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Everything posted by TRP

  1. Very nice, alot sturdier than the Jasper. Might have to look into one once they are released!
  2. TRP

    My new little monsters

    I need to install mine!! I have had it long enough!! Think i might do the Sundown 1500 to it.
  3. TRP

    SA-8 v.2 Prototype Completed

    Cant wait!!
  4. Welcome to the site
  5. WWWWOOOOOWWWW!!! Looking great!!
  6. Rick, my bad man i hadnt checked this in a little while. Yea there is a good show tomorrow, i unfortunately wont be able to make it. The Jan show is still in works as of right now.
  7. TRP

    wtf? dc power

    Is it the same people you had dealt with years ago? I also have no experience with them, but have heard nothing but good praises, about product and CS.
  8. TRP

    Questions about tunnels or manifolds

    That thing looks crazy!!
  9. TRP

    Strange Site Activity | Next 24 hrs

    The problem is no matter how fast the site is, it cant change my CRAP internet!! Need speed to get speed!
  10. TRP

    Strange Site Activity | Next 24 hrs

    Very nice to hear mark!! But what a jump!! From 2 times to 20 times!! Maybe my SLLOOOOWWW internet will seem fast now!
  11. TRP

    Outrageous Deal | 4 - 6 pm EST | Tonight! 11-27-2011

    So you werent prepared for the over load of traffic!! Jeez what kind of web manager are you!!!
  12. TRP

    DC Power on WCC???

    I am pretty sure WCC has their own Diamond line, so they normally use those. They need to get some Zcons in there though!! I thought it had a HUGE wing on the back though!? Saw some pics of one at SEMA, and everyone was saying it was the Biebs, but it had a wing on it.
  13. TRP

    This is... hmmm... intense???

    I like the stack of cash they get at the end though!
  14. TRP

    2 18" ZCON's on a Digital Designs M4a!!!

    Nice, cant wait for the build!
  15. TRP

    SA-8 box build help

    I bet they would do great in the type of design, but sorry no help on the design part. Also try giving it more than just a few hours on the replies man, not everyone is online 24/7. There is some great designers on here, but they do have full time jobs also. Try giving Ram Designs a message, he loves doing crazy boxes. GL with it.
  16. TRP

    SSA Black Friday | 4 Day Event

    I cant wait for the future projects!! really excited!!
  17. TRP

    SSA Black Friday | 4 Day Event

    Should be a great sale!!
  18. TRP

    Another budget blowthru

    That is very strange! How did it turn out?
  19. Always good to see new faces, but i would say if this weekend would be tight then no worries, it is a single point event, and not sure if they will be doing trophies and things like that. More of a points gathering event i believe. But the Dec one will be a good one to attend. Either way glad to have new faces looking to come out.
  20. TRP

    XCON & ZCON 2011 Product Photos

    I need to install my 10 now!! Should be the first one ever installed!
  21. I need to get my crx finished at some point!! Jeez i have been slacking on that thing!!!
  22. TRP

    New member in AZ

    Welcome to the site, always good to see new members in AZ.
  23. Look forward to meeting you at one of the shows!