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Everything posted by TRP

  1. Yea thats what i thought, he would need to clamp the speaker wires also then multiply the numbers right?? Wouldnt it work that way? If not please explain. Thanks.
  2. Think you can explain more Duran? Are you saying that doing the test wont register any different results? Or just the way to test the power? I think you would need a clamp meter also, to test the power on the speaker wires also. But i am not really sure, i always let the people who know what they were doing do it!! And i never asked how!! Sorry man. Good luck with the test should be a nice comparison chart.
  3. TRP

    SQ_MGB's 2002 Chevy Reg cab build

    Looks like a nice build!!! My pops lives in Missouri, he is over in Gainesville. GL with the rest of the build.
  4. TRP

    Please check your email before my subwoofer is made.

    It was just meant to keep your order number safe from un-needed eyes. Try a PM on here if you can. Good Luck with the order. And your build.
  5. TRP

    Team Decent "Punisher" Build

    Looks pretty sweet!!! nice job on the sec alt install also!!
  6. TRP

    Welcome Team Decent!

    Welcome to the site, now show what you got or LEAVE!! HAHA, JK........................Kinda!!
  7. TRP

    400 watts to use on ssa goodness

    Do you ever plan on upgrading to more power later? If so i would say go with the ICON, but if not stay DCON it will be good on 400. I run a 10" ICON on a 125.2 Sundown (roughly) 3-400 watts and it still hits really well. Would like to get about 1KW on her though!!
  8. Certainly some nice work!! Great attention to detail!! Looking forward to seeing more. And how prominent is the audio scene over there?
  9. TRP

    Your first system...

    First system was in a 94 Camry, I had the CD player to tape converter, Stock speakers front and back, all blown!! Then in the trunk i T-ed off the connections and put it into a 12" no name sub that i had mounted into a 5 gallon water cooler, then i duct taped it down!!!!! and i bungee corded the cooler to the side so it wouldn't roll around!! Thing it it actually worked!!! Not the greatest, but for 10 bucks i had "some" bass!!! I wish i had taken pictures!!!! yes i do miss the 95cent gas also!!!
  10. TRP

    Advice on 20 inch rims, will they fit?

    Yea with out knowing the backspacing and offset it is kinda hard to say, if they are the right bolt pattern and they are cheap why not just pick them up and try, if not you can always sell them. But 20's on an Altima shouldnt be a problem if you are not lowered at all. And like M5 said, the extra weight of the wheels will affect braking so at least upgrade the pads, but new rotors with upgraded pads would be better, and best of all would be a whole new Big Brake Kit, but i dont think they have one out for your car yet.
  11. TRP

    New Hyundai Demo SUV Enclosure by PTS

    Why not 4 custom 10" XCONs!!! That would be SWEET!!! When you gonna pull the system?
  12. TRP

    New Product - SAZ-2500D - Coming Soon

    Awesome sounds good!! I was just debating about getting a 2000 also!!! Would be great for 2 Icons, i guess a 1500 would be good still.
  13. TRP

    First taste of Sundown Goodness

    Great choice, and yes Jacob is a great customer service man!
  14. TRP

    One of they hardest days!!

    No matter what your stance is on the military or the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, so please dont comment on that! This video shows one of the hardest days a military family or member could ever have! It was shot by a good friend of mine who is also a marine with these guys. And to all my fellow veterans and active military brothers and sisters, THANK YOU!!!
  15. TRP

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    Looking good man, should really sound good when done!! I am sure your dad is gonna flip the first time he sees it, then kill you after he hears it!!!
  16. TRP

    Pray for Chop

    Prayers for safety and recovery
  17. TRP

    Two 15 fi Qs w/ BP

    Well is the 7-800 your total budget? Or just for subs? You have alot of other things that can creep up also, like extra batteries, HO alt if needed, wiring, install kits. So what is your budget just for subs? That will help a little more with what you can get, and also you wont need to get the more expensive thing in the world to be better than the local "street beater" And i hate to say this, but someone always has something better. But with any of the 15's on here you should be doing pretty good!!
  18. Sorry i know it is way off topic, but why did you cap every first letter?? To the OP yes many different factors come in to play. unless you can test the subs with the above mentioned items for a true test, it will depend on what your ear can hear on the subs really. Unless you are willing and able(financially) to just add more till it breaks, then start over again. But that really isnt the most logical thing to do. Staying near the rated amount is a pretty safe bet, or even slightly more with a clean signal and some discretion.
  19. TRP

    Argent Audio Enclosure Building...

    Welcome to the site!!! It is always nice to have more builders, we have alot of people who want boxes and not enough people to supply them with it!!!
  20. TRP

    Team Decent Moneyman build

    Very nice, What suspension you using for that thing? Are you planning on coloring the baffle near the port opening at all, to me it looks funky. Or is that the finished setup? Either way it looks great with some amazing craftsmanship!!! The routing on the bracing was really done well, as was everything for that fact!! Great Job guys!
  21. TRP

    I am need of new enclsoure for my ssa xcon

    GL with your enclosure, all of the builders on here are great builders with excellent craftsmanship!!
  22. Thats amazing that a single 15 is hitting 156 and also taking +/-14000watts!!! Great Job Jacob!!!
  23. TRP

    carbon fiber will it hold up

    yes it does not seem like the spoiler itself broke, just the mounting point as said earlier. But i would not believe that a CF spoiler, or really even a Fiberglass for that fact would be broken by your system, just not enough force to actually break it. But that comes with no scientific basis at all!!! And to everyone who says he doesnt need a spoiler, he was not asking your opinion if you think it would be beneficial or visually appeasing, just if you think the bass could actually break a spoiler. Also just because its a honda does not mean it cant compete on the track! But that is not the topic in question, so lets leave it alone.
  24. Magellan Maestro 4250, it is a pretty good system and i was able to hack the new maps. Connects well to my phone for a BT system, but definitely not loud enough for that when driving around.
  25. TRP

    **Official NFL Playoff Thread**

    Way to go cards!!!! It was horrible, but it will still put a W in the column and move us on up!!!