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Everything posted by Mino

  1. Im just curious what would this sub run nowadays new? or like new condition?
  2. Mino

    CDT amps

    i found a website that sold CDT amps for pretty much almost Zed prices... http://www.lightav.com/car/cdt/cdtamplifiers.html im debating on whether or not to get the SQA-1600 since there are no miniliths left... but im not sure since the amp would be a different color then my Zed Glads
  3. i just recently got a rli8 i want to build a ported box for it tuned to 33 Hz... ive found a few calculators online, but i think i might be entering the info wrong. can anyone draw me up a quick build for it... or link me a easy calculator to use thnx
  4. wow nice build and car, love the rims... does it ever bottom out?
  5. thought itd be cool to see why some ppl got into audio... for me it was my pops heres half of his collection hes been working on
  6. Mino

    The Mag is coming!

    monies is in hand... whooooooo
  7. Mino

    eD 13Av.2 Subwoofer

    Wow a positive review. Obviously he was paid off by Ben and the evil forces... Even though Ben runs the company i dont support him personally because i dont even know him(although ive spoken with him a few times). I do, however, support the products they(there are other great people working at ED) make because they have all worked for me flawlessly in the past as have other products from Fi, DLS, Alpine etc which ill continue to support. I just wonder how many people here have actually used their products...ie amps, drivers, and have legitimate issues with them? By "legitimate" i mean hands on, not oh i heard from so and so on the forums blah blah blah or from my buddy so and so. If you have had problems that were handled unjustly then i agree to avoid their product as would I with any manufacture, but i would not go around flaming a company online like a teenager. This isnt aimed at everyone in this thread. Some of you seem rather professional, while others seem to follow the typical 12v mob mentality. I have personal, hands on experience with their eDead V1SE. Also, I have personal, hands on experience of finding pieces of it that have fallen off in my trunk every summer. And let's not forget the personal, hands on experience of trying to remove the pieces that fall off in my doors and clog up the window mechanisms. By far, the worst car-related purchase I've ever made. ive also had bad experiences with their deadener, couple years back i was intrigued by the price and the biased "quality" that you get, so i ordered 2 rolls of the v2 i think... it worked well at first but i started noticing peeling about within a month or so, i just simply re rolled it and sure enough it started peeling again but at different spots and got into the window mechanism... long story short i peeled everything recleaned my doors... complete pain to get off and replaced everything with Raamatt/ b-quiet deadener and never had a problem siince... never had any bad experience w/ Ben 1st hand but that was my eD experience... i have to admit they do know how to market their products though
  8. Mino

    1 sub, 1 amp, 1 hu

    awesome review of the icon sub unbiased http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=10339 and a little more info on the sundown amp http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=9398 overall i think the icon and sundown combo is an awesome deal and should fit you bill... which leaves you with about >500 to spend on a good h/u, some coaxs, and sound deadener... hope this helps some oh both of these companies have GREAT customer service so if you ever have any questions you can speak directly to them... vs paying 1500+ for JL and no customer service
  9. Mino

    SSA welcomes Second Skin Audio

    wow i just noticed second skin haha... time to redo the whole car hahaha... welcome
  10. Mino

    where are your gains on your Zed amps?

    both my glads are slightly pass 12 oclock, im running a 880prs as well
  11. Mino

    2 Miniliths and Draconia are God-ly

    very clean install looks awesome... im going to be doing something like that once i find a mini to complete my setup love the draconia i couldnt find one so im running two glads instead
  12. Mino

    8" subs

    the 8s im considering so far are either ss rl-i8 when ever they come back in stock or the crystal cmp 8 im just not sure which to go with are there any other nice 8s out there?
  13. Mino

    presale posibility?

    i would totally jump on this band wagon
  14. Mino

    The webpage is up...

    hmmm AA amps?... the sub descriptions are kinda cheesy though
  15. Mino

    8" subs

    whats the rumor on TC sounds? are they going to stop being the build house for other companies since theyre going retail now?
  16. i would save up, and if you ever need to sell it... they tend to keep a decent resale value
  17. Mino

    8" subs

    ive had some bad experiences w/ ed i had their deadner and did not like it at all i had to peel and replace it...
  18. Mino

    8" subs

    lol ur avatar is hilarious... i tend to stay away from ed products, but thnx for ur offer though, i was looking into audio pulse but there 8s are expensive...
  19. Mino

    CDT amps

    ugh sad news... i just talked to djdilliodon a sales rep for CDT and he said that CDT only did a very short run of those amps and non are available ... guess im back to sqr 1 again
  20. Mino

    CDT amps

    yea i was just looking on CDTs website and it didnt list them as one of the Authorized dealers... damn, im gonna get conformation from CDT to make sure... thnx for the heads up Zedman
  21. Mino

    CDT amps

    yea its the only downside about the CDT amps they dont come w/ the BB chip set, or the mounting covers... you would think so since they have a premium price over Zeds... ahhh i think im gonna do it ive been looking for a mini for awhile and nada, lol knowing my luck one would prob pop up after i order one
  22. Mino

    8" subs

    ive also thought about AA as well i have a 10" assassin so i kinda want to try something new
  23. Mino

    One of the reasons why i love Audio

    yea its alot more pleasing to the eye the way it is right now before we had everything in a amp rack tower and the tv was mounted to the wall just looked really plain yea if you ever need advice ill get my dad to hop on my sn and he'll answer any question... oh and everything is reinforced w/ steel piping so nothing will fall through lol
  24. Mino

    One of the reasons why i love Audio

    those stromberg amps are completely restored, by my dad and hes made some modifications to them... i think he paid like 400 bucks for the pair and after he was done restoring them, someone offerd him like 3500 or more i forgot i wish i knew more about them, all i know is that they fairly rare to find these days
  25. Mino

    One of the reasons why i love Audio

    the whole thing together Tube Amps for the WIN!