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Everything posted by AXEHAMMER


    I think I broke it....please advise

    Thanks everyone. Im goin with seeing the silver lining and that my amps are matched AND i know to keep sub 28hz ANYTHING away from my ride!
  2. The 2500 IS strappable.

    Peoples experience with IA Death penalties?

    They will do just fine on that power and its MUCH easier on your electrical.
  4. I noticed that too polish. I have the same tnuts that I ordered but ended up not using them just for that reason. Granted I didn't try it, but I didn't want to drill holes that may not have been usable.
  5. Yes, be advised RF power series has a set 28hz subsonic. Be very careful.....trust me Edit- why are the 2500s strappable but not my 1500s? would save me a lot of trouble....

    I think I broke it....please advise

    alright. voltage at 40hz-78.x voltage at 20hz-21.x so apparently they do work. that being said. the amp that was on blown sub was the one putting out 78v on 40hz. when I went to other side it was putting out 66v on 40hz. So I guess that's why one is blown and the other is not. due to my "ear" gain setting, one was seeing over 10 less volts....they are matched now. All this being said tho, I don't understand how one failed on 20 volts. the 9v battery test BARELY moved the sub...wtf?

    GCON Build - Help Needed

    Alton did my design for me and it was awesome. He was there anytime I had a question and his calculations were spot on. Im sure if he has the time he would help you. Super awesome dude to have on your side There are others on here that help time to time with box designs and they are just as good im sure, it just seems alton is always first to offer and again, you cant work with a better person.

    Peoples experience with IA Death penalties?

    I agree, however if you just insist on spending coins go ahead with the 5500 and just be conservative with the gains and accurate with the box design.
  9. Can you expand on this bass? just curious why 2 strapped would be better or recommended over his two choices? thanks bro, I try to learn everyday!
  10. That's crazy cheap for new 2500s. I would be tempted to the rf just on that price. and the fact im running 2 1500's and love them.

    I think I broke it....please advise

    ok, ill play a 24hz tone after I get a base reading so I should be a little less than half output. thanks bro!

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Sorry to hear you are still waiting tearz, maybe it would have worked better if you got mine and I had to wait so I wouldn't have broke one But have faith that Aaron is doing all he physically can to get you taken care of.

    I think I broke it....please advise

    Without subs hooked up I would play say a 35hz tone and measure ac output then play say 25hz tone and measure output to see if it is working. correct?

    I think I broke it....please advise

    That's exactly what I was thinking Quentin, I wasn't sure, but I figured that far below 28hz it shouldn't have got that much power. I have twin amps, so that might explain why one sub bit the dust and the other didn't. Im telling you It sounded just like a jackhammer it was bottoming or whatever so hard.

    I think I broke it....please advise

    All I know is the design was for 33hz and I built it as close as possible to spec without being a craftsman. On the meter 32hz was my sweet spot, so being a noob I don't know if that means my box is tuned to 32 or if my car helps that be the sweet spot. I do know that a 32hz tone barely moves my subs at full tilt.

    sundown lincoln

    Great work jon, maybe I should send you my xcon. the wait would be much shorter I bet....lol

    I think I broke it....please advise

    Shit. Ill cancel my fleabay order and run to lowes in the morning. Thanks AGAIN jon

    I think I broke it....please advise

    I was thinking of getting a good crossover/line driver with adjustable ssf. What brand should I look at? I bought a maxxonics unit a while back but it induced engine noise so I took it out. Are some brands better than others? If it helps me keep my stuff in working order money is not an object.

    SSA/Crescendo Van Install from Japan

    Alt looks good tearz keep it coming. did you see my thread on xcon breaking?

    GCON Build - Help Needed

    I agree. and not because its a bad amp, but on a typical install we never see what the amp is rated at due to our electrical and such. I also know the sub will handle the power if you are careful with it. Enjoy! great choice and welcome!

    I think I broke it....please advise

    Thanks jon, so im good to go ahead and order what you linked and fill in the tears and hope for the best. correct?

    I think I broke it....please advise

    also devcon shows many different epoxies. which one am I wanting?

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Why oh why do I do stupid shit that I should know better than?????????

    I think I broke it....please advise

    Thanks pm. And thanks everyone for their thoughts/advice. I am just SO mad at myself and sick to my stomach right now. I shouldn't have had that tone on my usb stick to begin with! I have to say this tho, for what I put them through I cannot believe that is the only damage done! speaks well for SSA and I appreciate their dedication to building strong subs. I have NO doubt many of the mainstream subs ive ran would have literally fell apart when that 20hz tone hit. Does the devcon have a "mixing nozzle" as jon recommended?