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Everything posted by nadcicle

  1. nadcicle

    Knocking sound from subs

    Had something similar happen with a cheap prefab. The wood completely separated and split directly in half and was wood slapping against wood and I would start smelling burning. I thought I was frying the sub. Just so happens I was basically rubbing to sticks together and causing a fire with friction lol.
  2. nadcicle

    Sp4 box/port

    SP4 is definitely a beast. As subjective as the port area topic is I can honestly say that my 18 sounds good even with not a lot of port. For instance, it's pretty flat with the bottom end rolling off around 23hz and top end peaking up along 48hz. Of course my port area is almost laughable at right at 63.75.. and even more so considering it is right at 10 per cube for 6.34 net tuned at 31hz. You heard that right! This thing still pulling a 146.9 at the head at 33hz. It was all that would fit in such a tiny space without walling. It was honestly just to finish out the Meca season and see what it would do, but man does it sound awesome on music. The poor car is just falling apart. I still have plans to wall anyways, but for now I couldn't be happier!
  3. nadcicle

    When is this amp coming out.

    I really wish someone with photoshopping skills could do the face swap thing with sid the tree sloth.
  4. In for a triple alt for 97 suburban. CK style 5.7 vortec 350 I could go iraggi all day since im from Tennessee, but his triple requires you to actually have 3 alts installed to run a belt. If I wanted to take a alt off I would have to go back to single alt. I just want it to where I could run 1, 2, or 3 at a time without worrying if one goes out that I will have to go back to 1. The 2 extra alts in his setup rely on each other for mounting together from what I can see. Here is a pic for reference. It's really just a single piece of metal between alt 2 and 3...
  5. nadcicle

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    I laid mine out the exact same way. However, My laziness forbids me to run the wire to the front until I pull everything out again when i get an amp for my front stage.
  6. Tell me your opinion on the differences between the two if you don't mind. I'm curious to say the least. I always thought the evil has a better ring and of course the logo looks way cooler!
  7. nadcicle

    Z v.4 12 / 15 / 18 -- Parameters and Photos

    This would probably be one of those instances where i'd probably get the 15 over the 18. I think those baskets are the bees knees. Kinda unexpected difference on fms between the two.
  8. Pfft, everyone knows raw silver bars are the only buss bar worth having now a days! lol
  9. nadcicle

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Wow what did I miss? Did you sell the 6 15s? Yah, even i caught that previously, and I thought you were on here more than me. lol
  10. nadcicle

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Sometimes life just happens. At least you have a little bass for the time being.
  11. nadcicle

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    That's horrible! You didn't go ham on it right off the bat did you? Yep full tilt like did all my other subs. Never had a problem before. I personally would not go balls out until at least a couple hours play time to loosen the suspension a bit. Out of curiosity though where was the failure at? I think the coil unraveled, when I press down on the cone it barely moves and I can hear scratching. My other coil was still working when I reconed it. Only reason I recone it was because when I bought it the cap was lose and I put goop and the original glue on different places on the cap coming loose so I put more goop on it till it just became an eye sore. I can definitely understand why you would recone. You keep your ride clean. Sucky situation for sure. Hope you get it back up and going!
  12. nadcicle

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    Seriously? Ok, everything i've heard about stiff spiders not allowing full xmax which entails less coil travel which builds up heat which unravels coils is all wrong. Sure it might not be by much, but I've seen a frequency response drop from 37 to 33 hz after a breakin period ( sure there are other factors since the enclosure was tuned @ 31hz and cabin gain and all). It doesn't take long as a few weeks, but I still wouldn't go full throttle on a brand spanking new recone.
  13. nadcicle

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    That's horrible! You didn't go ham on it right off the bat did you? Yep full tilt like did all my other subs. Never had a problem before.I personally would not go balls out until at least a couple hours play time to loosen the suspension a bit. Out of curiosity though where was the failure at?
  14. nadcicle

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    That's horrible! You didn't go ham on it right off the bat did you?
  15. nadcicle

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Lol @ feelin
  16. nadcicle

    2013 IA 80.1 & 40.1 Photos

    Yah, was a lazy copy paste job I didn't make lol
  17. nadcicle

    2013 IA 80.1 & 40.1 Photos

    Describing the size reminds me of
  18. nadcicle

    Extremely impressed by my new Death Penalty's

    Definitely looks good!
  19. nadcicle

    4 15in zcons. In A 1st Gen Dodge Durango

    Nice utilization of space there. Definitely digging it!
  20. nadcicle

    2013 IA 80.1 & 40.1 Photos

    OMFG no bass boost! Where shall I get all ma DBeeZ? Seriously nice looking amp from what i can see
  21. nadcicle

    New Member from NPR, FL

    Looks pretty cool. Welcome!
  22. nadcicle

    got a new toy for the summer!

    Nice find! If 95 or newer vortec style that leak could be lower intake manifold gasket. Just be extra special careful as mine left me stranded in the burban when the seal gave way.
  23. nadcicle

    Ethos 12 and 15 final pricing and preorder

    I dont give a font what it looks like. I'm interested in the testing results for thermal and alignments coming soon. Hey! go back to your hole and shaddup! lol for what its worth you can put a picture of poop on the dustcover and it wouldn't matter if it performed well. Hell you could call it "the shit?"
  24. nadcicle

    Help Us welcome Flatline Audio to the forum

    I agree with all said. Take it with a grain of salt, but publicity is publicity whether it be bad or good. Honestly I'd say keep your head up since you know your amps do good. It doesn't matter where you go people will test your gangsta. I could say I clamped 16 watts from a potato with a silver fork and aluminum wrapped with duracell batteries running at 9.6 volts and M5 would probably tell me that the linear path to the potato is obstructed by the aluminum and I should have used saran wrap around the silver fork for maximum output. It's reasons like this I enjoy coming here to read the posts. It shows me how human people are. Don't let anything deter your final goal of what you are trying to accomplish!
  25. nadcicle

    Ethos 12 and 15 final pricing and preorder

    I personally think the cap font looks like Psi. I like the raised lettering. I would just possibly go a different font is all.