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Everything posted by shizzzon

  1. shizzzon

    Understanding/dealing with cabin gain

    When i did testing with my meter in my car, every position i tested(24 different) except for one was it louder on the mic with windows down. The position that was actually louder with everything sealed up and shut was subs forward\port forward.
  2. shizzzon

    lil problem startin to piss me off

    go to Stinger's website. I believe they have a device used to fix that. If they don't, just search on a car audio site for anti-thump or thump delay or turn off delay.
  3. shizzzon

    Fi SSD 15 in the Home Theater

    the box really is recommended to be around 20cubes! Jesus! For port- you can use 2 6" inner diameter ports 21.6" long per port. Or, you can use 56.5sq in of port.
  4. shizzzon

    Need Help Getting A Box Built For 03 Civic Ex coupe

    Well, lookin at your box specs- Tell whoever is doin the box for ya to tune it at 32hz and use at least 42sqin of port but do not allow the port to take up more than 0.8 cubes of displacement. That box internally is 4cuft gross. I don't think that 15 is recommended to be put in a box smaller than 3 NET
  5. You are WAY WRONG!!! It takes 29 seconds... God! get it right people!
  6. shizzzon

    Need Help Getting A Box Built For 03 Civic Ex coupe

    Ok, if you like low bass, tune in between 30-32hz. If you like hard hittin bass with a little less destructive low bass, tune between 34-37hz(the higher you go, the less low end response). cuft per sub- You have a box, let's say it's 6 cu. ft externally measured. Internally, it's a whole different story. Internally, it may only be 5.5cuft. But then you must subtract the volume that the sub displaces. This may bring it down to 5.3 cuft. Now you must subtract the volume that the port takes up. That may be 1 whole cuft. So now you would be at 4.3 cuft internal but 6 cuft external. In that example, 6 cuft is known as the external dimensions. 5.5 cuft is known as the GROSS internal volume. 4.3 cuft is known as the NET internal volume. If you ever seen anyone mention GROSS or NET, 99.9% of the time they are referring to INTERNAL dimensions. Gross is before sub and port displacement. Net is after all displacements have been subtracted from Gross. Separate or common chamber- For you, you will NOT have separate. But the difference is this- Let's say you wanted to run 4 subs. You could do a separate chambered box- Each sub has it's own enclosed space... Or you could do a common chambered box- All subs share the same enclosed space... Pros to common chamber - highly less potential to inaccurately calculate box measurements which could throw off tuning of the other subs(separate chamber has this possibility a lot more), gain more internal volume. Cons to common chamber - more bracing is needed and if one sub fails, the remaining subs are now forced to play in a larger enclosure because one sub is not displacing part of the volume inside the box anymore causing the other subs to mechanically become more stressed. This is not a problem if you know what you are doing though.
  7. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    You guys are gonna have to bear with me... As some of you may know, i'm still fighting this damn abdominal pain issue that nobody as of yet knows what's wrong. I go to the hospital for an upper GI next week and a consultation the next day to discuss the possibility of cancer in my system. They are gonna check something real quick to determine if they feel something may need to be tested for cancer... but it's just a thought, not nothing yet. So with all the good news up ahead... when i am briefly feeling fine, that's when i try to haul ass and get things done. Let's see... what is coming in? I won't post pics unless I take them myself. Hmm.. what was it that i ordered... Someone sent me an email saying that they have a total of 57lbs of amplifier power coming to me... We won't know what that is til next week Oh, and the same email also stated that 100 lbs of subwoofers are on their way too. Must be a surprise! But what good is bass without some upgraded mids and components... Well, haven't ordered components yet but the rear speaker area sure is gonna know the difference when this guy's package from Montana gets here. Nothing looks better than an ID does it? Hmm... how does one ground all of this equipment? I don't know if pure copper\silver finish with Quad 1/0 awg means anything for a ground but we'll see. Forget ground, how does that 1 3/0 wire feed everything in the rear? I think i may have forgotten... or will I have remembered once all 2/0 awg cable is ran from 3 additional batteries? I think i might remember that. Well, you will never see this but the 110 lbs of sound deadening will be hidden underneath all of this, Thanks to SecondSkin!
  8. shizzzon

    Box output question

    a sub in it's maximum recommended sealed enclosure does just fine off of max rms rated power. IF you got more power than what's recommended, put the sub in a smaller box to control excursion, it does not control thermal limits. So, even though you are using sealed box, 2 of them would be recommended for that amount of power. Taken from their website- Optimal Car: 0.5 cu ft net volume sealed Acceptable: 0.2 - 0.65 cu ft net volume sealed See? You can go all the way down to 0.2 per sub(do a common chamber) and run that amp to them and you'll be set. The cost of building this box is nothing! You could prob build 3 sealed boxes with 1 sheet of MDF. IF you just so happen to not like the outcome, build another one for just 1 sub.... or build a sealed box for both subs but only hook up one and use the other as a passive radiator. I'm pretty sure that's possible.
  9. shizzzon

    Box output question

    Well, for one, dont run that amp full tilt to 1 of those 8s, hehe. Ok, now to ur question- Don't run 2 ported in that size. Either 1 ported or 2 sealed i can see happening. If you run both ported, it will be VERY hard to reproduce low end response like they may be meant for. If you want some loud boom, i'd say do 1 ported. IF you want some nice smooth sound with some higher up boom boom, go sealed.
  10. shizzzon

    Recieved my MLI-65s.... PICTCHAS!

    For being 16 u sure do have a lot of $$$ equipment.
  11. So, i've been sound deadening for weeks... honestly. The weather changes everyday. Well anyways, i'm pretty close to being done with my Scion tC. For kicks, i show people just how much this stuff works. I have been applying 3 layers of Damplifier everywhere. When i applied it to the walls in the back seat area, i would go outside of the car and bang on the car, super stiff! No resonation or hollow sounds at all! I am now working on the rear hatch walls. I had got done doing the driver's side and banged on it from the outside and stiff as can be. I just got done with the passenger side wall today and when i went outside to bang on it... it sounds like i havent even put any on it! So i stuck my hand WAY up in there and found a section, probably 8" tall by 16" long that was bare. I took 3 more sheets cut to that size and filled that bare spot up. I then retested the bang method and same result, very hollowish and resonating like crazy from the outside. The problem here is my port is going to be firing directly on this wall for 4kw of power! Anyone ever experience this before? I pushed my body weight against the car as much as i could then started banging on it again and it seemed to help alot but man!, how many more layers does this wall need? 3 layers and nothing so far.
  12. shizzzon

    loudest daily driver with atomic 5000.1

    You are gonna have to tell us the maximum external dimensions a box can take up or else we will start throwin ideas that may not fit... Such as 10 Audioque 15" SD2.5s...
  13. shizzzon

    Buss Bars

    alright cool man, now you just made me use it
  14. shizzzon

    Buss Bars

    I think i wanna run a buss bar only across the ground terminals of 3 batts in the rear of my vehicle. I can't safely run one for both power and ground if you are wondering. Anyway, the reason why i would want to run one for ground is so i can just run all 3 of my amps ground out to the batt's ground buss bar. This way i can run multi runs of ground wires off of the buss bar, let's say 2 runs of 1/0 off the left and 2 runs of 1/0 off the right. Where exactly do i go to get one and how do i know if it's thick enough... if it'll fit on my batts, etc... they are for kinetiks so i know i can take the posts out of the batt to bolt it back down. I found a site that was selling a 2ft long buss bar for $56... really need about 3.5ft but 3ft will do. So, what do i do?
  15. shizzzon

    Buss Bars

    alrighty. interesting info. I guess this goes on the same basis as anti-corrosion spray for battery terminals correct? Speaking of that, can i use that to put on all my battery terminals or should i just get the typical spray from Auto Zone?
  16. shizzzon

    Buss Bars

    ok, i'm gonna get silver plated 1\4" copper bar. I put this grease on every hole i insert a bolt through and i also paint it... for me enough times so it becomes non conductive on the outside for safety reasons. If i order too much and need to cut some off, i paint the part that is cut off. That grease is a little $$$ but i can do it. $30 for 3oz!
  17. how much are they gonna be? Are they gonna sound good? Is there a presale? Haha, Finally, Denim is the winner! I was waiting for someone to do that before 1 post turned into 5 pages in 3 hrs of the same 5 questions.
  18. shizzzon

    Buss Bars

    oh and bigjon, i might just end up doing what u did just for the positive side. I might just do that but still buss bar the ground because for my app, it would help me a LOT. I got 1 3/0 ran from front to rear. Then 1/0 to each batt and 1/0 to each amp. that little 12v safety block i always talk about on here from cadence... Well i dragged it out of the closet to look at it since i havent used it in years. It's got 1 1/0 in but 2 4awg out ONLY!, no 1.0 out?!?! ahhhh!! Since it's circuit controlled, i cant' run it backwards so unless i run 1/0 out from batt to fuse holder to 2 4awg in distro block to 1/0 out into amp.. i can't use the block.... That is so much freakin convertin, i might just not use it at all.. Hell NONE OF YOU ALL USE IT, hehe, i should get by without it.... HOPEFULLY. I won't be gettin my 300a alt for a few weeks from now.
  19. shizzzon

    Buss Bars

    "If" i had to cut the length shorter for whatever reason, what's the purpose of coating the ends? I'm assuming when i go to drill the holes out i need i dont have to treat it with anything there do i? And i was thinking about the paint idea. Spray paint or actual paintbrush paint? I can check conductivity with multimeter to ensure correct thickness applied, i'm just curious as to which paint method is faster that can get the job done. OH and while i'm typing, check this out and let me know what u think- There is JUST enough room for me to run 3 HC1400s in my car. They set in the back of the car, next to rear bumper. They are all turned sideways like a gigantic long wall of batts. So, you know that looking on top from left to right, the + and - terminals are perfectly in line with each other . This is what i have proposed- Using side post terminals on the ground and running buss bar that way. For the power terminal post, i was trying to find a way to raise the post higher than the ground so i can elevate a power bar across the ground, see what i am saying? I am looking at these, i assume these would work, right? I need to use a small length ground post and a post on the + that can elevate it higher than the ground's top post... I was thinking of using the small top piece as the ground's post to hold the side post in and the larger piece as the positive post to elevate high then run the buss bar on it and secure it with the top small piece. I might have to contact Kinetik about this to see if the small piece will even fit in the batt with the side post, it may not even be long enough to hold the side post terminal in place.
  20. shizzzon

    Buss Bars

    that's basically it? I just got done readin somethin and found a good supplier They sell 1\4" thick silver plated but full copper source in practically any length. I'm "assuming" 1\4" thick is good for 500A, wouldnt see why it wouldnt be. I'm still seeing if i can find a way to run both power and ground bars but i know i can do ground.
  21. i'm fully aware of that, i've been around the comp scene for a while. These subs can't take 5kw a piece for daily.
  22. For general purposes- is 3 10s in their largest recommended ported box going to be "potentially" louder than 2 12s in their smallest recommended ported box? Power comparison- 10s would receive maximum recommended rms, 12s would receive double recommended but small box would control movement better. I've kinda asked this question many different ways but i am now in a hurry and need to know from u guys who have had experience with just enough volume and just right volume and so on... I am leaning towards the 3 10s just because i fear a just enough volume for 12s would lack low bass even if power is doubled.... It's my opinion so i am looking for facts before i place the wrong order.
  23. talkn to someone else right now. He says he has 2 of the AQs in only 3.6 running off of 10Kwrms worth of amps but gain is turned way down. He said he has them tuned to 33hz and drop nicely so i might just have to tune a lil lower to prevent losing low end.
  24. I own 2 of their 15s, they can take 3kwrms briefly, 2kw all day long. Their suspension system is different than other drivers. 38-40hz is the lowest recommended tuning. Anything lower, and you start to lose out of the highs. Their statements just like my experience with their 15s, tuning like that, in the right box, can drop as low as the high 20s and reach upwards to the 70s before rolloff. The lower you tune, the longer the port, but the smaller port area can be. Turbulence increases with higher tuning... as well as smaller port area but if port area is already large enough, tuning lower can use smaller port area. I wish not to tune lower unless i went with 10s. If i went with 10s, i's prob tune between 33-35hz. If u think i should go with 10s, i've been thinkin about the RE SXs. Why? because i was told a while back that the T/S parameters of the BLs are shown AFTER break in. Where the resonance frequency is of the 10" BL, that's right around where i like it loud at and i'm pretty sure there will be a slight drop in output in that area.. especially since my Fs of my car is in that area as well... RE SXs are in the low 30s.
  25. i know what u mean 100% but i am getting mixed answers and it's giving me a headache! I've been trying to decide this myself for almost a month and gave up because my head was hurting too much. I, personally believe 3 10s would have more potential. 3 10s being thought of is 3 Fi BLs or 3 RE SXs. 2 12s being though of is 2 Audioque 12HDC3s. Here is the dilemma- There website states they can work in 2.5cubes gross per driver... Well, i have exactly 5 cubes gross. I talk on the phone with DJ, the owner, he tells me they need to be in 4.6 cubes after sub displacement but then i have to add room for port.... Confusing because that's not what it says online. He then told me with the power i plan on running, it's an iffy decision if it will hit the lows well or not... That's the main problem. There was one guy who has his in 4 cubes NET, mine will be in 3.75 NET if i went with them. They suggest tuning to 40hz and will drop down to 30hz fine. He says his is tuned to 40 and starts to roll off around 33hz. I just don't wanna make a mistake. If you think it's a win win either route then it doesnt matter what i choose but if u were in my shoes, what sounds better to the mind?