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Everything posted by nadcicle

  1. nadcicle

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    They need to do something else because I hear all these people with straight up booty sounding stuff come and win because of bringing the most friends. I honestly believe it should be something that scores on highs and lows added up and divided by 2 for a running average. Then every crowd vote you get adds on to the points afterwards. So you can when without a single vote from the crowd as long as your system shows itself worthy. Sucky part is Dom would win a lot and people don't seem to like him lol.
  2. nadcicle

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    I will get sentimental cause you gave me shit at the show when you threw your arms in the air and said "wtf is this". I didn't plan on winning anything. Hell I didn't do any tuning at all. I just threw them in and have been focused on the sub stage. I'll be sure to pick out some music for the next time. The other song I played wasn't too bad that night, but it isn't up yet. If you wanna throw me some music that you think would win I'll play it.
  3. nadcicle

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    Judging? How did your duelling demos go?You forget we play for the crowd and not just ourselves. My wife listens to more radio and knows songs better than I do so she picked it. The same can be said when she was doing duelling demos, hence why all her songs were from the 80's when listening to the radio was all we had for entertainment growing up.
  4. nadcicle

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    Judging? How did your duelling demos go?
  5. nadcicle

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    I spy DSS exposure
  6. Which vehicle is this in? Do you have any idea whether the alt is PCM controlled or internally regulated?
  7. nadcicle

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    290 amps of fusing hmm. I was reading a recent post about how a guy passed a clamped 4000 watts through a single 60 amp fuse for like 4 full seconds. Accordingly to that theory you should at least be able to pass 19k lmfao
  8. nadcicle

    Swift's 2012 F250

    This thing really gets down. At this point it only gets better. Best part is you went from no bass to mid 50's in no time flat.
  9. nadcicle

    DSS Tridents and Twisted Sounds S-10. Road to 166dBs

    I think we could both use a good engine degreaser.
  10. nadcicle

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    Yah, closed end connectors from now on. CCA doesn't seem to do well at all with the elements to begin with. I'd look to investing in ofc and getting crimp lugs instead. They have the option of solder or Hydro crimping and will not do this.
  11. nadcicle

    6 18's 60k Yukon

    As far as head unit goes perhaps try a Kenwood x9XX series. I have issues with my 80prs as well. Mine went blank as well at high volume and I flipped out. I use my Kenwood x997 as an external burp deck without issue, but still enjoyed it inside the truck as well.
  12. nadcicle

    Swift's 2012 F250

    Sounds like a winner to me.
  13. nadcicle

    Pioneer USB disconnecting from bass

    Agreed, I have a samsung phone and thought I might put the NFC that I never use to work as well. Would be nice to wave my phone when i want to start hotspot, connect bluetooth, and start something else. I see the possibilities being endless. Although I could say the same for a CarPC!
  14. nadcicle

    Swift's 2012 F250

    Double heck yah!
  15. nadcicle

    Pioneer USB disconnecting from bass

    Appreciate the offer, but I have a couple tablets on hand at all times. My biggest gripe is deciding which I wanna use. I know the nexus 7 opens up the otg options, but having a larger screen sounds good on the other hand. I don't know how much I need that 4g model if I have Hotspot and everything, but I guess it wouldn't be terrible either way.
  16. nadcicle

    Pioneer USB disconnecting from bass

    That was my thoughts. So that's why I grabbed the zip ties and put them together tightly. If I had to do it all over again I'd likely have just used this nexus 7 and some minidsp's. I know how much you love yours
  17. nadcicle

    Swift's 2012 F250

    We never metered unfused to show true numbers yet. That will come soon.
  18. nadcicle

    Swift's 2012 F250

    Yah, I've never seen a single amp suck the life out of electric like that lol. Getting the proper amount of power in there will help with fusing tremendously too though! I expect to see that score sky rocket with fusing once we get the voltage issue fixed. Yah, I had to stop the entire trophy ceremony and had to make a guy give back the first place trophy because they put you in the wrong class. It's ok though because I didn't like that dude and it made me giggle a little to see the look on his face when they corrected the mistake and said "Actually, Swift gets first place and you get second". I'll put the laptop on charge tonight and the meter will be ready whenever you're ready for testing.
  19. nadcicle

    Pioneer USB disconnecting from bass

    I won't say that my results are typical because I know 2 people with 80prs' and they didn't have issues above 150db with the usb and one of them you know here on the forum "Swift". The 80prs has many issues with RCA's, but never anything i've heard about the USB. I should have taken my own advice and just gotten a higher quality USB to begin with and zip tied it then. Went the entire show this past weekend without so much of a hiccup from bass.
  20. nadcicle

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    I really appreciate that too. Well, you will get another update this weekend cause I will be pulling them all out to assess any wear and tear on the landings and suspension as a whole. Got plans to cover my enclosure to pretty things up a bit. Oh, and I gotta install those flares, do some inside painting, and a little more bracing too. Senchez said he saw the enclosure flexing, but I didn't catch where he said it was from. The middle is improbable since I have a 2x4 mounted sideways going from the front to back on the baffle along with 2" dowels in between the subs. I stood on this box before I mounted the subs and didn't notice anything then, but I bet something worked its way loose.
  21. nadcicle

    Swift's 2012 F250

    Swift, you really got this thing going fast. It really kills the lows and shows the Ethos potential. That Ampere amp was legit as hell too.
  22. nadcicle

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    All good man, I know between all of us slamming it out at the shows your brand is spreading like wildfire. I just like to know that we are some of the first that got the opportunity to have the first feedback from the outside world between showings, demos, and video reviews. I can only say that it'll only grow from here.
  23. nadcicle

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    Thanks man, I'm reppin the Ethos hard here. Got your stickers on the truck as well as I kept getting asked all the time what I was running. Today was a disaster for me with a mixture of the heat getting to me and stupidity. First I find out I have a sub channel not working on my burp deck so I started removing rca's to swap them out only to find out that my Memphis/Pac-Lc1 variant input pulled right out in to the rcas (the thing was broken!). So I go ahead and run it straight to the deck and go do my run. I go up and do my run and was getting pissed because with 2 4k's I was only doing right at a 50.2db! I was disappointed and pulled back in the shade to find out that I still had it faded to the right from testing earlier. So yah, I'm an idiot 2 subs and 4k @ 1ohm = 150.2db. I took all the time to work on the amps and only tested on the daily deck before the show. Now I gotta order a couple more LC1's Will be back having more fun in the dbDrag lanes with Sencheezy and Swift this Saturday coming I hope.
  24. nadcicle

    nadcicle's 97 Suburban rebuild

    Just finished my last set of rings last week and forgot to mention I ran in to some rules in my organization that stipulates that I cannot run legally with unfinished doors. Well, I'd be working on the doors by myself and just might have an incident or 2 where i'd of had issues with this rule. So, I contacted the commisioner and asked for suggestions. He stated that as long as I cover the door with any material whether it is paint, carpet, vinyl and have the holes filled with speakers, carpet, or vinyl then i can still do my SPL, park and pound, and duelling demo runs without issue. The build shall commence extremely soon as I am ready to get these front doors rocking now. Took a first in duelling demos street today with absolutely no intention of winning with a 20 year old set of USD audio mids and set of Eric Steven horns so I'm doing something right according to the votes.
  25. nadcicle

    Pioneer USB disconnecting from bass

    It was definitely the USB extension. I really wish it was as easy as just popping something out and another one in, but i have to remove my entire dash each time. I removed my ipod cable from the extension and plugged it in directly and left the USB there and just changed spots in hopes that maybe it was just the slot. I put a zip tie between each as well before suggested and they seem to be working so far. lol Thanks for the suggestions guys. This whole USB thing was killing me.