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Everything posted by mickey95

  1. mickey95

    10" RE MT recone doesn't fit 12 spoke basket

    were did you buy the recones from??
  2. any suggestions for a new amp? I'm looking for an amp that will really push two sa-15's for under 350$

  3. mickey95

    What crazy claims have you heard people make?

    i also heard one time a guy say he was running his subs off the his pioneer head unit and he was hitting mid 150's
  4. mickey95


    post some picks when you start!
  5. mickey95

    What crazy claims have you heard people make?

    JL audio makes the best car audio
  6. mickey95

    2 sundown SA-15's, Hifonics HFI 1500d, Honda Crv

    Here's some pics of the box plans...
  7. been waiting 6 1/2 days for my enclosure design from the sea store, getting anxious
