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About BiZkiT8u

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  1. BiZkiT8u

    Quick BL question

    Thanks guys, Sorry it took so long to check, but I just took the time to make a new ported box. Sounds as good as ever. Thanks again!!!
  2. BiZkiT8u

    Quick BL question

    I'm getting ready to purchase a new car and I haven't had bass in about 2 months so I'm going through withdrawl. Would it hurt my 12" BL to put it in a sealed box for a few weeks? I know its not recommended, but at the moment I don't have time to make a nice ported box. Thanks for the help guys... Daniel
  3. BiZkiT8u

    Arsenal HT?

    On the old webpage it didn't recommend any box sizes for HT use. Does that mean the arsenal shouldn't be used for a HT sub. Can anyone give me any recommendations on a box size for the 12" version? I'm a noob when it comes to home theatre. Thanks!