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About matt09

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  1. matt09

    Avalanche 15 Coil Smell at 70 watts?

    I understand that but I was on the otherside of the room and smelt the notorious hot voice coil smell which was being vented through the 240 litre enclosure.
  2. matt09

    Avalanche 15 Coil Smell at 70 watts?

    Thanks for all the info, does anyone really have any idea how it actually caused the coil to smell and the centre of the cone to become warm in the end though? This is the amp I was using here. As BKOLFO4 is saying and what I have thought all along is that it can't physically happen from such a low output. I don't suppose it could be that I have bought a dodgy Avalanche that already has a severly damaged voice coil? - I bought it off a guy who had used it for home audio and assured me it was only used a handful of times but I still don't understand . . .
  3. matt09

    Avalanche 15 Coil Smell at 70 watts?

    This is what I was getting at from the beginning, I understand the dangers of clipping but on such a low wattage it doesn't make sense. There shouldn't be enough power to make the gague of the wire on the coil become warm.
  4. matt09

    Avalanche 15 Coil Smell at 70 watts?

    Yeah, it still plays fine, I don't know how badly the coils being burnt though. I just won't be putting too much power though when i get an amp - I'll probably use a Behringer 1200 watt PA amp which is what most people use with them for a home setup, gains not up too high obv.
  5. matt09

    Avalanche 15 Coil Smell at 70 watts?

    Do you think the damage is superficial or will it now be hindered in some way?
  6. matt09

    Avalanche 15 Coil Smell at 70 watts?

    I suppose looking at it, it would be like giving it a DC voltage of 14.2v at 4.7A, but surley this is still nothing compared to the energy input compared to 800-1000 watts. Would the Avalanche be damaged? I didn't let it heat up too much so just a bit of singed coil?
  7. matt09

    Avalanche 15 Coil Smell at 70 watts?

    Yeah, I thought of that already but surley that still wouldn't be enough to make a 1000watt coil hot?
  8. I have been running my Avalanche 15 in an unfinished sonotube for many months on a low wattage amp. I have never been able to really crack it up, but hooked it up to a new Sony PA amp and tried it with sine waves from a computer with the amp turned up full. I noticed after a small while the centre of the cone on the speaker was warm and there was a smell starting to come from the port hole in the magnet. How is this possible just from 70 watts ??? I can verify it was about 70 watts as I measured the current and voltage which was 4.7 amps, 14.2 volts with load applied. It would be great if someone could make sense of this.
  9. matt09

    Chad - Contact Information

    You won't find on here from chad, he said he only had some 15's and you won't find on anywhere else either, trust me I've been looking for god knows how long, go for an 15 instead, there tighter and more accurate anyway.
  10. matt09

    Chad - Contact Information

    Any news?
  11. matt09

    Chad - Contact Information

    Thanks, if you wouldn't mind could you request that one be reserved if possible, and for him to contact me when he wishes in a period that he is less busy.
  12. For those of you who have read this small Forum area will hava noticed my dying urge to get hold of an Avalanche. Chad hasn't contacted me still in over a week and hasn't signed on to the forums, does anyone happen to have any relevant contact information which he uses that they wouldn't mind PM'ing or posting to me. Thanks.
  13. matt09

    Chad, Please answer??

    Thanks for replying I want to know if you don't mind keeping one aside for me or I will have to continue my hunt
  14. matt09

    Chad, Please answer??

    Thanks for the input, well I'm hoping I can whenever he comes online again and reads this
  15. matt09

    Chad, Please answer??

    I notice you have made posts in the forum, but haven't yet replied to my PM's or post in another thread I am desparate for an avalanche, having had 3 sales of one with people fall through for one reason or another over a year, and won't be able to 'bid in' for one on Monday. Sorry to make a spam type thread, I am just dying to get hold of one of these though for home audio.