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Everything posted by shizzzon

  1. shizzzon

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    u know if this doesn't work... my head's gonna fall off.
  2. shizzzon

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    your rca cables... Unplug them and run another source to your amp like an ipod or computer. See if it plays then.
  3. shizzzon

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    did u meter each coil when the wire was disconnected?
  4. shizzzon

    low voltage!!

    run a single run of 1/0 or larger ground wire from ground post on alt or front battery to rear battery bank.
  5. shizzzon

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    That's their call...
  6. shizzzon

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    u need to whip it out and probe it. Let me know how it goes. Or.. a more simple approach- Get a digital multimeter. Set meter to ohms. unhook all speaker wires from sub. probe EACH set of terminals on sub and see what readings are. If one side either reads nothing or constantly bounces around with crazy variances.. your sub is damaged.
  7. shizzzon

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    you need to measure dcr with dmm then.
  8. shizzzon

    Something is wrong, Help me please

    it's the sub. Get a multimeter and measure ohm value on each coil... But more importantly, take sub out of box first and look at it if you do nto have a meter. Is the tinsel leads burnt or snapped off? Is the spider burnt? Press down on the cone evenly distributed from above and see if you hear any scratching or scraping.
  9. shizzzon

    box build tuned to 37 Hz

    its 4 to X's? No pics? Wat r we suppose two bee waiting four?
  10. last i heard the AQX line was discontinued.
  11. shizzzon

    I have no clue, just lost a coil

    this is the first i've ever heard of this timeframe. This will be informative for some locals.
  12. shizzzon

    I have no clue, just lost a coil

    the glue dries from the FUMES of the activator, the FUMES, not the spray itself. Very sensitive.
  13. shizzzon

    I have no clue, just lost a coil

    curious as to why u have to wait.... If you are using activator, which u should be, we competitors, have reconed subs from the time we tear them out til the glue dries on a new recone in less than 20min back in the lanes playing like new... because it is. Once activator is set.. you're done.. the end. Spray spray..... DONE. However long it took you to read the last sentence.. that's how long it took for the glue to dry.
  14. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    he's messin with me. This NEW build will not take place here. When it's near completion, a new thread will be made and pics galore will be posted.
  15. shizzzon

    100.4 blowing fuses

    if it's internal, then it needs service. Take multimeter and put 1 probe on power cable terminal and take other probe and touch it to ground. When set to ohms, if it starts beeping or reading at or right around 0.. something is shorted out, not the amps fault...yet.
  16. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    this thread isn't..
  17. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    this isn't how it's gonna look, i was just gettin an idea of what space i had to work with-
  18. shizzzon

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    well, even though i am not there but have a say in it since i do sell these meters.. There was a flaw.... The firmware being used on the meter was actually set wrong. I am not here to embarass anybody but point made is previous accusations of past scores were wrong, let's leave it at that. Point being... we as fellow car audio enthusiasts who especially compete do and will not tune as low as u kryptonitewhite, so the scores presented by teamramrod or anybody else in the future will typically not compete wth your setups. Your setups are obviously to help you learn and others together. Your scores are remarkable but unfortunately, car audio competitiveness is at a different level altogether. This whole debate is a nuisance and hopefully this post resolves it.
  19. shizzzon

    Feeler : big aeroports - urgent question

    i can probably say pvc would be better. I've came across form tubes here that vary as much as 0.75" (~18mm) for the same rated size. That's unacceptable.
  20. shizzzon


    at first i didnt want to click the thread because i thought it was rated G, lol...
  21. shizzzon

    so i got my bl in but it sounds messed up...

    a charger for daily use isn't going to be used often... but when it's needed.. it's either use one u own, or remove the battery out of the car every time and take it to auto zone and pick it up the next day.... Now, for less than $100, convenience wins here in my opinion.
  22. shizzzon

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    bout as many as a serial rapist
  23. shizzzon

    so i got my bl in but it sounds messed up...

    do NOT EVER use regular battery charger on AGM batteries and yes Kinetik is AGM.
  24. shizzzon

    so i got my bl in but it sounds messed up...

    the only time that's likely is if one or more batts in the vehicle has a bad cell. So.. regardless of what you find out soon, be prepared on buying a new battery AND charger.
  25. shizzzon

    so i got my bl in but it sounds messed up...

    uh oh.. maybe one of the coils is damaged.. Don't freak yet. Disconnect ALL wiring on the sub so u have access to each terminal independently. Measure ohm vaule at each terminal and tell me what u get.