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About 2TONLT1

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  1. 2TONLT1

    Hey Everybody

    i brought it from a friend it has interchangeble ports one 35hz,45hz and a 55hz, i have the 45hz in there now will probably be switching out soon the 35hz
  2. 2TONLT1

    Hey Everybody

    nice to see another b-body owner on here do you have any pics of your install?
  3. 2TONLT1

    Hey Everybody

    Hey everybody, Just wanted to say hi. My name is Jamie. I'm from Richmond,VA. I have a 1996 Chevy Caprice 9C1.Currently system wise i have; Jensen vms9510ts dvd headunit(dont laugh i really like the unit and picture on screen is great) Diamond audio m3 5.25 componets in front doors MB Quart 5.25's for rear fill MTX Thunder 2100rt for diamonds Diamond Audio CM3 12 in a ported 4.0 cu. ft. box tuned to 45hz Jensen JPA285 bridged to Diamond Audio CM3 12 (Dont laugh again got it for free,sounds pretty good for what it is) Everything is about to upgraded with the except of the Headunit and diamonds and mtx amp. I am very intrested in the powerbass black series subs, i am thinking about running one 15 in a 5.0 cu.ft box tuned to something like 40hz with about 400 watts on it. Well nice meeting you all