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Everything posted by Austin863

  1. Austin863


    Bump. $325 for 1 +shipping.
  2. Austin863


    Bumppppppps wanna getter solddddd.
  3. Austin863

    WTT/WTS 2-BC2000D Amplifiers

    Ill trade ya an 18" xcon for 1 of them there amps(:
  4. Austin863


    You did it not meeeeeee
  5. Austin863

    austin863s subaru impreza build log

    1 18 going in as soon as I get my amp back. Box ready and everything pics today.
  6. Austin863


    Bump 325 plus shipping 1 18.
  7. Austin863


  8. Austin863


    350 pulse whatever shipping is.
  9. Austin863


  10. Austin863

    wattage for the FI BL 12

    ive heard BL's will handle up to about 3k for a period of time. just take it easy on the knob set up your subsonic and make sure your gains are all set well. the 2k should be okay.
  11. Marines don't die. they just go to hell and regroup.

  12. Austin863


    Currently do not have them in anything. trying to get a fit for my car in a sealed enclosure for 1 18. but that could change if anyone is willing to trade or buy these very very soon would be really nice so i can get in the new woofer.
  13. Austin863

    austin863s subaru impreza build log

    Did some work today!
  14. Austin863

    austin863s subaru impreza build log

    Jk phones being a piece of shit and won't let me upload.
  15. Austin863

    austin863s subaru impreza build log

    Holder for both of my back batteries. Gonna strap them down with some industrial straps.
  16. Austin863

    how would someone apply

    how would someone apply to work at the FI build house? just curious. going to college for machining and i really want to stick with car audio industry as a machinist.
  17. Austin863

    how would someone apply

    other than that perk lolz.
  18. Austin863

    mobile device pic postibg

    Nvm I figured it.out thanks tho man.
  19. How do I mobile phone post pics to the forum?
  20. Austin863

    austin863s subaru impreza build log

    Pics you have all been waiting for!!!!!!
  21. Austin863

    austin863s subaru impreza build log

    Subaru front
  22. Austin863

    Two 15" SSA GCON Infinite Baffle D2 Woofers

    whats an infinite baffle?