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Everything posted by shizzzon

  1. shizzzon

    Wire Comparisons

    i honestly do not know how to properly(consistently) compare 14 SEPERATE times current flow, voltage drop, etc per wire.... Battery capacity plays too much of a variable for such test... If one could get access to an infinite power source or completely stable output.. Actually.. i do know one thing that outputs consistent power... but it isn't cheap. Harrison Flux Cap. If you know anybody that has some because one isn't enough.. then you could try that. Battery voltage doesn't effect output capability of a Fluxcap. It would be stupid to buy a couple though for this test as they are around $300 or more depending on where you buy them per cap.
  2. shizzzon

    Guess this FLEX!

    4 8s in a quasi 8th ordered, t-line per chambered, ISO-baric, folded horn design on 613.4w on a small range of frequencies between 31.2 - 54.7Hz
  3. shizzzon

    Wire Comparisons

    one thing i'd like to add- Even though i think the monster cable wire is stupid for it's price... There should be power testing rather than just tech details listed only... It's like comparing box designs in winisd only and saying yep.. this design will definitely be the loudest, regardless of what happens. One thing about real world power tests is Monster claims that magnetic rod in the center of the wire supposedly helps current flow. You wouldn't know that without comparing all wire in a real world test.
  4. shizzzon

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    i just wanted to tell you this now just in case u see this before we see each other at slamology- We both know you are not a veteran box builder, we are all here to learn from what we build and progress with each build we do next... I am also assuming that this is your first wall and many people that do their first wall somewhat fail at properly doing it. I even failed at my first wall somewhat on purpose because i wanted to learn what happens when running bare minimum support.... Having said this and looking at your progressive pics of this wall.. I just wanted to tell you that you are doing EXCELLENT progress, Chop. It appears you have absorbed the proper knowledge and was able to just jump right in with no past wall experience but so far so good! This comment should kep you motivated on top of the better weather here lately now to continue moving forward. Feel good that you are not guessing your way through this build, you are doing it right!
  5. shizzzon

    Does low Qes = greater impedance rise?

    i dont know the techy techy side of it but from what i've seen, neos typically have higher rise than ferrite. I don't know if that's always a fact but there are videos online of a single neo running off an 11,000w on a single 3" coil and never fried. You can look at it two ways- Neos can be seen as efficient because of the ability to draw less power for the same potential output or... innefficient because of the additional power they can handle to really get them going crazy.. I tend to look at them from the first point of view. dont worry about it.. I remember one time i had a single 15 in 8cuft wired at 0.7 and rose to 4.2ohms, just 2hz above tuning on a 1500w amp long time ago on ferrite motor.
  6. shizzzon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    u order direct from them.. IF i were you, i'd either do plenty of research on their site or call them unless you know exactly what u are planning on buying. US Composites
  7. shizzzon

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i have never had luck with jb weld nor locktite 5min heavy duty epoxy... It may partly be because of the cleanliness of the surface i was using but i gotta tell ya... US Composites Fasco 110 makes for one helluva strong bond and can handle up to 300F. I don't know if they would recommend using it on something like radiator because i do not knwo what all it is resistant to but they have many fillers they sell that can be mixed in with their epoxy resin. Not sayin try it now but for future reference, i'm sold on their products.
  8. shizzzon

    Stupid stinger volt meter problem please help

    oh, you might wanna wait a little bit before getting another meter from me. The next batch i'll order will be in red only but they will also have a turn on wire like the stingers. They have the same accuracy as the blue meters but because they have turn on wire, no relay or switch install will alter the accuracy of the meter if not running hard-wired.
  9. shizzzon

    Limited On Space,Need New Sub/Subs.

    r u prepared to build the enclosure yourself? And if so, the entire thing inside the trunk, not a drop in? IF so, give me the dimensions of the inside of the trunk so i have something to go by.
  10. u got a bench tester? if not, u should be able to buy one from radio shack for around $50 or less locally. All u need is something small.. 5A supply would probably be as small as i'd go for 12v. Hook headunit up to that and see if it works on there. If u need help on hooking headunit up to power supply, let me know, it's real easy.
  11. shizzzon

    Stupid stinger volt meter problem please help

    interesting u say that... That means resistance in the turn on wire influences the accuracy of the meter GREATLY! That's kinda a turn-off to me.
  12. shizzzon

    What Do You Think?

    then typically i would say the amp is faulty.. BUT.. they said it wasn't.. Do u have the amp right now?
  13. shizzzon

    What Do You Think?

    i just checked that thread and i was in there trying to help him diagnose it... Basically it came down to this- he said clipping light always remained on. As far as i know, clipping light is on the remote gain knob only. So he removed rcas and speaker wire and clipping light was still on and no sound.... I told him to REMOVE the remote gain controller from the amp as a last resort to see what happened but instead he swapped out for a hifonics and worked fine. Now AQ tells him the amp works fine... At this point.. sounds like the remote gain knob was faulty but he never checked it...
  14. shizzzon

    3 15bl vs 2 18bl both fully loaded

    they better be true DCR 0.9-1.0 and not 0.7s... Anything below 0.9, more than likely 1ohm stable amp won't be able to handle it. Is this for daily or competition? IF it's daily, i'd say 15s.
  15. shizzzon

    Voltage meter?

    the big 3 alone won't give you perfect voltage in the back. Grounding the alternator to the front and rear will. But do not use this method as a primary ground, only secondary. Chassis ground "works", but wired ground added will make it perfect.
  16. shizzzon

    What Do You Think?

    so... we are to assume it's AQ's fault without any other information? How did it not work? What wasn't working? That could be 100 things... you are too broad.. AQ wouldnt send back an amp to you if it wasn't working. I see too many threads about people not knowing how to setup AQ amps which they are the same as any other modern non-mainstreamed company.
  17. shizzzon

    So I busted one of my xcons.

    it should be reading 0.925 ohms. Either you are measuring the ohm load wrong, the dmm is way off or your 1.2ohm measured sub is partially damaged as well.
  18. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Custom Music :)

    i'm thinkin bout doin it out of spite, lmao... Just some random 6sec song, haha
  19. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Custom Music :)

    Added 5 more... custom redone lyrical bass tracks.
  20. shizzzon

    Need advice on my latest ideas....

    yep, in order to use calculators, it needs to know the NET volume of enclosure only. Example- u have a 5cuft box...INTERNAL inside, the port takes up 1 cuft and the sub takes up 0.3 cuft So the actual internal NET volume is 3.7cuft and that's what you'd use in the calculator.
  21. shizzzon

    one ZCON coil vs STETSOM 5k

    see.. now it's my fault the sub got damaged and i'm 400 miles away...
  22. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Custom Music :)

    My WHOLE collection up to this point is now entirely available in the first post of this thread... When i have time, i will put more in there as time goes on.
  23. shizzzon

    Wanted to treat myself to something EXPENSIVE!

    yea but is that USD or Loony? (did i spell that right?)
  24. shizzzon

    Arizona Fire smoking out Albuquerque

    yea man, few yrs ago i drove down to south florida right when Georgia and half of Florida was on fire... ALL major interstates were shutdown from georgia to Miami! imagine my road trip.. freakin back roads for over 600miles... I couldnt really breathe outside it was so bad.. it would choke me up it was so suffocating.
  25. shizzzon

    ShiZZZoN's Custom Music :)

    I secretly added lots more! More to come tomorrow....