Yes i know i have 2 much and no im not getting xcons i already got zcons, i go all out when i do stuff, i have 6 batterys in total and im getting 2 more and 1 220a alt and a stock alt i also plug my car in to charge when not in use i do know my wireing options im just wondering wich one is best to go with when thers 2 amps involed is it better to run them separate or strapped together I have a mmats hd4000.1d should i get a nother or should i run 2 crescendo bc3500.1d since every body thinks 2 crescendo bc5500.1d is a bad idea I do want to push these subs to ther full potential while still being safe I want this to be my last time upgrading the sounds i dont want amps that would just make them hit hard i want to be obnoxious im buiding a costum box ported firing into the car sealed off you could fit 6 dead bodys in my trunk so i do have the air space for the subs im going all out i dont have a budget i am upgrading the electric and if im going to upgrade anything it will be from a car to a truck so i could wall it off. O fuck Eds lil bus