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Everything posted by shizzzon

  1. There are 2 drivers in each side wall that would acoustically, i assume, act as port length. So, if that's true, does leaving just the opening in the back act as length of the side walls which is ~25" long? also, i've never had the time to question these types of designs but does anyone have anything negative to say about drivers in the side wall like that? I've seen pretty much all different kinds of setups throughout the years and this particular one is not new either. I just don't understand what actually is going on when the front wave of these side wall drivers interacts with the port(2nd question).
  2. Unless I comprehended it wrong, the beginning of the ethos thread said bottom of Top plate 11". So I factored in 11.5" to be safe. I thought the motor was the same width.
  3. I have already drawn out the 3d design for that pic. What u see is just the front half of the wall. The side subs are 4" away from touching the front motor subs. The side subs motor sticks in front of the front motor subs by 2 of its ~11.5" wide motor. I get roughly 9cuft net on each side for the 15s. If I leave the port opening as is with no back length, I can easily gain another 10cuft net. The openings inside the wall that are on the left and right of the port are 38" high x 17" wide. That should be big enough for the rear volume to be included in the overall net volume
  4. shizzzon

    doubled my port area

    Please use square inches rather than ft. that gets confusing. It will definitely be louder if your internal volume is still the same and the fact your tuning went up.
  5. i've also seen 4th order BP tunnels where everything is firing at each other but do well.. Trying to understand how to calculate so i can build or at LEAST design it right.
  6. shizzzon

    Ethos 12 and 15 pre order

    That weight is still fine. I can drop to 8 15s which is still ridiculous. And no bandpass for me.. just a wall of ridiculousness.
  7. shizzzon

    Ethos 12 and 15 pre order

    sorry, yea, i have been studying 15s all night and forgot to say it, lol. I'm assuming you do not know the overall weight of these drivers until you get them in do you?
  8. shizzzon

    Ethos 12 and 15 pre order

    Thanks. About the weight, i am comfortable with up to 600lbs of driver for 8 subs, or 500lbs for 10 subs. I planned on running a 5500d PER TWO so thermally, i doubt i'll have an issue. I planned on running on the small side, 3cuft per as i do not like peaking too high in the lower end of the frequency range.
  9. shizzzon

    Ethos 12 and 15 pre order

    I am sitting on a design for my vehicle and need to know a few things- What is the estimated deadline for the preorder pricing? If i plan on purchasing 8-10 of them, will i be guaranteed stock? Since this is your first time around the speaker scene, what can you tell me should i expect ABUSE-WISE out of these? I have played with a few brands and none have failed me thermally(carefully monitored) and mechanically, most drivers i've used resist bottoming out. Am\are I\we to assume these Ethos drivers are going to handle plenty of abuse when used for competition? I just don't want to drop a lot of money on something that is super-new and then a month later needs a couple recones. Note- i have never needed a recone on any sub(s) i was using in competition so i don't go through subs like that.
  10. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I am in the process of designing multple potential builds in 3d design to determine what can and can't fit.. What i am modeling now is somewhat insane but if i can find the right angles to make it fit and still maintain volume.. i may die of happiness.
  11. Since you liked Flosstradamus, look up some Baauer. IE- Buble Rap, Purebread, Harlem Shake
  12. Look up DEAF and Crowd CTRL from Flosstradamus.
  13. shizzzon

    Team Fi Subs Release Date

    From what i was told, there is no ETA right now but hopefully in SEVERAL weeks. But again, there is no guarantee on any ETA.
  14. shizzzon

    Im not to happy right now.....

    That doesn't matter.. What matters is how it was used. Most of us run our amps daily like that, but not at full tilt all crazy.
  15. shizzzon

    Im not to happy right now.....

    I guess I gotta be the 1st person to say this... Karma has caught up to you getting all those insane craigslist deals.
  16. shizzzon

    Happy belated Birthday Shizzzon/Sean

    Woohoo! Thanks guys! I'll be taking nadcicle's recommendation soon to upload the entire flash drive collection online.. Only thing i'm trying to figure out is how i can offer the login info privately since there are so many of you.
  17. shizzzon

    Happy Birthday Shogen and Shizzzon!!!

    We will.. just not together,
  18. shizzzon

    Happy Birthday Shogen and Shizzzon!!!

    Woohoo! Just got home. Thanks.
  19. shizzzon

    Slamology 2013 Homeowners Association Compaint

    Like someone mentioned earlier, if this was a complaint done on Friday, then it makes perfect sense.. The Friday location was in the same field area as homes were.. They were not far from all the competitors there.. Not to mention the CAMPGROUND was in the same area as the homes and we can only imagine some people having some fun here n there.
  20. shizzzon

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    So.. u want me to show you my privates so you can feel better? Ok.. I guess I will. Where do I get all that free space nadcicle?
  21. For 4/0 terminals.. what provides a better, long lasting connection for what it's worth? There is a big price difference here and i'm fine with buying a hydraulic crimper but i hear that a hammer crimper is just fine. But how fine is it? I will probably be crimping around 250 terminals. What is the more logical choice between the two to purchase?
  22. shizzzon

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    The more Megapixels, the better resolution.. but it depends what Megapixel measurement you are talking about.. Most cheaper cameras have their MP rated as MAX rather than Native. If you do not know the native MP rating of a camera, then you cannot compare that spec with another camera.
  23. shizzzon

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    You mean to tell me you don't have one of those free 50GB box accounts? If not I can send you an invite. Just lemme know. No thank you. I don't host these.. There is a reason why Decaf doesn't either.