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crackinhedz last won the day on April 14 2017

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About crackinhedz

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    Lynchburg, VA
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    2012 Hyundai Santa Fe (LTD)

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  1. Im using a CarPC myself, but the Clarion NX807 headunit has optical output. http://www.clarion.com/us/en/products-personal/multimedia/NX807/hilight/index.html#Fm-1Anchor I honestly don't notice a big advantage of optical vs rca sound quality wise, but an optical connection does reduce chance of ground loop hiss between headunit and amps (But thats a problem should be corrected anyway with proper grounds). As mentioned the car environment makes it a challenge to discern high resolution audio/processing. With that said, I definitely prefer the use of a DSP for tuning vs not having one. Newer DSP's are starting to accept USB audio, so potentially could straight usb from the phone?
  2. crackinhedz

    Buying First real TV, can haz help?

    While 4K has been the latest craze, its not leaps and bounds better than 1080p especially at viewing distance vs screen size. Can be negligible. What you should look for to be 'next gen' so to speak is HDR (High Dynamic Range). This is where vast improvements will be made, as more content begin to utilize this feature. Thats a feature Id look for in a newer TV. Something like this may fit your budget and needs: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/hisense-55-class-54-6-diag--led-2160p-smart-4k-ultra-hd-tv-with-high-dynamic-range-black/5524900.p?skuId=5524900 https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01E6PGT90/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499174136&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=55H8C&dpPl=1&dpID=518-TDLzyJL&ref=plSrch
  3. crackinhedz

    '12 Grand Cherokee

    Very nice! I want to get my wife a radio with Carplay too! Excellent job on that enclosure! wow.
  4. crackinhedz

    Adding second icon amp upgrade question

    1400rms @ 2ohm vs 2000rms @ 1ohm, would be splitting hairs. Not to mention the amp would run more efficient at 2ohm, with less chance of any [more] strain on your electrical. You gain the extra 12" cone surface, while not risking electrical. Thats my $.02
  5. crackinhedz

    Adding second icon amp upgrade question

    Call it a day.
  6. crackinhedz

    Adding second icon amp upgrade question

    No, stick with your 2ohms. The amp you linked does 1400rms @ 2ohm. This ^^^
  7. crackinhedz

    Adding second icon amp upgrade question

    There may be other ways to wire (beyond my knowledge), I just go by the wiring diagrams here: http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/woofer_configurations.asp
  8. crackinhedz

    Adding second icon amp upgrade question

    You can wire a single dual 2ohm sub into either 1ohm or 4ohm two dual 2ohm subs can wire to .5ohm, 2ohm or 8ohm
  9. crackinhedz

    Adding second icon amp upgrade question

    wiring for two 2ohm subs, your options are .5ohm, 2 ohm or 8 ohm. (Unless you go the amp each sub route, but not necessary) I think youd do well wiring for 2ohm, you can find a good class D amp (I have a Hifonics amp I used at 2ohm @ 1400rms). I doubt youd notice a difference between 1000rms a sub vs 700 rms a sub plus will be easier on your electrical.
  10. crackinhedz

    Finally back to my Xcons!

    something like this might work: 2.4" depth https://www.parts-express.com/morel-msw-265-shallow-classic-series-8-composite-paper-cone-woofer--297-008
  11. crackinhedz

    Finally back to my Xcons!

    Thanks! Still needs some EQ work, but I'm getting there.
  12. crackinhedz

    Finally back to my Xcons!

    Yeah, I will probably leave them alone. The black looks good, but the contrast of beige/black stands out while driving and can be slightly distracting. Definitely took some getting use to. I am using an e3io CarPC via Optical to a Mosconi 6to8v8 dsp.
  13. crackinhedz

    Finally back to my Xcons!

    My buddy Alex made the pillars, and he happened to have a friend who does auto upholstery in NC, so the vinyl wrap was no problem. They look really good in person, and the color match almost exact. Though it took some getting use to pillars while driving, gave me almost a tunnel vision feel but that has since gone away I don't notice them as much anymore. I thought about and tried a beige speaker grill cloth, but couldn't get the grill back on. I might try painting the grill, but for now Im ok, they still look so good.
  14. crackinhedz

    Finally back to my Xcons!

  15. crackinhedz

    Finally back to my Xcons!

    Hey if the size and mounting is similar to the L3v2's and you need someone to give a review I'd gladly accept a pair.