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Everything posted by bigtoysr4us

  1. bigtoysr4us

    Enclosure question?

    Awesome thats what I was looking for when I finish the new design I'll be putting it up in the Build section. thanks for the help.
  2. bigtoysr4us

    Enclosure question?

    Hey SSA Members I have 2 Mtx 9510-44 that I am looking to design an enclosure for, now I'm not to sure if its possible but I think it is, I would like to be able to do hair tricks, for power I have a Lightning Audio 3000 watt mono amp which is putting out a steady 1900 watts, the car is an 03 cavalier with factory electrical big 3 and two optima red tops. I'd like to fire the subs forward and possibly run the port on the rear deck lid sealing off the trunk from the cabin. my max dimensions are 36x16.5x24 I dont think it needs to be that big but I am new to hair tricks so I need some direction Thanks everyone.
  3. bigtoysr4us

    Enclosure question?

    I really think that it is an achievable goal I might be under powered for what I want to do but I know its possible, I'm just not sure on what design aspects that I need to be focused on be it more port velocity or maximizing cone movement. My skill set is far more advanced than that of my posting status its just spl isn't my normal area of the industry.
  4. bigtoysr4us

    Enclosure question?

    now are my goals needing to be redefined due to current power that I am running, or is it because of the woofers that I have. Please elaborate on your answer
  5. bigtoysr4us

    Enclosure question?

    nobody has any tips or tricks for doing a hair trick, I thought I posted this in the right forum to get help.