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Everything posted by kickerlivinloud

  1. kickerlivinloud

    IA Single Cab Truck Build--30+ pics

    Just thought I'd share the results of this build. Failure... I finished up the box sunday and put it in for some testing. I had major flex issues with the box (needed a lot of bracing and I didn't have the air space to have any). Also I was chocking the sub really bad! It was decently loud (15" + 2krms +single cab= still loud no matter what) but it was not the loudness I expected from the DP. I'm debating doing a glass enclosure. The more and more I think about it I think I might down grade a little bit. I'm debating switching over the a SQ/Low End style system. I prefer killer low end over pure SPL. I've been thinking about a pair of 10's or maybe just a single 10". Put it in a large box tuned around 27-28Hz, 50-60"^2 port area, maybe more. I'm also looking into some nice comps to help keep up with the lows. I might even try going active with them just for something new and fun. So be on the lookout for a new build coming from my neck of the woods. It'll be fun no matter which was I decide to go, thats about all I can guarantee...... Jon
  2. kickerlivinloud


    Ahhhh!!! Damn my bench seat!!!!!!!! I would love to put the DP in like that in my truck. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I hate my truck! Looks bada$$ man!!!!!!!!!!! I've very jelious!! Jon
  3. kickerlivinloud

    Port Question..

    Has anyone here ever tried something like this??? Right now I'm spending a lot of time here.. http://www.quarter-wave.com/ Learning about TL and quarter way theory. I thinking about building something like the TQWP and testing it see how changes in length, and width effect the output. This probably won't be anytime soon but in a couple months maybe. It'll take me that long to read all the way through the TL/1/4 wave theory stuff, lol. Well wish me luck! Jon
  4. kickerlivinloud

    Port Question..

    Ok I've been trying to do a lot of reading about the more technical side of audio. I was thinking about different styles of port and how they effect the output of the box. So on to my main question. What if you had a circular port that started off small and grew into a larger diameter. Say it begins as a 3" port and ends up say a 10" port (pulling numbers out of my butt) What advantages or disadvantages would this have?? If you think about it wouldn't it make it louder?? When you helling into a cone your louder, or when you cup your hands around you mouth your voice is louder then without. Wouldn't the same apply for car audio applications??? Any informative incite would be appreciated!! Jon
  5. kickerlivinloud

    Great subs that never should have been discontinued....

    Haha, I guess that, Reading > me lol Thats a shame! I would love to find some online some were. Has to be a few of them still kicking around. Jon
  6. kickerlivinloud

    IA Single Cab Truck Build--30+ pics

    Crap!!! You have any pictures of this???? Also was it sealed or ported??? I know I could get close to 6ft^3 if I made it from wall to wall. Would of had to seal it though. I just can't wait to get the dust cap in for it so I can finally fire it up!!! Thanks for the comments! Jon
  7. kickerlivinloud

    IA Single Cab Truck Build--30+ pics

    Thanks man! I got a little worried part of the way through but now I'm confident it'll work! Jon
  8. kickerlivinloud

    IA Single Cab Truck Build--30+ pics

    It was around 4.7 gross. Net brought it down to 3.6. idk exactly how many clicks. Next time I put the box in I'll count and see how many I lost.... Jon
  9. kickerlivinloud

    Great subs that never should have been discontinued....

    I'm surprised no one said Inhumans. They were some beefy subs!!!!! I would of loved to get a hold of a 12 or 15!! Jon
  10. kickerlivinloud

    Sub Comparison pics

    Incriminator Audio Death Penalty 15" vs Atomic AP/SPL 12" Wonder who would win???? Jon
  11. kickerlivinloud

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    Hey denim just got your email. Yea I'd still like to get one made. I don't have any images that would probably work. I would like it to have a LI, with a bahn A8000T and a panasonice 8001. That and a cool back ground would be awesome. Let me know if you need more info... Thanks man.. Jon
  12. kickerlivinloud

    se 12

    Might want to look into Incriminator audio. There LI's are awesome subs. Compared to the SE's. I know my LI is about equal to a kicker 12L7. Very awesome sub, has great SQ and gets hella loud!!! www.incriminatoraudio.com Jon
  13. kickerlivinloud

    spl subs

    Why not look into some DP's??? Great sub in my opinion, now only if I could get me hands on one... www.incriminatoraudio.com Jon
  14. kickerlivinloud

    What setup

    Pair of IA LI 12's off from a HiFonics 1500D. Nice big box tuned around 35Hz should make you more then happy, and it will make you very loud. Or just tune it nice and low for pure SQ. Either way around, you can't go wrong with a LI... Jon
  15. kickerlivinloud

    I'm Here Finnaly

    Welcome man... Good to see more and more ppl joining everyday... Jon
  16. kickerlivinloud

    Sub Porn

    I"m bored so here is some more... Jon
  17. kickerlivinloud

    Sub Porn

    Ok, let try this agian.... A lot of my pics which i have used imageshake aren't working. They work at frist then the don't its weird... Jon
  18. kickerlivinloud

    Sub Porn

    Bumping an old thread with a little porn of my own... Jon
  19. kickerlivinloud

    New Version 2.0.0 Forum Software installed

    Hey really like the new look of the forum. Was like, WHOA!! when I first saw it. Good job guys... Jon
  20. kickerlivinloud

    A few pics of my new car

    Looks good man!!! Can't wait to see that XXX in it though Jon
  21. kickerlivinloud

    I am teh n00b

    Welcome, ya should injoy it here, one of the few forums left that isn't infected by imuture tards.... Jon
  22. kickerlivinloud


    hey blackgeltablets, were you at in ny??? Jon
  23. Errr!!! I have posted on a lot of forums and still gotten no answer about the clarion. I am looking at either that or the Pioneer 960 but I am in a bind over which one i want. There are no shops around me so i can't go and listen/see them so I have to make my dicision on other ppls experienses with these 2 HU's. Please help me!!!!! Jon
  24. kickerlivinloud

    Honestly, How Stupid Can People Be?

    They are just imature little brats who seem to think they need to be all cool and stuff so they talk about stuff they have no clue about. Normal Jr Higher.... Jon
  25. kickerlivinloud

    Sub Comparison pics

    Keep em coming!!! Awesome thread, can never get enough of side by side comparisons...... Jon :boink: