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Everything posted by demetman

  1. Hello guys new here and I am looking to replace my JL 12W7 with a 15" Mag. I am running the 12W7 with a JL 1000/1 in a tuned enclosure(custom build to 32Hz). I am looking to increase SPL and by moving to a larger sub(Mag) using the same 1000wrms. I am pretty sure this Mag will outperform my 12w7 what do you guys think? Could you guys reccomend optimum enclosure sizes for my Dodge Magnum. I am looking to maintain SQ as the 12w7 did a good job in that sence. I am willing to give up as much room as needed in the trunk for the enclosure. I will take the reccomended specs to a pro box builder for fabrication. all input is greatly appreciated. D
  2. demetman

    advice on vehicle specific enclosure

    The reason I am inquiring on box spec possibilities is simply due to the vast variations on enclosure volumes used by many Mag users. I have read many posts on this forum that show positive results deviating from reccomended specs. It seems as if a majority build SEALED enclosures for this sub. Do sealed enclosures due this sub more justice or is this just a personal opinion. I listen to a wide variety of music including metal, guitar oriented music, heavy bass material, bass mechanic and everything in between. I have maxed out my 12W7 and 1000/1 combo and need more low end output. The 12W7 lacks punch with kick drum and double bass notes(crossed over at 100Hz). Maybe the enclosure has something to do the subs capabilities and handicaps. Would you give me an idea of how sealed to spec and ported to spec may sound with my 1000/1 tuned properly and a larger sealed and larger ported(4cubes as you mentioned). Box fabrication is my weakness as I am a wiring junkie and I want to learn different dynamics of bass output including cabin gain, vehicle acoustics and speaker parameters. Sorry for rambeling on just curious.