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Everything posted by shizzzon

  1. shizzzon

    Four BTL 15 N2s, three different cutouts

    i have received subs before where the outer diameter was smaller than stated even with rubber gasket around it but never paid attention to cutout hole tolerances... Going from 13.75 to 14.125 is 3\8" difference, fairly measurable.
  2. shizzzon

    the car audio experts at best buy

    i am going to try and remove my engine next weekend and have it rebuilt out of ABS plastic... I'll have secondskin coat it in their firewall protector so it doesn't melt. That should save me some weight.
  3. people like that make me wonder if it's stolen....
  4. word of advice, even if they show a pic, or hell, even a video of them measuring rest voltage on a battery, that doesn't mean it's good! If i were selling a battery and i made a video of me showing you the battery is resting at 12.8v, that doesn't mean much. Put a load on the batt and it won't even be able to turn on your headlights if it's damaged bad enough. It's best to do these tests in person and if the seller refuses, then obviously they are trying to scam you.
  5. do u have a load tester? The basic ones are very cheap and a good tool to have too. I would measure voltage, load test for ~3seconds then measure voltage again.
  6. shizzzon

    the car audio experts at best buy

    all i did was take some keys off my key ring.. i can tell my car starts faster and can accelerate faster too with all the weight i saved from those keys.
  7. shizzzon

    The Difference..

    dude! now we are going to start having random fake UFO videos all over the US when in reality.. it's FI hard parts... No.. It wasn't a weather balloon this time, it was a baked N2 motor... That will keep the public baffled for a few months.
  8. shizzzon

    Best Bass Scare Songs

    Unaltered- Twiztid-Bobby. They don't care if i host there stuff so if u cant find it.. it's great. Basically the first 2 minutes is rock over and over and then it stops and calms down... then it gows ballistic for a few seconds then the song is over like 20seconds after that.
  9. shizzzon

    Is a Db a Db?

    this is a must for those who are willing to do it... The vehicle is now the box... Would you want your box to be visibly flexin and floppin all the time? lol of course not. Do any of these to a daily driver though and it will not be fun...
  10. shizzzon

    158.1 on music Team Sundown Russia

    Yea, I seen this video few days ago. What's interesting is when the song goes into that solid tone and he doesn't hold back the volume for that long... those subs are loving it!
  11. shizzzon

    Is a Db a Db?

    i guess unless you give us an EXACT example of something you witnessed.. we can keep stating what we are saying... And even then.. i'm going to say i'm probably going to say the same thing no matter what your example is. Fact is this- You are using your ear... IF you had a meter with the graph right in front of you, you will see what you are hearing.. THEN we can talk about that... Otherwise, I think you need to reword what you are saying or you may never catch on to what we are saying.
  12. shizzzon

    Is a Db a Db?

    Um.. same thing i said earlier... 2 different sets of speakers are playing or should i say peaking at different frequencies.
  13. shizzzon

    Is a Db a Db?

    the answer is frequency... Frequency has drastic differences even if all frequencies produce the same dB.
  14. shizzzon

    Why is my carpet wet?

    Yea.. hell, smelling antifreeze to me is as easy as being able to smell gas when driving past a gas station. Hell, i can smell antifreeze running thru my hoses in my car whenever i pop the hood when it's still running. Not while i'm standing up but if i bend down, it's easily noticeable.
  15. shizzzon

    RLP modified tracks

    Tear Da Club Up is @26hz right now.
  16. I can slow them down and enhance them. I was given advise to really only slow down songs that desperately need it if you really want to enjoy the song. so the majority i do now are either not slowed or slightly slowed. I also like to take many songs and add custom bass lines in them. This method takes several hours but i have a long list of songs available here i've done that way too. Look for Jay-C76 too.. He's learned how to do it with the same software I use. I need to get some of his songs too so we can both share.
  17. well.. there are 2 kinds of clipping when doin music like this. 1- audible clipping 2- measurable clipping I can always remove measurable clipping so it doesn't put excessive wear on the equipment but audible clipping is tricky. Audible clipping is subjective too.... My tastes may be different than others.... Of course my goal isn't to make every song sound like all out heavy metal, grunge, distortion, etc.... but if i complete a song.. then to me, it sounds fine when played in a bass-heavy install. I have listened to the music i have in car audio, home theater and bass-heavy headphones so i have 3 different environments i know what to expect..
  18. ah Ha! here you guys go, get THIS VERSION- http://www.box.net/shared/4vu9mcizr9lc6q9fhl3n
  19. Thanks man! EDIT: Thanks but MAJOR clipping. Damnit! you are right.. i forget to fix that.. let me fix it, thanks...
  20. here you go, let me know if it's like u wanted... http://www.box.net/shared/35ad81ijj49ltrzptdqi
  21. ok it's done, give me a few minutes for the link
  22. i dont have it but just listened to it on youtube. It's just boosted... I'll make it myself and see if you like it.
  23. shizzzon

    BladeICE.com Teaser Screen Shot

    BladeICE is me?!?! Unfortunately, i cannot take credit for this one...
  24. shizzzon

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    either that or you have a stalker, lol
  25. was it wired at 1 ohm because i'm pretty sure those amps are only 2ohm stable.