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Everything posted by 98exploreron22

  1. 98exploreron22

    Dual Skar VVX 15s Design?

    port on the bottom in the center on the box.......set your ssf on the amp at about 30hz and it will still getdown low
  2. 98exploreron22

    4 ssa 12" zcons and 2 crescendo bc5500d box build

    On a good day you might get 1000w out of them quantum 4000d they are way over rated amps
  3. 98exploreron22

    Dual Skar VVX 15s Design?

    Is this for two 15''vvx . try this box 16''tall 40''wide 24''deep with a 5''tall 14''wide 18''deep port that would be like 5.07cf net tuned to like 36hz them skar subs kill the lowlows so you dont need to tune so low with them and thay will still get down. and put some more power on them.....
  4. 98exploreron22

    Dcon 15''

    Will a set of Dcon 15'' in a 6cf box tuned to 35hz with 90in of port on a audiopipe 1500.1 work are is that amp 2much for them. and how long b4 the Dcon are in stock..
  5. 98exploreron22

    Dcon 15''

    I had a set of sundown E15' on the amp in that box and it did real good and got loud. just sold the E15 and was looking to try something new in my setup. so are you telling me the Dcon wont take the power like the sundown E15' did.