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Everything posted by shizzzon

  1. Bazooka only makes 2 amps that are rated at 500w and BOTH are only 2 ohm stable. You better stop running it like that or you could damage it.
  2. shizzzon

    Foaming doors for spl competition

    i can always remove it. I am allowed to build out 0.75" from the door and leave the panel off so it is legal. I have been thinkin about doin that... just using a LOT of duct tape every time i install it so i don't have to clean up silicone every time.
  3. shizzzon

    Foaming doors for spl competition

    the subwoofers. I need it rigid, but within reason... This is my daily driver so i can't permanently do something to the door that would render normal functionality of the door useless.
  4. sounds like your power line is grounding somewhere. Take your dmm, set it for continuity, touch probe on power wire and other probe on negative battery terminal. If u get ~ 0 ohms, your power line is grounding out somewhere. If it's not, pull the amp out and put it on a bench power supply, the power supply in the amp could be damaged but hopefully unlikely.
  5. shizzzon

    Foaming doors for spl competition

    i guess u guys are implying that placing foam to the door without any back pressure(no chamber to fill) that it will basically do nothing? Is that what you guys are getting at?
  6. shizzzon

    Foaming doors for spl competition

    actually, spl sludge would be for my application but it's not marketed yet and i dont even know if i want any.
  7. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    on my bloody phone, i'll get them later.
  8. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    Just a heads up to those thinkin bout usin SPL Tiles- WEAR GLOVES. I am almost done putting on the first layer of spl tiles and my hands are bleeding everywhere from fine slices off the foil. Blood, sweat and tears is what adds dbz, keep it hush hush
  9. i dont think we've met before? That's an INSANE DB score for DB2.
  10. so.. sounds like they are trying to profit off people by promoting their products with ridiculous prices in hopes that people think higher is better... Their specs seemed mighty questionable from the get-go, was curious as to why the price was so boasted.
  11. this company must be new new new new because their about us doesnt even work yet. I'm assuming they are american based... but i'll just sit back and wait. Funny how the sponsoring program deducts an instant 50% savings from the retail price. That goes to show you how much money they plan on profiting...
  12. ebay claims they are spl subs, their website claims they are quality based subs. Oh and did u read- Lifetime Warranty
  13. shizzzon

    1K rms on SSD OK?

    gain is NOT a volume control. Secondly, if it's the PDX amp, u ned to be VERY careful. If it's the MRD amp, then you will be fine. I got a buddy that used to run 2 of them off a 2,000w amp properly tuned and they never got hot, we just had to monitor the movement as the box used was ported and built to maximum recommendation which was actually too much for the power we had so the subsonic filter had to be cranked way up to prevent bottoming out. You may not have that problem as long as the sealed box isn't too large.
  14. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    well, gotta start tunin the new wall i built a few weeks ago since my close competitor just pulled a 154.0 flat and i have yet to consistently break a 153 so it's time to up my game. I already got enough power.. can't use any more with my fusing so it's tuning and car modding time. I just got done doin a low volume pressure test with the passenger side door panel on, then off... I gained 0.1 db with the panel off as i've heard door panels absorb pressure so i might need to leave it off for competition. I am going to be SPL tiling the hell out of my passenger door soon. Here is the door before- I'll have a pic of it once it's deadened. I see several holes out the side of this door which are there for no apparent reasoning... They will be sealed! the holes on the bottom of the door must be left there to properly drain water from when it rains. I will be attempting to seal the door speaker in place too as this will also add bracing to the door. I tried to do a pressure test before and after removing the port plug.. but, hehe while trying the meter stand wouldnt sit still so i was getting inaccurate readings. The score did drop ~1.5db which may be expected because the tuning is "loose" right now but i need to bring this wall up to WAY over a 153.. hopefully over a 154 within the next 10 days. I'm gonna be busy.
  15. Forgot to post this up but there are 2 shows this weekend. first is at 450 butler drive Murfreesboro, TN @10am CST on 3-27-2010 second is at 1318 West Main Street Lebanon, TN @10am CST on 3-28-2010 I will be at both shows. If u wanna come out to play, the cost is only $25 to compete($20 for MECA members).
  16. The shows turned out pretty good, especially fools fest today. Me and phi placed 1st Saturday and 2nd Today, coincidentally. I just seen somethin kinda scary as soon as i got home, so luckily both me and Phi made it home safe, .... Just In Time! I just walked in the door and news crews are out on the same part of the interstate we just got done traveling on where a hummer slammed into a semi and caused a fatality instantly. the hummer is completely destroyed and the interstate is backed up for SEVERAL miles... Scary... Also, on the way down to the show, i thought i was seein things until i seen 2 shredded tires on the side of the road... next to the ROTOR that fell off of some semi. It was a pretty massive sized rotor too. Seems like we just got lucky makin it down there and back.
  17. shizzzon

    Another Toyota mishap... at my apartment complex

    unless i missed that part.. i just heard it was supposedly caused by friction which is too broad of an answer. They keep referring to the pedal getting stuck, not what controls it.. i'm complaining about what i hear.
  18. shizzzon

    Is it possible to be killed by bass alone?

    it doesnt matter if u have 1 sub, lol. If you guys were keepin up with the A team, they just posted a 177 with a single 15 and less than 13,000w of actual power. On their power chart, they also produced a 154.x with less than 40w clamped. It is an extremely modded vehicle to be able to do that, i bet many of you can't do those numbers inside the box itself! Anyways, different parts of the body have their own resonance. If you wanna be a db assassin about it... resonance is what i'd be researching on different parts of the body and try to produce pressure on those notes.
  19. shizzzon

    just a feeler

    regardless of driver comparison- If you are looking for steady daily driving, more cone area is better for dispersing the heat IF and ONLY IF you are running a lot of power. If you are matching a sub with the proper amp, a single sub would be the better choice. I prefer single sub setups over dual or even triple setups when done correctly.
  20. shizzzon

    Another Toyota mishap... at my apartment complex

    that's why i like toyota. They are reliable. The gas recall thing... if it really is even an issue.... is bullshit. If it's a real issue, fix it yourself... there's no way some bad parts of magical problems has floated onto hundreds of vehicles just waiting to get stuck while cruising. You can thank the media for blowing it way out of proportion like they always do... and the people... how gullible they are, will fall for the crap and believe anything they say. isn't is interesting how they don't really say why it happens? Sure they say friction.. that's crap. they gotta make up somethin to please the retards who believe everything the news says... all they are are middlemen relaying hearsay... The probable truth is there is no one problem and to ask Toyota what THE problem is.. they gotta make up somethin or else they would look stupid. Ever since the gas pedal story started... it's like a news story boner for the next month to many. [/rant]
  21. they are making them for all kinds of vehicles.l it just takes time
  22. not necessary. I've actually tested stock fans on ~30% OC'ed systems. If you do lots of transcoding video, the processor WILL overheat. If you are doing things not related to video transcoding (authoring video discs, video editing, etc... is still a form of this)... then a stock fan can actually keep it pretty cool! To test the temp of the cores for video editing, you need an FPU benchmark done... but i can tell u now, no stock fan will keep even the slightest oc'ed pc cool on an fpu test. Prime95 will test the hell out of it but honestly, prime95 overstresses the cpu compared to what people can possibly do to them.
  23. shizzzon

    direction of port

    how much power and what was the box tuned too prior to downfiring? Downfiring will probably lower tuning slightly but if the port is left too close to the floor with massive power output, it can cause turbulence and if on a meter, cause your peak to drop because turbulence drops with frequency. It's possible 4" may be too close but you should see what kind of power he was using first.