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Everything posted by MidTexRam

  1. Looking for some help in a new build. I want or use my current amp RF p1000bd- will be running @1ohm I have room for two 15" woofers in a sealed box. (have roughly 5cf to work with) This will be going in my dodge megacab. Looking at Sundown E-15 or Sa-15 Recommed best sub in sub 300.00 price range. Goal is good balance of SQ & SPL.
  2. MidTexRam

    New to forum, Plan my build.

    done with the build. never had a set of 15s but WOW totaly different sound. Very smooth and fills the truck when they are turned down on the EQ. My old ported 10's would make you sick (head ache, itchy nose, and ears) when turned up past half way. These 15s still move the same air without the discomfort. Not my best box build but funtional to use the center car seat tie point. The awkward extention on the top of the box is to keep people from recling the back seat on the speaker. To sum up: I am happy so far with the Re Audio SEx15s. Clean SQ and solid lows. Box net 2.13Cu and if i remember right 30.15hz and flat as hell curve. if someone will help with how to install pics i will upload.
  3. MidTexRam

    New to forum, Plan my build.

    Thanks for the replies. I am no expert when it comes to modeling subs for enclosure but I used an online program and modeled about 20 different subs (all the subs offered in this sites store). Almost every sub i ran the progam on for my airspace was peaky and needed more air space than i had to flatten out and had a 40hz+ roll off in a seaded box. There was only two speakers I could find that would go low 32 hz and flat in a sealed box of 2.3 to 2.5 cf. The RE Audio SEx 15 and the RF P3 15. Despite mixed reviews I boought the REs. They were less than the RFs and I thought if they blow im not out a ton of cash. I will start the build this weekend and upload picks. Thanks again for helping an new member.
  4. MidTexRam

    New to forum, Plan my build.

    This is what I need. Please sugest brands.... I have built many boxes and have run a coulpe subs in this truck but nothing i really like. Currently have two 10s and very long story short they have to go!!!!!! I am more than fine with doing two ported 12s but my ego is telling me two 15's behind the seat is kind of cool.