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About keezy235

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    Indianapolis, IN
  1. sweeet! I'll definitely have to start twisting some knobs(other than the bass boost) when I get my sub in there This may sound like yet another dumb question, but how does my amplifier know to filter lower frequencies for my front two channels (powering my door speakers) but not my rear two channels (eventually going to be powering my DCON). Does that make sense? I'm curious about the same questions for SSF too! YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN SUCH A HELP!! thanks for empowering me with so much knowledge edit: random, do you drive an M5? my dream car, after the m3
  2. ok cool, I also have a phase knob on my amplifier that I'm curious about. Care to fill me in? Also, will my amp automatically know to filter the two channels that're powering my front door speakers so they don't receive low frequencies and not the two channels powering my subwooofer? Does this make sense? Thanks so much for your help!
  3. thanks so much for the explanatory response! I'm a noob but am slowly but surely catching on to everything in the car audio scene What's your thought on bass boost?! I have kept it all the way down for my speakers but may be tempting to mess around with once I get my DCON. Also, my amplifier has a phase knob that starts at 0 and ends at 180. I seem to find a new knob everytime i look
  4. Ok, mistake me if I'm wrong, but you're saying I should wait until I install my woofer so I can blend the front speakers with my subwoofer using the LPF. Also, The SSF is adjustable. What exactly is this SSF and what does it do? Thanks so much for your help.
  5. Thanks for the reply! Well since my front speakers have quite a bit of mounting depth, I don't want them to play too low because they flex and hit the inside of my door panel when playing the deep notes I've noticed. If I want to set my LP filter at say 80hz, could I just download an 80hz test tone and play it through my speakers and set my LP filter by seeing when my front speakers do and don't play the 80 hz test tone. Does that make sense? Also, there is Subsonic filter as well as a phase control knob. What exactly are these and should I mess with them ? Thanks for your help!
  6. Hello everyone, I currently have a pair of Image Dynamics CTX65CS components in my front door speakers and Type S's in my rear doors that're being powered off of my alpine headunit. I will soon be ordering the 12" Dcon Single 4 ohm to place in the 2.0 cubic foot box I have that has a port tuned to 32hz. I thought I got a pretty good deal on it, and it looks sturdy enough to hold the DCON with it's double baffled front! The amp i'm using to power my front components and the subwoofer is the Cadence DCA 4100 which I also linked below. Correct me if i'm wrong, But I have to bridge two channels of this amplifier together if I want my subwoofer to be seeing roughly 250 RMS at 4 ohms. I'm confused on how to set my subsonic filter and LPF for this setup. Can someone please share some knowledge! Thanks. Box - http://www.ebay.com/itm/200761346811?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_4542wt_1397 Cadence4 channel Amplifier - http://www.amazon.com/DCA-4100-Cadence-Daytona-Competition-Amplifier/dp/B00481S6UI
  7. keezy235

    Ssa subwoofers

    is there anyplace in indy? I've been waitin for the dcon for god knows how many weeks and am considering ordering something else just because I'm craving bass..
  8. is there anyway I could pre-order my 12" ? The anticipation
  9. Box two looks like it is way better. If I were you I would get a custom enclosure made for the DCON. The enclosure is just as important as the sub woofer, in my opinion it is MORE important. I looked around for boxes and everyone was charging me around 175-200 dollars to get it at my door even though I can get 2 cubes at 32hz for 110 shipped. If I wasn't on a strict budget I'd pay the extra 80 dollars or so I just don't think it's worth the extra .25 cubes, ya know?
  10. please put me down for one single 4 ohm DCON once they get back in stock! IDK if I can wait much longer I almost ordered a sundown e yesterday but I think waiting for the DCOn will be worth it. I already have 250 watts RMS to work with, but I can't decide which enclosure I should order offline. Which of the following two boxes do you think would be better? The smaller one is 60 dollars less and I am on a pretty strict budget so if the bigger one wouldn't make a noticeable difference I'd like to save some money. Box 1) "http://www.crutchfie...554#details-tab" Sound Ordnance Bass Bunker . Internal volume - 1.83 cubic feet, tuned to 34 hz , 60 dollars shipped Box 2) "http://www.ebay.com/...#ht_3507wt_1397" mobile soundworks 12" vented enclosure. Internal volume - 2.00 cubic feet, tuned to 32 hz, 110 dollars shipped edit: Box 3) "http://www.sonicelec...1SV12-Gray.html" Sonic Sub Box - 1.8 cubic feet, tuned to ?, 60 dollars shipped edit: box 4) "http://caraudiofacto...rted-p-119.html" Single 12" slot ported box, 2.28 cubic feet, tuned to ? 90 dollars shipped How do you think these boxes would compare with the DCON and 250 watts RMS?
  11. keezy235

    DCON Stock

    how much longer for the DCONS?!?!?
  12. when are the 12" single 4 ohms gonna be back in stock??
  13. keezy235

    SSA DCON Questions

    sounds good! Does anyone happen to know any good box builders in the indianapolis area? I'm sure shipping is going to be an arm and a leg for a box so I'd like to find someone that could make it for me local. THanks everyone! edit: also, is there any advantage or disadvantages between slot ports, aero ports, and slot kerfed ports? what would be best for my application?
  14. keezy235

    SSA DCON Questions

    Hey guys, I've got 250 RMS to work with from my cadence four channel amp and I'm debating about getting an SSA Dcon. Does anyone know when the 12" Single 4 ohm version will be back in stock? And I listen to a lot of hip hop and rap, what do you think my best box size and port frequency would be for my likes? Also, does anyone know of a good box maker in the indianapolis area or a pre-made box online that'll work well with a 12" Dcon on 250 watts? Thanks a bunch everyone!