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Everything posted by J.C

  1. If you want really good help on a box E-mail scott with all of the information. I told him what a wanted and he hooked me up with some plans for 2 12" SSD's. His email is [email protected] Just tell him all the information.
  2. J.C

    Sound deadeners

    Wow my bad i totally forgot about that. How many square feet does it usually take to do the trunk
  3. J.C


    would it sound good to have 2 12" subs in a ported box and 1 10" in a sealed box. Would that sound good together.
  4. J.C


    ok so different sized subs together would be terrible. What about ported and sealed box together.
  5. J.C

    Box Dimension Help 4 BL 15"

    E-mail scott he would probaly be able to help you.
  6. J.C

    SSD Install

    Hey if you want scott just made me some designs for a box that is for 2 12" SSD's. Its 4.5 cubic feet tune to 33Hz If you want tell me your email and ill send it to you
  7. J.C

    SSD Install

    you cant get copper coils and the flatwind together Also do you live in cleveland or a city near cleveland like me
  8. J.C


    Im going to get 2 12" SSD's if i want to wire them to a 1 ohm load should i get the dual 1 or dual 2 ohm. subs.
  9. J.C

    Walling an s-10 blazer

  10. J.C

    what should i do

    Alright what should i get this will be my daily setup i want something that will be loud. Option1- Get 2 15"SSD subs and give them 1000 watts a piece Option2- Get 1 12"BL give it 1500 watts then buy another after 4-5 months Option3- Get 1 15"BTL and give it 2500 watts
  11. J.C

    sound deadening

    I am looking to get sound deadening for my trunk. Could you guys tell some good sound deadeners and how much they cost.
  12. J.C

    1 SSD15 enough beat?

    Ok so back to his original question of wether the SSD has a enough beat. I am also wondering if it does since im thinking about gettiting 2 12"s. I dont want to spend $250 more for BL's if the SSD's will do the job. Plus spending another $3-400 on better amps.
  13. J.C

    Hows this sound??

    Hey im just wondering how those BL's sound im thinking of getting them. How loud ae they and what kind of SQ do they have
  14. what are some good amps that will put out 1600RMS and are for $400 and under.
  15. well i dont need the amp right now and that sale wont last long so what are a few others that are cheaper.
  16. My bad 1500-1600RMS at 1 ohm
  17. J.C

    which 15's??

    Well if you have the volume cranked how long would it take to do damage to the subs.
  18. J.C

    which 15's??

    what is so important about the cooling. Is it a big deal if you dont get it.
  19. J.C

    SSD or BL

    Im lookin to get 2 12" subs. I want them to be really loud . Will the SSD's be loud and shake my whole car and hurt my ears if i turn it up all the way or do in need the BL's. I would give the subs 1000 watts a piece.
  20. J.C

    Got my (2) ssd12 box designed

    Hey how do those subs sound. Are they loud do they get low and hows the SQ.
  21. J.C


    Would the Hifonics 1606D be good to push 2 12" SSD's or do i need to get the 2006D. Ive heard that Hifonics overates their amps is that true.
  22. J.C

    Shirts and Stickers

    I wish there were some plain FI t-shirts that were black with the FI logo on it in white. I think those would go over very good.
  23. J.C

    2 new vids up this week

    you are my hero
  24. J.C

    What would you do?

    I say go with option 2 also.
  25. J.C


    what is the best wire to hook subs up with.