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Everything posted by ILuvJDM

  1. ILuvJDM

    sundowns 1500 vs kicker 1500

    Yes? Is that for a question? Or... what? In other words, he got owned with your last post. /thread haha
  2. ILuvJDM

    sundowns 1500 vs kicker 1500

    *edited by sundownz* *no need to quote the whole text block*
  3. ILuvJDM

    A question asked all too much.....

    :fing34: :fing34:
  4. ILuvJDM

    Weight loss and stress questions...help!

    Yes - a lack of, incomplete, restless, or otherwise disruptive sleeping patterns can cause stress-like symptoms. You're probably constantly tired throughout the day, have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep at times, a little more angry and short-tempered than usual, have difficulty with memory, and may have even lost interest in previously enjoyed activities. You might be rapidly gaining or losing weight, noticing frequent headaches and/or chest pain, become dizzy when standing quickly from a seated or lying position, and so on. Stress can be a major issue when it comes to sleep, and vice versa. A lack of sleep can cause you to become stressed, which just keeps the circle going. The point is, we as men think along the lines of: if I wake up and I piss blood or cut a finger off, I *might* have a problem and I *might* see a doctor about it. In reality, stress is a huge issue. You have to make sure the bills are paid, food is on the table, the house is clean, you have transportation, you have a good job, your family is taken care of, your woman isn't cheating on you, paying the fcking bill for her wedding ring. You need dishes, washer and dryer, appliances, other home furnishings. You need a retirement fund and savings. You need to figure out how to finance a home worth more than your life. You have to keep in shape and perhaps train for a sport. On top of all of it, you have to make yourself happy. Where is the time for yourself? What do you do for fun? How do you relieve stress and is it really that effective? I always put everyone in front of me. I still do. This is why I'm burnt out and don't know how to relax. I'm high strung, high maintenance, constantly angry, depressed and stressed. Being educated in both psychology and kinesiology, I seen it coming quite some time ago. I tried to change my habits and become a different person ... but it didn't work. A little bit of stress is ok. Just don't go overboard. Catch it early and don't let it take control of your life. It's not a manly thing to admit, but I don't care ... stress is stress and it is a pain in the ass. It can and will control your life if you let it. Anyone can give up... but to hold it all together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart ... that's true strength. It could be as simple as you having a meal too close to bed, chitty pillows, improper posture, seratonin imbalance, etc. I just had to preach for a bit about stress because it's a major issue with this type of discussion. damn, that post really made me realize that pretty much describes me. My idea of stress is someone freaking out and yelling at people which is something I don't do, I always have a good attitude about stuff even when I have a headache or I'm hungover etc... but I still think I'm stressed. My other problem is I'm sort of a perfectionist. I think about every situation and go over every possible outcome and that's one thing that doesn't let me sleep. I usually think over what all happened that day and lately I've been thinking alot about this audio stuff and I haven't slept that well I think I should see a sleep doctor, because this is affecting every aspect of my life. -John
  5. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    x2 if you have or plan to run another amp in the future, you wont have to buy a distro for it so you're saying I should for sure get a distribution block? Will trimming the wire lower the build quality of the project and affect something in the long run? If so, I'll get the distribution block, cause a $20 part isn't worth sacrificing the quality... -John
  6. ILuvJDM

    MAW12 vs rD Classic 12

    you just made my decision on choosing a sub harder... haha -John
  7. ILuvJDM

    Weight loss and stress questions...help!

    It's probably a good time to see a physician. Hopefully the vomit doesn't turn red before you get there. definitely, keep us posted as to what you're feeling and what the doctor says On a side-note, can lack of sleep cause the same side-affects mentioned above? I know I never wake up feeling refreshed, but rather like I've been partying all night. Even after 8-9 hours of sleep or more. -John
  8. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    cool, thanks -John
  9. ILuvJDM

    Good News Merlin = AX

  10. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    What do I do if my amplifier only takes 4ga wire max, and I get 1/0? Can I just trim the wire up some so it'll fit or will that somehow short the connection out or something? -John
  11. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    I know, I'm just saying I used to be close-minded on subs and I thought big names like JL Audio were the best out there. But when I started reading and found this site, I now know otherwise. It just takes a while to get a full understanding of everything... -John
  12. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    ok, I already have tweets in the A-pillar kinda aiming towards the window slightly, so I could just use that 'pod' for the install? I'm definitely gonna have to research front components as much as I did subwoofers -John
  13. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    awesome Is there gonna be a tracking #? If not, that's fine just let me know when you ship it so I have an idea of when it will arrive. Thanks again, -John
  14. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    I guess I'm just not sure what components really accomplish? Do they have stronger midbass or just cleaner crisper music without distortion, or both? I'd like to just sit in someones car that has a full audio set-up and see what it is I'm missing. Until then I'm happy with what I have, although I've noticed a little distortion in the speakers that I've never heard before... but what can you expect from paper cone speakers. -John
  15. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    Nothing yet, I had trouble enough sorting through and finding the best sub for me, so I can't imagine finding a front stage... I haven't heard any speakers so I don't know what I like and everyone's opinion is exactly that, an opinion.... so it's hard to choose. At this time I'm just gonna leave it alone, cause it already has the BOSE system, which sucks, but it's better than the stock Chevrolet system. Any recommendations to look into? How much is the common front stage with amplifier and all that? $400-$500? -John
  16. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    well this is just for a single 12" sub downfired under the rear seat
  17. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    yeah I think I'm going to go with a 1000watt from either sundown or US Amps. It will all depend on which deal falls into place, cause they're both quality amps -John
  18. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    haha I don't really want to spend too much on the whole audio set-up. It's already aproaching $1k... I'll definitely have to look around and try and find a NIB one for cheap or a used one, cause I want to get quality stuff the first time or else it will only cost more. How much power can these ICON's really handle? Should I get 1000W or 1500W amp? -John
  19. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    yeah the SSA store has the 4000D for $487... still more pricey than what I had in mind. I know US Amps and Sundown are damn near perfect amps, so is something like that even necessary for a daily driver? The efficiency is great, but is one of them really necessary especially for just 900watts on one sub?
  20. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    Kinda off-topic, but where can I go to find a price of US Amps? The SSA store only has the XT series of their amps... I saw on US Amps website that Star Customs in Austin is an authorized dealer and that's like 45mins away from my house so I'd like to get one from them unless there's a cheaper place. Plus I'd like to just get an idea of the price of one I'm looking at something with 1000-1500watts at 1ohm to use with an ICON 12". I obviously wouldn't run the amp at full power since the ICON is rated at 900RMS, but I like to leave a little headroom for the future. -John
  21. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    Well this looks like the best option: http://www.knukonceptz.com/productDetail.cfm?prodID=KLM-AK0 It has everything I need, but also includes 5 feet of grounding wire so I can do part of the Big 3 and it also includes the terminals to do so. It even has wire loom and zip ties, which is nice. It's only $2.50 cheaper than buying separate, but you get all the afore mentioned extras so it's a good deal. I guess the KLM cable will be fine for my needs? Kolossus cable is $90 which seems like alot, but again if I'm going to need it I'll do it right the first time. Knu makes it seem like the Kolossus is only for those running lots of power and batteries in the rear of the vehicle that require loads of power -John
  22. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    awesome, thanks alot
  23. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    Does anyone know of another GM side post battery adapter? knu is out of stock right now and I don't see myself getting a yellow top because I just bought this Everstart a few months ago and it was like $80.... I have the 105amp alt, I wasn't lucky enough to get the 145 -John
  24. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    so I would get enough 1/0 wire to also do the Big 3? In order to reach full potential of my electrical system I would just need a bigger alternator, right? -John
  25. ILuvJDM

    Which amplifier wiring kit?

    alright thanks for the heads-up I already have the RCA's and remote wire ran and I just need all wires to upgrade my 8ga set-up to 4ga or 1/0 Do you guys think I should get 1/0 right now in case I ever do upgrade? I hate having to buy new stuff whenever I upgrade, but then again I don't want too big a wire to cause problems. That won't happen right?