
  11. Pimp-Juice

    The Random Funny Picture Thread

    Why did this thread die? We have to bring it back! This is some funny shit!
  12. Pimp-Juice

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    6 foot 7 foot and a milli by lil wayne thump pretty good for me. Im tuned to 32 tho. Give em a try.
  13. Pimp-Juice


    Welcome! Ive only been a member here for a short time and ive learned quite a few things. I know you will too.
  14. Pimp-Juice

    Battery or Alternator?

    I can say first hand how much the big 3 will help. I did it 2 weeks ago, before i did it, my truck would cut off at a redlight if i didnt turn the radio down, my volt meter would actually drop to nothing. and my bright lights would look like dims when the subs hit. Now, after the big three, my lights barely dim at all. even at redlights.
  15. Pimp-Juice

    Please help!

    Hey there! I need serious help building a ported box. Ive never had, nor built a ported box and i want to see for myself what the difference is. Ive tried every different box calculator i can find, but im sad to say there a little too complicated for me to understand. Im a rookie when it comes to car audio specs. Im a pro at listening tho lol. I want to learn more, a lot more, but everyone close to me dont want to teach, they want to charge. i could easily build a sealed box, but i really want to port my subs. I have 2 lethal injection 12's. I need 4 cubes, 60 square inches of port and i want it tuned at about 32hz. Space is not an issue. I took the back seat out of my ram. I want the subs on the end, and the port in the center. Any advice, or tips or anything that might be of any help is greatly appreciated.
  16. Pimp-Juice

    Please help!

    Cookbook? Are you pullin my leg?
  17. Pimp-Juice

    Please help!

    I want the whys, hows and any other info i can get!
  18. Pimp-Juice

    Please help!

    30"w 20"h 15-20"d In all honesty, the only demension i have a prefrence too is height. no higher then 20" Speaker displacement is .13 each. Thank you for the design! knowing the displacement, do you think you can make it have 2 common port walls?
  19. Pimp-Juice

    Rick's build log

    I wish i woulda known about gcons and zcons before i bought my subs...
  20. Pimp-Juice

    Box building help

    Why do you ask?
  21. Pimp-Juice

    Box building help

    I know this is a dumb question, ive never claimed to be smart. When it comes to subs ive always been a pay and play kinda guy. I want to learn more about car audio and how to do all of it. So ive recently started building sealed boxes. The three ive built turned out really good in my opinion. The problem I have now is, im building a box for myself and i want to port it. I have 2 LI 12's. Any advice anyone could or would give is greatly appreciated. The specs for an LI 12 is on average 2.00 cubes, 30 inches of port and tuned to 28-35. My question is, for 2, do i build the box at 4.00, 60 inches of port and tuned to 56-70 Ive never built a box to spec, but i want these to be the best they can be. Again, im sorry for the long spill and dumb question.
  22. Pimp-Juice

    Hey there from central Alabama

    Thank yall very much! BigGuy, what kinda subs you got?
  23. Pimp-Juice

    Hey there from central Alabama

    Hello! Ive been a member for a couple of days, just been trying to get help with a box. I like it here, ive seen some cool shit and some cool people. I plan on sticking around for a while. My name is Adam, im 23 and i drive an 07 Dodge Ram 1500. I currently have 2 Incriminator Audio Lethal Injection 12's. If i had the money, id have 6 12's lol but anyway, Hey there!