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Everything posted by J.C

  1. J.C

    ssd's or Q

    if you had the choice what would you take 2 12" ssd's getting 600 watts each or a 15" Q getting 1200 watts. Both would be in optimum enclosures tuned around 32HZ. I want it to be loud and be able to hit the lows and sound good while doing it.
  2. what is the best amp for 1200RMS at 1 ohm that is pretty cheap.
  3. J.C


    would an ssd with only coppercoil be happy with 500rms or should i give it more. planning on getting 2 but dont want to have to upgrade electrical system.
  4. J.C

    component help

    dont want to do anything fancy just want to get a good set of components. Dont have anything for power yet waiting until i know what speakers im getting.
  5. J.C

    component help

    I am looking for a good component set that is $250 or less maybe a little bit more if needed. They have to be 5.25. i want some good sounding speakers that can get loud.
  6. J.C

    Gain, Hz, and Db

    ???????? Whats that mean???? White girl is a song by young jeezy i think thats what he means
  7. thanks has anyone had an ed nine 1 is that any good.
  8. is the US Amps XT-2000D a good amp. Is it overrated underrated or will it give me a good clean 1200 watts RMS. Any other suggestions for amps welcome.
  9. J.C


    What kind of wood is good to build boxes out of other than MDF.
  10. J.C


    What options should i get with the SSD's for them to be more for SPL. Copper coil or flatwind coil and what is the bp power.
  11. J.C

    12 or 18

    Alright i aalready asked this before but never really got an answer. What do you think would be louder 2 12" SSD's each getting 750-1000 watts or a BL 18 getting 1500-2000. Please dont say it depends on the install. lets just say they are in there optimal enclosures.
  12. J.C

    Fi Shirts

    I really just want to get a plain black t-shirt that has a little FI logo on the front in white.
  13. J.C

    Know what I want but ned help

    With 3000 watts that would be perfect for the BL's im not to sure on what options to get though.
  14. J.C

    Trunk tear down and rebuild log *pics*

    Is birch better than mdf for boxes. What is the best wood to build boxes out of.
  15. J.C

    My BL comes tommorow!!!

    email scott [email protected]
  16. J.C

    Sound deadeners

    I am going to want to sound deaden my trunk and was wondering what are some of the best sound deadeners.
  17. J.C

    Sound deadeners

    Has anyone used edead its pretty cheap so i dont know how good it is
  18. J.C

    ascendant audio

    So is FI going to be selling AA stuff on their website sometime in the future.
  19. J.C

    ascendant audio

    So what does it mean that FI and AA are partnering up
  20. J.C

    entered my first comp...

    Hey do you live in cuyahoga falls or city close to there. I think i live near you
  21. J.C


    Would 5 gallons do the whole car i mean for now i just want to do the trunk. About how many squere feet does it take to do a trunk usually.
  22. J.C


    Does anyone know if the liquid sound deadeners that you roll on work as good as the mats.