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Everything posted by nadcicle

  1. nadcicle


    sounds like you're talking about the N3 made by Fi. I don't believe they are being made any longer. I don't believe Fi makes soft parts for the mofo either. However, it'd be cool if they did i guess.
  2. nadcicle

    2005 Elantra hatch FI SP4 build

    If you noticed the trophies I rarely ride with bass on. I prefer the SQ area so I only truly bump sitting still or when asked to turn it up. Hence why this weekend was my first time entering an SQ comp.
  3. nadcicle

    2005 Elantra hatch FI SP4 build

    Been putting this off for a while. I have been contemplating on doing a wall then I said nah i'll just trade the sub and back to keeping it and doing something with it. Well here goes a buncha wasted time later and I finally decided to kick off the build. I decided to stay street and try something different for once. I will reveal my complete box plans once it is in the car. Time for pics.
  4. nadcicle

    2005 Elantra hatch FI SP4 build

    However, what you didn't see was that it was dead stop. Enough for me to put it in park and pound it for a few seconds after seeing some kids in a beat up cadillac and they asked m turn it up after they heard me at low volume.
  5. nadcicle

    2005 Elantra hatch FI SP4 build

    Because I'm a stupid 30 year old kid...
  6. nadcicle

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    I forgot about this. Senchez and I on the way to Slamology!
  7. nadcicle

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    That's good news! BTW here's a couple of the vids I made as well.
  8. nadcicle

    2005 Elantra hatch FI SP4 build

    2 day show in Louisville. First time trying out SQ so I got some great pointers after reading about all the theories. I set in a nice 3 way setup by Kyle Ragsdale. I really liked how 1 directional it sounded. It was as if I was in front row at a concert and they were singing to me in my face without going through a microphone. So after listening to this and hearing him out about how time alignment made a world of difference I proceeded to go fiddlin through my setup and in the end managed a 61.5. Not the best score, but I am getting closer to my goal of being happier with it. I still have plans to pickup 1 or 2 of the 2x4 minidsp's simply to throw a phase change to the 6.5's to bring up the stage a bit more. Currently I have the Kenwood 9990HD and I did mess with the depth with making it sound like the doors were further away which helped bring it up a bit, but centering was a bit more challenging still. I am still willing to take any pointers if there is anything else I can do to stretch the life out of my head unit before picking up the dsp's.
  9. nadcicle

    2005 Elantra hatch FI SP4 build

    Hell yah! See this was the answer I was looking for. Now I gotta try and find another and strap them together. Then maybe I could break that 150 in a street box on a single sub Almost all 150's that i've seen broken on a single 18 have been with walls, 4th orders, and boxes with the port traveling the distance of the friggin vehicle. And even then it's rare as I've only seen 1 of those personally. I know there is a guy breakin a friggin 170 on a single sub with concrete walls, but let's be real though I want to actually play music too. I've yet to see a single 18 break the 50 mark in a street setup. We shall see I guess.
  10. nadcicle

    2005 Elantra hatch FI SP4 build

    Looks like I got some rearranging in order.
  11. nadcicle

    logos and serial number stickers.

    Hell yah, we can use da bass boost!
  12. nadcicle

    FI Sp4 On Fire.. Warranty?

    Stang I'm curious of a couple things if you might have the info handy please sir. If you have the info could you please let me know on the follow on SP4, Evil, and XSv2? # Layers of windings. Wind height. Winding thickness. Inductance. I understand if you don't have them all. Just a test I'm trying to conduct is all.
  13. Something something privacy settings..
  14. nadcicle

    logos and serial number stickers.

    Being that you said white would be brushed aluminum I would say option 2. Sure blue is nice, but it's no brushed aluminum.
  15. nadcicle

    lookin for a 15" sub

    Never put it up for sell, but I have an Obsidian 15" proto with 3" black anodized coil with triple stack mags rated at 1500 rms. I've personally burped about 1800 to 2k to it clean, but im sure it will take a lot more with the right enclosure and setup. Let me know if you have any interest. http://s1326.photobucket.com/user/nadcicle/slideshow/Obsidian%20Proto%2015%20inch
  16. nadcicle

    Help with system going active

    Ok, so I have an issue with going active. I currently have a head of lettuce and two salad forks going to 4 carrots and two sets of cucumbers. If I were to crossover the carrots between 60-600 hz and the cucumbers to 400-10khz would this sound good on 60rms coming from my potato? Please I need help I can come up with 2 boiled eggs and some salad dressing if I have to, but i'd like to stick between onions and celery.
  17. Bass will shake anything loose including rubbing these together enough to expose the metal underneath. I'd look into some angled reducers from toolmaker or project db personally.
  18. nadcicle

    FI Sp4 On Fire.. Warranty?

    Bass boosts that 1 @ 40hz frequency so when setting gains on an o-scope it is almost useless since music is dynamic. 1 song might play a variety of frequencies ranging from 25hz all the way up to 80hz. However, you set your gains with an o-scope with bb on so you just amplified the hell out of 40hz when you might have set your gains at 50hz. Most of the time people set gains on an o-scope for 1 frequency only and that's for a strong burp. This is why everyone recommends to set gains by ear without any bass boost at all since most systems built are for daily. With that being said your motor and basket should be fine and should take a drop in recone without any issues. Hell, if you're pissed enough i'd even offer you 200 for the motor and basket since it'll be $236 for a fully loaded drop in. Honestly, it's a live and learn mistake that everyone has mentioned time and time again. I know it sucks, but at least you can always rebuild.
  19. I can get you 2 of them for $4150. What ohm do you need them in?
  20. nadcicle

    FI Sp4 On Fire.. Warranty?

    Hold up, I spy bass boost...
  21. nadcicle

    FI Sp4 On Fire.. Warranty?

    Out of curiosity, was your Sp4 fully loaded by chance? The pic shows otherwise unless you pulled off the spider spacer. From what I've seen so far the fires have only been happening to those with spacers. This would be new if that's the case. Furthermore, didn't you come from an AQ2200 to that kicker? What impedance did you run them both at?
  22. nadcicle

    Help with system going active

    See down south it's all about Kroger produce. If you want quality you gotta hit up Publix, but it's too expensive for the average person. Sometimes you gotta go to the ghetto and find a nice stand outside where they discretely wrap your product in a paper sack and send you on your way. A bit hush hush I know, but it's gotta be dangerous to get the underground quality.
  23. I like this idea and can see why you would do this. Have an uncle that had 2 headunits stolen out of his boat at his slip. I'm sure it's convenient to have everything hidden away.
  24. After running active in the past with two older mtx crossovers and then going back to passive again. I can say beyond a doubt that it depends on how well the crossover that's included with the component set is. I personally would rather hear each set of speakers/tweeters individually to set their crossover points instead of hooking it all up and just cranking the gain until you hear audible distortion. For instance, I have a USD horn component set where the horns can take more power than the mids. However, the mids try their best to keep up and will distort like crazy while the horns are like "where's the power?" . So in that circumstance I would rather go active. Not that my case would matter to how you are running your system and what your goals are, but my goal was to have a front stage that can get loud with my sub stage and didn't sound like shit doing it.
  25. nadcicle

    Types of wood for light weight boxes?

    Most common when cutting wood. This is a look from the outside of a tree. https://www.google.com/search?q=tree+knot&rlz=1C1CHMO_enUS511US511&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=_JECUpSCFoa09gTVsIHgCw&biw=1920&bih=993&sei=_5ECUumKM4SS9QTAo4CQAQ Here is a piece of wood already cut.