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Everything posted by shizzzon

  1. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    aHA! I need either SPAX or SharX screws for the baffle. I know the SPAX screws are Grade 5 steel but the SharX doesn't say. Anyways, both are made for hardwood applications specifically for power drivers and lots of vibration exhibitions and extreme holding power. The threads on the screws have TEETH on them!
  2. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    yea, my phone died.. I won't know for sure what's feasible until i get dimensions.
  3. shizzzon

    6 15"s 4th order bandpass, redumb loud.

    huh.. no DDs? Those amps must be wired at 1ohm..
  4. shizzzon

    Bassing in Hurricane Isaac(8k custom 18's)

    You might want to move out of that area by tonight just in case. Here is a word from one of the News reporters that just "caught wind" of this storm recently. This is what he had to say-
  5. shizzzon

    So, I heard Skar can handle some power...

    Audio. Pictures are 1000 words.
  6. shizzzon


    motorcycles have generators on the flywheel. better be at 150 level if u do this build.
  7. shizzzon

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    Damnit! Why didnt you guys tell me about the 700s before i bought these last year! bigger motor and twice the power handling.. Hell, i'm listening to gcons on my ears right now.. I WANT ZCON HEADPHONE POTENTIAL!
  8. shizzzon

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    oh, well then go to bestbuy and buy these- Sony MDR-XB500 They should be under $80. Specifically geared toward reproducing ridiculous amounts of bass. We tested them on test tones and could audibly hear down to NINE, yes, 9 HZ before it started going mechanical. They are beefy as hell but worth it.
  9. shizzzon

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    I can tell your version has a sharper emphasis on the frequency itself rather than a blend like the one i did. We have different output goals, hehe.
  10. shizzzon

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    How would that sound any better? unless you want some home theater bass... Stock peaks are 3147hz
  11. shizzzon

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    Yea, some songs do sound good slowed, i just wanted to point out it's not the only way to go about it if u wish you didn't have to.
  12. shizzzon

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    Here is link- https://www.box.com/s/e8bb9b572e3213568497
  13. shizzzon

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    yea, it's raw format saving so it's not degrading the quality.. Only thing that could possibly degrade is the processing itself(eqing, etc...) but that's why we do it, hehe. IF you want, i will post up a song i did so u can see how realistic it sounds.. Lil Jon - I don't give a F*ck. gimme just a moment. If you remember, this song peaks around 50hz, mine peaks in the mid 30s.
  14. shizzzon

    Kangaroux's Remixes

  15. shizzzon

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    Divide your work into 2 sections. You need to attack the LOWS.. not the highs. X-over the Low band between 48-96db around 100-175hz dependent upon possible peaks in that range and their amplitude. X-over the High band between 48-96db(must be same as Low band and Hz too). Export High Band as a single .WAV file unaltered. Export Low Band as a single .WAV file. Now, Change Pitch of the Low band negatively. This will give the sense of slowing down the bass by lowering it's peaks without changing it's speed. Add all other necessary Processing afterwards as intended. Now resave. Now, using whatever software you gave, Open both WAV files and MIX them together then resave as .WAV Now, reopen in Audacity and Execute HARD LIMITER at Value -0.1dB Go through and listen for any audible distortion. If any exists, it's because your LOW.wav file has too much information in it and needs to be attenuated. IF you feel this is unacceptable, then attenuate the entire HIGH.WAV file and remix the files together. This will give the LOW.WAV file more headroom for bass.
  16. shizzzon

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    no no.. not "rebassing" i'm assuming you mean adding your own lines? I'm talking about using what is already in the recording and simply altering it, like you do with slowing down songs, but not the whole frequency range.. Just part of it. I use a multitude of software as Audacity can only do some stuff.. I stopped hosting songs once i started doing this.. I'll let you hear some of it sometime later. I'm gonna be busy for next several days.
  17. shizzzon

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    33, 41 and 55 Hz. track has 0.3db of clipping. Nothing to worry about, just letting you know. Also, try to alter your basslines without slowing the song down. It's more enjoyable,
  18. shizzzon

    hey guys

    HE LIVES!!!!!!!
  19. shizzzon

    Should I be worried?

    Then just call Paypal and see what they say. As long as he didn't gift you the payment.. so far, everything is legal.
  20. shizzzon

    Should I be worried?

    Invisible font but i see the message.. From my understanding, if the funds show up in your bank account, Paypal would have no way to reverse the transaction so if that's true, then at least you got the money.
  21. shizzzon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Keep it up Stefan! Your healthy goal seems to be working.
  22. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

    the unit is taken out of context. A build could take days, weeks, months, years... Jiffy lube takes seconds, minutes, hours. I could say, " your car will be ready in 0 days." Although by itself sounds stupid, but used as a range of measure, 0-whenever, is more appropriate. As what chuck said, the most degree of research of the smallest thing... I'll debate you over debating about debating the context of the unit. In the end.. if i were to lose.. I'll just say God did it because i don't know, lmao...
  23. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

    Yes it is! That would mean as early as today possibly.
  24. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Where has chop been at? Ramrod been at? Mac n cheese been at? Mikeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee been at? Where is everybody at? They just stopped posting... unless.... Hmm.... Are these people doing a 195db build? hehe.