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Everything posted by shizzzon

  1. shizzzon

    Happy 28th to Justin (djjdnap)

    HBD! I got you a 600lb cake you can take with you. I know you can take it, hehe.
  2. Dude.. you do not know what you are talking about.. I researched this for months... MONTHS. There was a LARGE thread on Caco about this and it died off because real world testing showed it to be invaluable in all sorts of configurations. I was even on the phone with Maxwell and iOxus about this stuff. If all you want to do is burps only.. then sure, go buy a bunch of used, LOWER THAN RATED, caps. Just like batts, caps lose their output potential. Next, caps aren't twice as fast as charging, lol... Caps do not charge like batteries. Caps charge and discharge rate is solely dependent on the voltage different between the cap and the source connected to it. You can go through all the formulas and all that.. That's good, possible, if the caps were new. Then we are talking $75 shipped a pop. It is a scientific fact that batteries store more reserve per $1 than UCs do. If you want to mix batts and UCs together in parallel, i hope you have plenty of Electrical knowledge because if the voltage difference is just 0.01v difference in the line, you better be wearing some highly insulated clothing. And in real world testing, not a single test has confirmed mixing UCs series'd to 13v paralleled with batteries showed any performance increase whatsoever. We have a guy here who just sold his. He was running 2 300A alts and 96, yes, NINETY SIX UCs. The only reason why he didn't use any batteries is because his alternator system could supply most of the demand while the UCs were there just as a buffer. If he didn't have the alts to do it.. he would have need probably about 300 UCs. You wanna fork out that kinda money, go right ahead. Trying to save you time and money. You didn't just find the source for secret power that's going to save you money.. It's going to empty you out financially, but some people have to learn for themselves so if you must own them.. then go right ahead and buy as many as you want. I'd highly suggest contacting Maxwell first because some of the wording and ideas you believe on how these work isn't true and you need more knowledge.
  3. You are wanting to use it as reserve.. we keep telling you batteries are cheaper for that purpose. Actually, batts are cheaper period even for burst. Would you buy a lamborghini to drive in city traffic just because it has the potential of going fast but you, ll never see it compared to a toyota which can easily obtain the same speed you will be driving anyways for much less?
  4. This question is like asking has anyone ever used a speaker before and what was it like. There are only a billion threads about this and from what you posted, continue doing what you have been doing.
  5. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Tell Dave if he hasn't(he mentioned it before he left audio last time) a good source for amps to let him know man. That should speed up his build progress a little, hehe.
  6. shizzzon

    pwx 6.5s

    They will be back in stock by Oct 21, 2013.
  7. shizzzon

    DirectSpeakerSupplies.com live for viewing

    I do wish it were adjustable, however i do still advise to use this as a last resort.
  8. shizzzon


    heat shrink techflex both in either normal, exotic or uv colors. cheap enough heat gun for it if you do butt connectors, i'd say get the ones that solder the wires together.. Everybody has a local shop that sells connectors cheap already. Stocking those would be different to many people that have never heard of them. aero flares and\or pipes? set screws for amps allen wrenches for amps The extremely cheap $1-3 china volt meters soldering iron with proper solder and flux Material used for properly reconing that is not given with a recone (IE- centering the former, etc..) flexible conduit. I use it to run cable under the car. Might be a bish to ship though.. tap and die set crimpers for small and large terminals.
  9. shizzzon

    Car Audio Championship

    i know the feeling there. Luckily last yrs indy finals we could demo in controlled times. Most BIG shows i've been to indoors aren't spectator friendly... Imagine the energy from competitors that's released after every night of the show... That's fun.
  10. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    It's all in the hips.. It's all in the hips.
  11. shizzzon


    Yea, senchez has had a 5500d on his for quite a while.
  12. shizzzon

    Car Audio Championship

    I have went to almost 10 shows this year and not competed at any and World Finals is another one i'm going to and not competing either. Come with Me.. Hail armykyle.
  13. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    If 8000 = 800 then i'd say 8000=840. Close enough.. But when someone says 10.9= 1350.. i'd say 10.9=1300 The interesting thing about the numbers game is group buys have mystical powers.
  14. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    It's coming... 20-1-18-1-13-16-19.xxx.BR
  15. shizzzon

    Ethos 12 and 15 final pricing and preorder

    Oh.. and these are STIFF ass bishes! Jesus christ... they smell so fresh and new too. like that new car smell. We got that new sub smell.
  16. shizzzon

    Ethos 12 and 15 final pricing and preorder

    Im mobile right now or id pm you this. They really did only deliver 7, man, even thougb master says 8. They dont know whats up with that, just lettin you know.
  17. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    ??? This has nothing to do with what i sell.. This has nothing to do with me actually either.. However.. i am interested in the business network.. but i must get in touch with the company a little deeper and see if they can work something out with me including what he's doing.. I understand their business model and what he's doing is something they will not like.
  18. shizzzon

    DirectSpeakerSupplies.com live for viewing

    I just checked out the site. I notice you have 1 new shirt left. How much is the shirt? Looks like it may fit me.
  19. shizzzon

    DirectSpeakerSupplies.com live for viewing

    For things that fit(non speaker parts), i highly advise on using USPS Flat Rate shipping. That would really save you a lot of money.
  20. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I guess i need to order my tweeters and some special size bolts for finishing the roof run bracing i started last week.
  21. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    one of those amps is $800.
  22. shizzzon

    Ethos 12 and 15 final pricing and preorder

    30 days.. no update.. I'm assuming tracking is lost now?
  23. shizzzon

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Sure man.. Do me a favor and give me some money.