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Everything posted by shizzzon

  1. shizzzon

    The Roast a member thread

    I hope i get dawged for this one, lol ALL the 3500d pre-buyers who thought they were gettin a good deal until Sundown posted about a 4500d possibly coming next year just after all the hype about the 3500d..
  2. shizzzon

    Which game console to put in car?

    if u need any more info about this, let me know- For $30 of your money, you can spend to purchase the proper coded boot disc so you can play snes, gameboy\gameboy color, sega genesis, etc on the ps2 as well using the ps2 controllers. To play NES, you will need to purchase a separate $30 disc and to play Atari 2600 games, they all get loaded on your memory card because they are so small. If interested let me know. There is a work around sometimes on paying money for these discs by using a hack but it requires multiple disc swaps before u get to play a game and find it completely disturbing at times.
  3. I dont know if i'm askin this too early but since they are available now, what is the box requirements for all XCONs? Also, what is recommended tuning?
  4. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    pretty cool arent they? i had some of this material left over from a bathtub install kit. if i run out of this stuff, i hope i can find some more or something equivalent. i was originally gonna do Formica but after i cut the width down to 10", it became almost completely stiff, no more flex in it so i discarded that idea. i wanted somethin stiff yet flexible enough and very slick feeling. that is exactly what this material is and it's great. it's held onto the wood using contact cement, 2 coats worth. and that 3/4" all-thread is no joke! just running from side to side for that rear chamber strengthened the top and back wall even more!
  5. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    Ok here are the pics-
  6. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    You guys want to see the rounded corners??? Well, i'm about to apply the last corner tonight then take some pics of them. I will be rounding the upper corners as well but can't right now because i would have to build more of the box before that happens. Pics in just a few minutes so stay tuned!
  7. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    Got the bracing done for the rear chamber just now. I will go back later and lay down Liquid Nails and Silicone II around all the seams but i finally did get all the bracing done. I have to round those corners before i seal everything up and that's the secret you guys have been waitin to see... and me too, hehe. Here are some pics of the bracing- That is 3\16" steel and 3\4" all-thread held in by Lock washers and Nylon Poly lock Nuts Had to use a crescent wrench, an elongated wrench and a pipe wrench to properly tighten these nuts. But once they are tightened... WOW, this whole chamber is rock solid right now. If i blow on it, it will shatter, hehe
  8. shizzzon

    Fi Q 12" Ported enclosure design

    not really, as long as u have a program that u can understand and find port area and length, and have a skillsaw, jigsaw or router with circle jig, powered drill, saw horses or equivalent, titebond, liquid nails, silicon and plenty of bracing if needed.
  9. shizzzon

    Fi Q 12" Ported enclosure design

    besides the one u named, Audible Customs Thumpper and that one guy Peter Kulicki, the mastermind of loud, hehe. He doesnt have a forum here.
  10. shizzzon

    Fi Q 12" Ported enclosure design

    he hasnt before has he? I wouldnt trust local shop only because they may alter dimensions if they have their opinion about the design or charge ridiculous price if they have to built it to spec.
  11. shizzzon

    Fi Q 12" Ported enclosure design

    Hey, he sounds like me!, exactly like me! I use WinISD and AutoCAD as well. CAD is so perfect for drawing out a design in your vehicle then being able to fit things in the drawing so u know exactly how to put them. It's gonna be a nice design using that software.
  12. shizzzon

    Fi Q 12" Ported enclosure design

    he should be giving u NET volume. NET means everything is accounted for, all displacements. That's one thing the RE calculator cant do... is sub displacement. ALL box calculators volume calculation is done by NET only. I'm sure 1.8cuft he is telling u is NET, not half Gross, hehe, you also have port displacement too.
  13. shizzzon

    Fi Q 12" Ported enclosure design

    its been a long time ago since i "deboggled" the RE calculator but it is indeed wrong. There are things it doesnt account for and because of this, it's near impossible to properly calculate a proper box design.
  14. shizzzon

    wierd problem with my 100x4

    well, only 10yrs, definitely your fault now, You know what i'm gonna say... Gotta get ahold of Jacob, see if he can shed some light before making your shipping decisions.
  15. shizzzon

    wierd problem with my 100x4

    did u have the amp mounted to the box?
  16. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    OK guys, got some more anyway. If you remember the design i posted of how it should look when it's done, well i still wanted to get some more done today so i did! This wall has an extra chamber in the back of it for a lot more added volume. So, i built that chamber today to save some time. There will be a lot of bracing goin on in there. All-thread, steel maybe... oh and about the corners... You guys like 45s right? Well, i'm not gonna do 45s... I have had an idea on a corner design and i'm gonna attempt it with this new design. Rounded corners, very smooth material used... contact cement to hold it in place... heavily sealed around... i'll let the pics do the talkin when i get to that stage.. I'll keep it hush hush for right now
  17. shizzzon

    Two 10" SSD build

    yea! For those wondering what the hell those little long pieces of wood are, let me tell u... It's wood... Nah, hehe, actually they are "bump stops" for the port plug. IF you notice, some pics show a large port, others show a small one. Here is why- The smaller port utilizes those "bump stops" so he can slide the extra sheets of wood in for music and tune it LOW for daily. When going to a competition, he can pull the plug out and WALA, he now has his box tuned to where his car peaks at. We have tested his car previously to this build for a couple hrs before we found the perfect tuning and box direction for this type of variation. He has the best of both worlds with a simple, yet effective design.
  18. shizzzon

    Amp selection

    not personally but i do know that a single sdc2.5 can handle a single AQ1200d which is 1470wrms @1ohm. It all boils down to a completely clean signal. If you run a clipped signal to these with that kind of power, bye bye to those subs. You will get the utmost maximum potential with that kind of power but it must be clean clean clean, That's why i say, if u go with one of the first 2 choices, you can send a small to moderate clipped signal to each one every now and then and it "should" be alright. If you know what to sense before somethin bad happens then u will be ok.
  19. shizzzon

    3500D malfunction

    I've seen threads like this all the time and made one myself before as well. So.. before it happens... STOP. Try not to turn this thread into a large speculation conspiracy on what happened. This hurts a business's reputation and puts improper views on potential buyers and makes them think otherwise due to speculatory conversation. I know it sucks it happened but wait til Sundownz gives you the correct information on what happened. It doesn't look like your intentions were to create a large speculation thread and that's good but for those who are considering it, don't. In the end, it's a big waste of time and some viewers may take theories as fact posted in threads like that and create "false" rumors about a company. So... unless someone else has specifically had a problem like this, just wait. Also, we do want to know what settings you are talking about that were tweaked and everything bigjon said so we can get a glimpse of your installation and see if we can sense anything wrong.
  20. shizzzon

    Amp selection

    need more power than that. If you dont have access to an oscope, then i vote either of the 1st too but if u do have access to one and will setup the amp properly, i'd look into a 2000-2400w amp personally.
  21. shizzzon

    New Sundown owner!!!

    i've seen the internals of the 7kd and it looked like a kid built them... So, i'm not surprised one bit. also, if u bassrace and compared the two amps, i'm sure the Sundown would walk all over the 7kd and thats without hesitation.
  22. that amp may be overrated but not that much! stick with running a 1000w-1500w rated sub at 2 ohms and u should be fine.
  23. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    OK, I FINALLY got the floor secured, yea!!! Now i can start building the install. I did just realize though that i am not gonna get to far this weekend because i gotta wait til Monday to have my car retinted before i block the windows off, lol.
  24. sundown1500d-type R Kicker ZX2500.1-RESXs or 2 sundown 1200ds or AQ1200ds on RESXs
  25. shizzzon

    Advise on box design

    you dont want to run AQ subs sealed or they will sound bad.