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Everything posted by donpisto

  1. donpisto

    Recone for TC 5200

    I have an 18" TC 5200 and it works just fine, however, one of the tinsel leads came off from the spider and there is a hole in the spider. There are also some marks on the coil, not sure if its coil rub or what exactly since I dont hear any coil rub. The driver still functions just fine and I've been using it in its condition for several months now, but I would like to have a sub with no flaws, I guess I'm just picky like that. I was wondering who can recone the sub or perhaps get me a new top assembly to match the adapter I have. I might even be interested in another driver, but of course, I'd prefer to go the route that saves the most money. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  2. donpisto

    TC Sounds Liquidation Inventory

    It indeed will be a huge gain for someone else. That "large gold frame subwoofer" is actually pretty big. IIRC it was 26" and the frame itself is part of the basket. If anyone here happens to pick up parts for a TC 5200 and will recone my top assembly or build me a new one, I'd be game for working out a transaction
  3. donpisto

    4 SAZ3000Ds on my LMS Ultras 18s

    they are different.. i talked with kyle fairly extensivly about the audiopulse drivers.. newer spiders with thicker leads, the id on the coils was made smaller, the od stayed the same. also some form of "heatsinking" was put into the coils, and cones, which are now aluminum. a few other changes as well.. Thicker leads...glad they realized those needed to be changed. Heard it wasn't uncommon to have issues with those. I owned several TC subs (probably around 6 or 7) and never had any issues with them, however I did fool around with a proto sub and the leads couldn't take the power...got too hot and snapped. On another note, I look forward to your install. Loved watching those videos
  4. Let me start off with the basics. I have an '01 Accord and I'm looking to do at least 140 on music, but the louder the better, but I want it to sound pretty good still. So, in the works is possibly a 5200, whether it will be a 15 or 18, I don't know, thats why I'm comin to you guys. I have a 170A alt, Odyssey 1200 under the hood and 2150 in the trunk. I have an RF T30001 for my amp. I'll be able to do either a 15 or 18 ported (the 18 requires 5 cubes after all displacement). THis works great for me since I fit in an enclosure that was 5.5 cubes after displacement. Whether a 15 or 18, it will fire up due to height restrictions. I'm just wanting to know what will be the difference of having a 15 or 18 of that driver? Pros and cons of each. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  5. donpisto

    15" or 18" driver...so confused

    Can't port the RL-p, would need minimum 7 cubes As for the 5200, as an 18, it doesn't require much space. The 5400 is similar and needs about 5 cubes. I've been told that unlike most 18's they don't need such large enclosures for being ported. I decided to go with a 15 since I will be able to save some room for the amps and battery and hopefully have some cargo space. I'll definitely post pics up of the driver and the enclosure will be somethin new for me since I plan to get some nice wood to clear coat it. Only thing now is if i want to get a lighter or darker wood. Reason why I'm going with the 15 rather than the 18 is because even though I really enjoy the lows of an 18, it doesn't deliver like I would want it to in the 50's and 60's Hz range. I have DLS Iridiums for my frontstage, however I'm not too sure how much midbass I'll have in the 60+ Hz range. Either way, I'll be happy I think. Gonna tune to 31 Hz probably for the 15.
  6. donpisto

    15" or 18" driver...so confused

    I don't have the DD anymore (and happy without it). My RL-p was in 5 cubes sealed and had plenty of room. Just trying to weigh the differences between going with a 15 and 18 sound wise.
  7. donpisto

    UGH Subwoofer lost?

    People are really shady these days sad to say. Hope something good turns up.
  8. donpisto

    15" or 18" driver...so confused

    That's pretty much anything on the market. LOL. Well sound as close to good as the RL-p.
  9. donpisto

    15" or 18" driver...so confused

    I think the 15 needs about 3.5-4 cubes and the 18 is 5 cubes, so i'm good. 140 because I'm in the upper 139's and I'm not satisfied. By sound good, better than a DD 9515. I ran an RL-p 18, and loved the way it sounded, very smooth and accurate. Just sucks that i can't port it since it would be too small of an enclosure.
  10. donpisto

    Someone please explain this

    I still am wanting to do 145, lol. I dont have the money for all the testing, using different products, etc...but i do have the TL
  11. donpisto

    Larger amplifers?

    A 6000D would be a nice competitor for some of the larger power amps out there. But I agree, market is small for SPL as opposed to the general need of consumers. A 10000D would be nice, lol...but thats just insane
  12. donpisto

    Harro....teh n00bx on SSA

    Hey everyone, I've been on this forum for quite some time but didnt post much, looking to change that. Several of you may already know me as donpisto on other forums. Call me don, donpisto, or by name Levon, it doesn't matter to me. Just wanted to formally introduce myself. Cheers!
  13. donpisto

    Harro....teh n00bx on SSA

    LOL @ ^^^
  14. donpisto

    Ported box suggestions for two rlp18's

    Wish I could fit that in my trunk 5 cubes sealed has some wicked low end and gets plenty loud. I pulled off a 140.1 @ 36 Hz in a trunk setup on an RF 3k1 (gains set conservatively) with that sized sealed enclosure. Got pretty loud IMO on music, though it lacked some of the upper frequencies. The 30's and 40's Hz range is where it really shined. And if you want ish to flex, play Bass I Love You and watch for that 15Hz note....my door panels came towards me a good half inch to an inch.
  15. donpisto

    Happy B-day Mike!

    Happy birffday Mike!
  16. Well looking at the US Amps webpage, it shows the XT4000 gets the 4,000 from its dynamic power i.e. max rating. If that's the case, how much voltage is required to obtain 4kw at any time. I'm not engineer, but I'm sure some sort of calculations would have to be made to figure out max rating, possibly the peak on a benchtest? If I'm not mistaken, the amp would require 53.3V (at 100% efficiency, to put out 4,000w.
  17. Them be like some of the old RF Punch amps. The 800a2 is supposed to put out 800w @ 4 ohms, yet RF says use a 60A fuse. 14.4x60=864 X 80% = 691w. Hmmmm, interesting eh? Back OT, 4,000 is probably max rating
  18. donpisto

    SSA proudly presents: The USamps Factory Tour!

    How long will the tour be? I might be able to make it....BP is only 10 mins from
  19. Just wondering where is SoundSplinter located and if it is possible to pick up a sub in person to save on shipping costs. Also, I have an '01 Accord sedan and I'm thinking of going with a single RL-p 18" driver. It will be pushed by a DLS A6 at 1 ohm (1200w). Is it better to go sealed or ported? I just took out my DD 9515 and the enclosure for that is 5.5 cubes net I believe. I really want to get loud when needed. I did a 140.4 recently with a Kicker ZX 2500.1 so I'm looking to get into the 140's with the RL-p on the A6. Is it possible? Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. I'm either gonna use the RL-p 18 or a 12" Brahma MKI. Brahma will be gettin same power on same amp and will be in 2.8 cubes tuned to 30 Hz. Thanks for any and all help!
  20. donpisto

    Where is SS located and thinking about gettin one

    Is there a phone number I can reach Mike or a sales rep at?
  21. donpisto

    Where is SS located and thinking about gettin one

    It will be in a trunk setup, think I have enough room? I have 5 cubes total to work with (net volume). La Canada huh? I work work for the City of Glendale so its actually in the same vicinity. Look pickups = The, prices on their website are including or excluding shipping?
  22. donpisto

    1998 Dodge Neon

    You know I was teasing you about the vehicle about being a Neon...a lot of them in the myspace group are noobs and are more about the vehicle, rather than the audio. I'm more for the audio How do the Morel's sound?
  23. donpisto

    1998 Dodge Neon

    Ewwwwww a NEON???? Just kidding MJ. Looks like its coming along great. Can't wait to see more pics and vids of the finished outcome