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Everything posted by X-OvrDistortion

  1. X-OvrDistortion

    Elemental Designs 13Av.2+Nine.1

    eDuh is still in business?
  2. X-OvrDistortion


    Yes there are a number of new members that think or feel that is what they need to do, but it is not the main chunk of traffic. Oh I agree that it isn't a big volume of people, but it's just one of those things that sticks with you even if only one or two people say it. It gets etched into my mind. Fi has been a boner for a while. Where the hell is ndmustang....I wanna kick him in the balls. What I need to do is deaden, new HU and comps for the front. I think I am going to use my Kicker 700.5 and my mpyre 6.5 sub. Now, who wants to buy stuff for me?
  3. X-OvrDistortion


    Just thought I would drop in and tell all my old people HELLO! The damn audio bug is starting to bite me again. This 2.5 mile drive to work with the stock system is killing me!! So, what is new?
  4. X-OvrDistortion


    So did the server just blow up and Josh finally just said screw it and threw it all in the trash compactor? Funny thing is, I talk to him all the time and we never talk about what happened to the server. LOL Ok, what is the eBoner now-a-days? Todd, is it snowing there yet? Yes and No. I was in Duluth this past weekend and it snowed a bit there and came home and nothing. Now its raining, and probably going to snow or just ice over. I like it here in MN but i envy the warm weather you are probably enjoying. Warm weather if ftw. I hate the cold.
  5. X-OvrDistortion


    So did the server just blow up and Josh finally just said screw it and threw it all in the trash compactor? Funny thing is, I talk to him all the time and we never talk about what happened to the server. LOL Ok, what is the eBoner now-a-days? Todd, is it snowing there yet?
  6. X-OvrDistortion


    SIN....<sad> Life in the land of beautiful people is great. Good paying job that requires very little of me. You back from Europe yet Mike? Talk to people..why would I do that? I am content in my little world.
  7. X-OvrDistortion


    Ya, life has a way of kicking me in the balls......then doing it again for good measure. I actually bookmarked this site again so I don't forget. 2.5 miles to work...that might be an overstatement. LOL I need to hook up on a 5 channel amp, 6.5 components, and a nice HU. What sucks is that I have most of that stuff, it just is in MN in storage till I can get there to pick it all up. SoCal is not a hole, it is beautiful. Should be 70 and sunny today. Nick, 2nd time. Aaron, read above. So, what is the huge eBoner nowadays? Where is ndmustang...I hear he likes boys.
  8. X-OvrDistortion

    Been gone lately

    I love the new look of the place guys. I know I have been gone for a while, but I am slowly making my way back to reality. Life has been rough the last few months and chit. I hope I still can contribute and chit. X
  9. X-OvrDistortion

    Hennessey Dodge Challenger SRT600

    Not a fan of the wheel, but OMFG that thing is a thing of beauty. I fudgeing love it.
  10. X-OvrDistortion

    matching frontstage to substage

    Shush nick. ^^don't know chit about chit.
  11. X-OvrDistortion

    Thank You SSA

    This place sucks. kthnxbye.
  12. X-OvrDistortion

    Godsmacks (4) 10" ICON build log

    Ok, then I understand. It looks sooooper.
  13. X-OvrDistortion

    Godsmacks (4) 10" ICON build log

    My only question is, why did you guys not flush mount those subs?
  14. X-OvrDistortion

    what do u think of this system

    I have a 700.5 sitting in the garage. That thing has never met a speaker that it didn't like.
  15. X-OvrDistortion

    doing a job for a cheap ass

    Tell him he can get one monster sub for $500 and put it in a huge box. To hell with multiple chitty subs.
  16. X-OvrDistortion

    6 inch subs

    Mpyre went down with Adire. It is really too bad, they had some promising products. I happen to own one of the Mpyre 65x's and have 2 more that I am getting for a friend. I tell you, I love that lil sub.
  17. X-OvrDistortion

    Second Skin uses...

    I should sound deaden my doors.
  18. X-OvrDistortion

    Finished my First Tube Project!

    I remember when you got that, it is looking better bud. For cleaning the pot, you can use alcohol and a qtip too.
  19. X-OvrDistortion

    Resetting an Amp

    Unplug it from the power supply is what I think that means.
  20. X-OvrDistortion

    battery for 96 accord

    A HO alt would be the way I would have went. It will not hamper your system, but you will not see eleventybillion amps of current at idle. Which is what it sounds like you want.
  21. X-OvrDistortion

    Refurbished TV's?

    secondact, from what I understand, is fantastic.
  22. X-OvrDistortion

    hmmmm...something happened today.

    I had a chance to by a 66 that needed a new tranny for $500. My 'rents wouldn't front me the money, so the guy sold it. Damn, that is one of my favorite cars of all time.
  23. X-OvrDistortion

    battery for 96 accord

    IIRC, most HO alts don't really get HO until they are spinning a lil faster. At least, that is my experience.
  24. X-OvrDistortion

    CSS FR125 BIB Build Log

    Have you noticed how on axis the response is? That was my only issue with the FR125's. I was skeptical about the wood butthole you made, but when you put the speaker in there....OMFG sexy. Looks real nice bud. Hopefully soon I will have some pics to share of the speakers we are making for my 'rents.
  25. X-OvrDistortion

    Get your cheap Oscilloscopes here!

    My scope is better then a date, it is a sure thing. $300 for a scope isn't nothing. Come on guys.....I have it in the FS section.