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Everything posted by TRP

  1. TRP

    2x SA-8s + My CRX

    I sent a site email. Let me know.
  2. Facebook for Triple R Performance I hate photobucket now, so i am just going to use FB!
  3. TRP

    2x SA-8s + My CRX

    Oh ok, well how would you like me to contact you? I am really interested in talking with you about some business stuff. Thanks man, talk to you soon.
  4. TRP

    06 Nissan Xterra Stereo install

    I am also trying to drive up my FB page I was having a problem with logging in but my dumb butt finally remembered the password!! I might get frisky and post up the pics on here later!!
  5. TRP

    2x SA-8s + My CRX

    Good stuff man!!! And i am pretty sure the tape is to help with any possible air leaks. Jacob PM me please i have some questions for you. I tried to PM you and you never responded. Thanks man.
  6. TRP

    enclosure shipping problem

    Where do you live? I know the midwest and east have some severe storms last week, maybe they could not take it that way?? Well man good luck! I know Andrew will do his best to get it worked out for you. Great guy and customer service!
  7. Get the dimensions and then you would be able to really start talking about products. Without knowing what there is to work with it makes it really hard. GL.
  8. TRP

    It's almost time.

    Looks good man.
  9. TRP

    2 x Fi Q 18" Wall build in a Celica T23

    Looks nice man, cant wait to see the whole thing built. Nice looking silvia!! Where are you from?
  10. Good stuff man!! Looking good!
  11. TRP

    The most EPIC movie on HID's...Ever!

    Looks good man!! Glad you only had the short part with me!!! Need top get my beard in there more though next time!!! Thing is gettting crazy!!
  12. TRP

    Z v.2 10" Built

    Cool man, now why would a foreign market get different subs?
  13. TRP

    Best songs for xcon demo's

    How low does great on my Icon also. Now i just need to put a 1000D on it an really rock it out!! I need to save up and get 2 new Icons and a 2000D though!!! Wifey would really hate me then!!! By the way it is Ludacris get it right before you post!! HAHA!!!
  14. TRP

    New Hyundai Demo SUV Enclosure by PTS

    So true!!! Thumper is slacking!!
  15. I would call them if you can and ask if you even do have a warranty. Then tell them whats going on and see what they say. But best to get it checked out first. Dont want to fry something if it is some metal floating around in there. Looking good though. I saw one of those crimpers at Harbor Freight the other day as was SO tempted to get one, but the thing was pricey like 60-70 if i remember right!
  16. TRP

    New Hyundai Demo SUV Enclosure by PTS

    I cant wait to see pics of the progress!! And i cant wait to hear this thing also!!! Glad the move was quick for you, not saying it was easy but seemed quick at least.
  17. TRP

    (2) 13W3v3 Box Build

    I thought you were going big?! Like multiple 18's or something? I guess you abandoned the idea of a blow through? GL either way.
  18. TRP

    My CRX + Magic Box From the Jeep

    Cool man looks good. Should be great with some more power also!! What you looking at adding to it? a 4500
  19. TRP

    Your web hosting provider?

    Sure Mark i will take your word for it!! Whatever shared hosting is!! And i didnt mean that hostgator was small, just maybe not the right genre of host. If that makes sense. If not, i dont care i am tired and going to sleep!!! GL with getting it fixed, i am sure mark will be able to direct you to a good option!
  20. TRP

    hifonics, orion, or kicker?>

    Base your decision on what you want to have not what he says will be better. That is unless he is a really good friend. Like it was said before he owns a shop and looks to make money on every sale. If you are looking at doing just a single sub now, why not just use the one kicker and sell the other. Maybe even sell the amp if need be and buy one more geared for the single sub ratings. Then you wont really be out much, just whatever it would cost to get a box built. I am sorry if i am being a prick about this but, this quote "but hes set up some thousand dollar systems and stuff" Really doesnt mean jack. I think it is funny because 1grand for a stereo system is really not much. Once you factor everything in, and alot of amps will cost that much by themselves!! And just because someone will pay stupid prices doesnt mean it is worth it. But well man i am done. I really do hope you get a great setup, i dont want to come off as sounding mean or rude. Just make sure you look at all options first and not just the one who might only be seeing money. GL with it!!
  21. TRP

    Your web hosting provider?

    Yes what kind of website do you have that would use up enough resources with 300 people per day that they would boot you off? If you are trying to run like a new youtube or something you might want to look into a more large scale host. But anyways good luck with it all.
  22. TRP

    Team Tex-Flex Is Coming To SSA

    Welcome Team!
  23. TRP

    BanginGMC's Build Log | The Rebuild

    Looks good man!!! Doing a really good job with them. If you need anything let me know. Talk to you later. Or if you ever need a hand give me a shout also!!! i would help when and wherever i can.
  24. TRP

    SSAudio :)

    Happy birthday loser!!! I hope took your prune juice and ginko today!!!