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Everything posted by nadcicle

  1. I personally have the 9990 and really enjoy it. If I would have waited I would have hopped on the new DNN990HD though. It has built in wifi, so I think it'd be a no brainer for most.
  2. nadcicle

    Looking for a Replacement

    After getting the Kenwood DNX9990HD I would opt for their new DNN990HD since it has built in wifi capability as well.
  3. nadcicle

    Teaser vids

    Here yah go. I didn't go to the past event, but I was at the one before. http://www.mecacaraudio.com/dnn50/
  4. nadcicle

    Teaser vids

    If you were closer to Nashville i'd throw you on a meter and let your tinker around for a bit.
  5. nadcicle

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    You mention being worried because of your vehicle being a daily driver, but mention an alt with a 2 year warranty. Even I can see that Singer or Tenney would be a better choice just because of their lifetime warranty. I would probably do Singer over Tenney ATM, but to each their own I guess. Little background why I say Singer.. Having more issues with my Tenney again. This is the second time and now he's saying the alt I sent back had nothing wrong with it. This time I took videos. It simply stopped charging at low RPM, but whatever. I will keep getting replacements since I have a lifetime warranty. Just imagine for a sec though. Alternators main enemy is heat. Hi amp alternators go out just as much as stock ones do. After 2 years you may just be spending another 700 bucks as to where "if my company is still around" I still get a free replacement. While I do agree that the alternator you picked is a lot better quality. It doesn't make up for the fact that you're paying a lot more for a lot less in the long run. I know I tried to make sense by stating for you to go for quantity over quality, but I sure as hell wouldn't pay for 4 of those lol. Get the damn quad bracket setup for ad244's and just be happy man. You can get friggin 400+amp alternators and will look back and laugh at the idea of staying with a single alt setup. Especially for your future plans. You could always get the alt for now and sell it later too. Enough logic though. Just get a damn HO alt already. It almost pisses me off to see you running all your equipment off of a stock alternator. I mean what'd the poor thing do to you? lol This right here is exactly what made me choose Singer over his competitors, that and his amazing customer service. I can't vouch on the product yet though as mine isn't due to be done until the end of this week. But I will say what made me stay away from Tenney is that a lot of my emails had to be sent a few times over a 2 week span and I still wouldn't receive a reply The one thing I will add is that Brent has never really had an issue with responsiveness. He's done a decent job at making sure my emails do go answered. Then again he tries to make himself available too many places (facebook, phone, text, yahoo, and website). I think it was just growing overwhelming after a while and he did end up telling people all over the way the preferred method he would like to conduct business and seems to do best with his yahoo email address.
  6. nadcicle

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Hey wait, aren't both of your alternators damn near the same. Why not swap with Senchez and let him feel the power for a little while?
  7. nadcicle

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    You mention being worried because of your vehicle being a daily driver, but mention an alt with a 2 year warranty. Even I can see that Singer or Tenney would be a better choice just because of their lifetime warranty. I would probably do Singer over Tenney ATM, but to each their own I guess. Little background why I say Singer.. Having more issues with my Tenney again. This is the second time and now he's saying the alt I sent back had nothing wrong with it. This time I took videos. It simply stopped charging at low RPM, but whatever. I will keep getting replacements since I have a lifetime warranty. Just imagine for a sec though. Alternators main enemy is heat. Hi amp alternators go out just as much as stock ones do. After 2 years you may just be spending another 700 bucks as to where "if my company is still around" I still get a free replacement. While I do agree that the alternator you picked is a lot better quality. It doesn't make up for the fact that you're paying a lot more for a lot less in the long run. I know I tried to make sense by stating for you to go for quantity over quality, but I sure as hell wouldn't pay for 4 of those lol. Get the damn quad bracket setup for ad244's and just be happy man. You can get friggin 400+amp alternators and will look back and laugh at the idea of staying with a single alt setup. Especially for your future plans. You could always get the alt for now and sell it later too. Enough logic though. Just get a damn HO alt already. It almost pisses me off to see you running all your equipment off of a stock alternator. I mean what'd the poor thing do to you? lol
  8. nadcicle

    Um... a 750wrms 8"?

    I was looking at this too. I thought him mentioning it being able to handle around 1500rms daily.. That would just be stupid. Maybe it was the 12 though.
  9. I second the short. I have 6 speakers playing on mine without any overload constantly playing at around 32 volume.
  10. nadcicle

    18" SSA Evil on 600 watts

    Damn.. you bored.
  11. nadcicle

    Kenwood Excelon KDC-X996

    I can definitely recommend this head unit from my personal experience with 1 in my truck. Odd though, I also just got a kenwood double din (dnx9990-hd) for my car recently... lol Good luck on the sale!
  12. nadcicle

    Weight Measurements

    Not sure if this is any help, but Senchez and I did a weigh in with the Zcon 15" and the new Evil 18". Here were the results. Scale measures within .02 lbs so it should be close. BTW thats a 53.. stupid flash cut off half of it
  13. nadcicle

    4th order for 15'' sp4 d1

    I am trying to grasp the concept of what you are saying, but you are making it difficult to do so. Are you saying that given the recommendations on Fi's website that it just won't work in a 4th or do you have personal experience in building a 4th for this sub? What I've read in to is that you are going by numbers and I will take it that way and go ahead and go with the recommended ported enclosure. I do appreciate the fact that you've pointed it out that one shouldn't do a 4th, but I like reasoning behind things so my ignorant self can comprehend it. Instead, I am forced to do a ton reading between the lines and I for one like to weed out all the bullshit and not theorize to much. So with all that said I will go ahead with a ported install because of its "proven" advantage. Thanks!
  14. nadcicle

    4th order for 15'' sp4 d1

    Indeed. 4th order ported NOT bandpass. You do not want a 4th order bandpass. Well, could you please elaborate and explain instead of debunking and showing my ignorance. Help is just that. Not a free chance of disproving anyones methods. I sure appreciate help when it's given. Explain? It is rudimentary Physics. Do you design a sealed box with a random size, do you a ported box without knowing what driver you are using? 4th order BP are the same. They need to be designed around goals and the driver. Not sure what else you need?? Perhaps I should have elaborated. I am only asking because you know what sub the guy has and what he has tried working with. Given that you know the sub and we both know we can find the specs of the subs on their website. Why not help with design as it has already been established that you show you know what you are talking about? I can understand that I might not have put enough thought in to my post and may have reading comprehension issues, but the one thing I am not confused about is that you seem to have a good understanding that could be utilized in answering the question with more informative explanations. I give a lot of quick statement answers with disclaimers and never claimed to know exactly what I was talking about and wait for others to chime in. Not to be called out and say that everything I read is ignorant or the way I read it seems confusing to me, but I like learning and enjoy reading informative reasoning. As your signature states. Don't read this the wrong way, because the way you come off is exactly what you seem to want to reflect and I am taking everything you say as a learning experience and value the help myself not only because the OP is asking, but because I have a FI SP4 18" sitting in my garage that I am trying to figure out what I want to do with.
  15. nadcicle

    4th order for 15'' sp4 d1

    Indeed. 4th order ported NOT bandpass. You do not want a 4th order bandpass. Absolutely wrong. 2:1 ratio won't do anything good for you. If ANYONE ever recommends the same ratiometric design for any driver they are showing their ignorance and all information they've relayed should be ignored. Wherever you picked that up from stop reading as it is confusing you. Well, could you please elaborate and explain instead of debunking and showing my ignorance. Help is just that. Not a free chance of disproving anyones methods. I sure appreciate help when it's given.
  16. nadcicle

    4th order for 15'' sp4 d1

    Can't really give a definitive answer on the 4th, but I've heard a 2:1 ratio at between 42-48hz is what alot of people tune them at. (No experience with one myself). However, I can say that I've heard that the build time on the SP4's dwindle around a month. (From a reliable source) Sorry I couldn't be of more help :\
  17. I was actually enjoying this thread.. damn you guys. Messin up all the fun
  18. nadcicle

    pics of my zed install......

    Zed sure does make some sexy ass lookin amps.
  19. nadcicle

    more of a service review,

    Good news. I like good news! It's a lot better than "I sent my amp and such and such said it got kidnapped by fedex at the doorstep when i shipped it with ups"
  20. nadcicle

    thank you ssa forum..

    what amps? link to original topic? I think he means Stetsom since it's in the stetsom section. I could be wrong though. However, I would hope so as I have seen way to many blown stetsoms for sale.
  21. Why can't you.. if you have a 1998 Jimmy then why not get the double din sized replacement from an extreme and call it a day?
  22. nadcicle

    *Swift's Rebuild* 3 SP4 18's, 12k Walled F250

    Damn Lee, I was unaware you were getting rid of your system?
  23. nadcicle

    New Videos of the Evil Explorer

    This guy breaks phones like they're going out of style. I can't believe the sound went out on the one I gave you.. Perhaps coincidental but oh well.
  24. nadcicle


    Gawd I love hair tricks.. plus the hot chicks involved with them