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Everything posted by shizzzon

  1. here is direct link- http://www.batteryspec.com/html/sla_battery.html#AGM Go down to 12v further down on the bigger batts
  2. OK Guys.. Here is info- this company is Tempest. They are the House brand for the following company- www.batteryspec.com All battery specs listed are their AGM TR line. If you have any questions, ask me. I've been on the phone with them for a while the past few days.
  3. Price for batt above is - $210 + shipping
  4. 120aH 12v 77lbs 13" Length 8.5" Height 6.9" Width 360A for 100sec (1min 40sec)= 11.0v maintainable (XS D3100 better= 500A for 30sec @10.9v) 3,684W for 5min Constant down to 10.8v.
  5. lol, jay-c76... haha.. ok, the price are gonna start to drop fast with minimal performance drop... 165aH, 12v 87lbs 19.1" Length 9.5" Height 6.75" Width 450A for 60seconds = 11.5v maintainable (still better than XS D3100) 435A for 5min Constant = 11.1v maintainable ^ That's 5,200w constant for 5 min! Price $242 + shipping
  6. Well, let's start with the biggest and work our way on down, shall we? Woohoo! 253aH 12v 154lbs 20.5" Length 10.55" Width 8.66" Height Capability- 485A of current CONSTANT for up to 4min, 11.6v maintainable. 643A of current CONSTANT for up to 5min, 11.1v maintainable. ^ that's 7,300w Constant for 5min, 11.1v max drop Price before shipping- $390 Expect price after shipping to be around $500 My question to you all is this- Shall i continue? because the prices are only going to go down from here along with performance..
  7. Termperature rating was based on AGM standard... So, i can safely say that my car has been in high 150s without agm problems and i've dropped to 0 before. PLEASE NOTE- this is with ANY battery. If you leave a battery in a dead, empty state, freezing temperatures will kill a battery, this is with any battery. Charging rate- their charging rates are for chargers.. their charge rate spec is also based on AGM standard so no worries. Alternator use will have no immediate effect on the life of your battery.
  8. Guess i can give little updates here and there while i gather the info together- These are 12v batteries. 12v AGM batteries to be exact so i'm not wasting your time with other technologies. They rest @12.9v on average so that's normal. They use Metric style Bolt terminals like all other Car Audio batteries. They can be mounted in ANY position like *most* car audio batteries and not drop performance. If left unattended and disconnected, shelf life @68F is rated at a 3% drop in capacity every 30days. ^ This means it can be left unattended for 12 months without a damaging drop in charge capacity. These batteries have excellent recovery capability even after very deep discharges ^ This means if your battery is dropping in the low 11s, and the load is stopped, the battery can recover back fast to the mid to high 12v range. Operating range for batteries- 5F- 122F (i am awaiting an answer on exceeding the limitation of this range) OH.. and a little side note. This brand is a DIRECT replacement for the following known brands- Xstatic, Kinetik, Stinger, Odyssey, Deka, Hawker, Enersys, etc... FOR A LOT LESS. Please note- I have been studying the graphs on their batteries and some battery suggested direct replacements i feel would not be an identical equal to what they are saying... Do not worry though, moving to the next size battery will sure be a direct replacement and still be saving a LOT of money. More info to come...
  9. shizzzon

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    before he built this new box for his van, he was running a stetsom 5k to a SINGLE coil on one ZCON for quite a while before he pulled it and put that one and a new one in his new box.. So that one sub was on it's last limb when it was experiencing ~157s at 27hz, lol. He actually managed to tear a hole through the former with burn marks around it. He's just goin crazy over there.. when he gets it fixed, everything should be fine then.
  10. well.. i dont know why he would suggest people to create bars based on minimum current to act like a fuse.. that would create resistance and that word is illegal for competition use, hehe.
  11. ok, just got back from talkin with XS Power. They said just be sure to run buss bars that are capable of handling the minimum of the maximum possible current draw off my equipment. Other than that, they said putting ~2,400A on battery Post 1 will be fine, no harm done.
  12. shizzzon

    Slamology 2011

    oh u are so goin down... I'm gonna use the little pc speaker that's wired to the motherboard and power that off a bank of CMOS batteries. Plus.. i'm gonna use an ASUS board and OC everything so i can cheat in my class and drive more power into the speaker. Gonna have a 3,000CFM heatsink\fan on this speaker so it doesn't blow it's 0.1" coil.
  13. shizzzon

    Lights Dimming

    i seriously don't believe u need an upgraded alt... Realistic power wired to 1ohm load shouldnt be pullin more than 70A at the maximum off that amp and that's split second draw... Just keep it revved while someone else measures voltage. As long as you stay above the low 13s, adding a battery is fine. In terms of fixinf your light dimming, i can't answer that as i don't know how sensitive those lights are.
  14. shizzzon

    Lights Dimming

    well, it's obvious you are exceeding your alternator for 2 reasons.. One, you are idling when you are jamming.. Two, you are dropping below 13v. Try and see if your voltage drops when you got the car revved to 2,000rpm
  15. shizzzon

    Slamology 2011

    Game on! Stetsom Powered Headphones on single run of 36awg power\ground wire. Headphones built inside of a 4th order Argent Audio box with 0.12 sqin of port. Got me 6 AA Duracells to power this bish.. I'll be competing in Stock 0-2 class, lol. Meter gonna be on my forehead.
  16. shizzzon

    Lights Dimming

    actually, it would really hurt if u short the power to ground.. but don't do that! I'm sure your light dimming isn't bad as in crazy voltage drop but would never hurt to find out what you are dropping to. I'd say, if you are dropping at or below 12.5v.. get another battery back there.
  17. shizzzon

    Slamology 2011

    pssh.. Whatever.... I got my 10 pairs of headphones in a 4th order right now off 2 watts.. I'll blow you away.
  18. shizzzon

    Slamology 2011

    don't make me turn my stereo on.. i don't want to get a noise violation in ohio... cant' help it i just don't know how to be quiet.
  19. shizzzon

    Step by Step Box Design

    wanna buy one? give me a few minutes and i'll give you a used one, lmao.
  20. shizzzon

    Slamology 2011

    dont know how.. only KY boys know ported or 6th order
  21. shizzzon

    Step by Step Box Design

    I'll show u all gay in a minute when i whip out my wood for my new build and show you how long i can meter without a sweat. You'll be wanting my cones in your face and ooooh that fresh smell of wood.. mmm hmm mmm... Oh how you like the big port tube!
  22. shizzzon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Where is your credentials? Unless you can prove that is really your child, then why should we listen to you? LMAO... Ah.. aren't we all glad the Florida Bash run of 2011 finally died down... Congrats Sean!
  23. shizzzon

    Slamology 2011

    hey, don't worry. I been talkin to some people and some ideas floatin around in my head... I can always take some 15s i got lyin around and throw them in a street box then put that in the SHELL of the wall and 6th order the sum bitch and see how loud 1-2 subs get while my equipment gets here. I always got things i can do.
  24. shizzzon

    Step by Step Box Design

    u want all my gay knowledge, lmao
  25. shizzzon

    The "L" port

    Stop putting the L Port up on a pedestal... Reminds me 40yr old virgin.