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Bizzy Beats

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Everything posted by Bizzy Beats

  1. Bizzy Beats

    Mac Mini In My Car?

    then I would be wanting a double din that has great sound quality and has a GPS:)
  2. I am thinking about purchasing a Rockford fosgate 3sixty.3 but I am wondering if it works with apole laptop. this might be a dumb question but I just want to make sure. I would like to program it through Bluetooth with my laptop.
  3. Bizzy Beats

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    when your system is worth more then your car.
  4. I have been looking at Builds trying to plan a box for 4 18" mayhems but I noticed that Steve has a tiny port for his 4 18"s in his Tahoe. how is it possible that he hits so hard with a small port? could I use a box like this and get the same results?
  5. Bizzy Beats

    How big of a port for 4 18" mayhems?

    15s it is then. anyone know where I can buy Busbars?
  6. Bizzy Beats

    How big of a port for 4 18" mayhems?

    my goals are to have a daily system that will kill the lows. but I will also want to get past 55:) I don't exactly how much space I have but it will be going in a Tahoe. I will have about 3k rms per sub. how would the sp4 18" do sealed?
  7. Bizzy Beats

    How big of a port for 4 18" mayhems?

    I Don't really have enough Room for that much port area. would it be better to have 4 15"s with the right amount of port area or 4 18"s with a port like steves?
  8. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    ok sweet I will plan around that thanks.
  9. I have had my ascendant havoc 12 for about a month. Recently I decided that it was broken in enough to see what it could do. I set my gains again, this time with the dd-1, but when I turn the volume up a little it sounds like it is bottoming out. I have a t1500-1bdcp that's rated at 1900 Watts rms at 1 ohm. I thought for sure that the havoc would take that much power and not bottom out. Could the noise be something else? or is it really maxed out?
  10. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    oh ok. if I did get a ascendant mayhem 18" and a t2500-1bdcp what enclosure would you recommend?
  11. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    what do you mean alignment ?
  12. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    how will a mayhem be on a Rockford fosgate t2500-1 bdcp?
  13. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    I will have room for a 15 "
  14. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    the havoc does sound very good! maybe I will save up and get a mayhem..I really like the lows though. does the mayhem get down like the sp4?
  15. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    how much louder would a mayhem be? or how about the fi sp4?
  16. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    I built a box last night 2.5 cubes and tuned to 30 hertz with 40 inches of port area. same result sub bottoms out at about the same volume.
  17. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    so 2.5 cubes with 30 in of port area tuned to 28 hertz. sound good?
  18. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    ok thanks. I will be building a box tonight then.
  19. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    I have heard that sometimes bigger boxes can reduce power handling. is that true? if so would I be better off going with a box around 2 cubes?
  20. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    Ok so this is what i came up with. The outside dimensions are, Width: 20.5" Depth: 12.5" Hight: 28.5" (I plan on using 3/4 mdf). After port (.7869 ft^3) and driver displacement(0.16 ft^3 i hope) there will be 2.16 cubic feet. My port will be 2.75" x 11" and about 43" long, which puts tuning at 28.2ish hertz. Also my driver will be facing up and my port will be facing back toward the trunk.
  21. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    so I took it out of the box and I noticed when I press on the dust cap on the side it sounds like metal is hitting but when I press in the middle is is fine. I also played it in free air and it sound like it has a little high pitch whine when it plays. the whine gets louder as the frequency gets higher.
  22. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    so keep the box at 2.3 cubes and lower the tuning to 28-30 hertz? would a 6" aero port be sufficient? or should I go with another slot port?
  23. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    so 2 inches total? if so then yes.
  24. Bizzy Beats

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    could I build a different box to where it won't bottom out? I have heard of people putting 1500-2000 Watts on a havoc daily with no problems.