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Everything posted by TRP

  1. TRP

    Specific Order Information

    Marks better be the last project!!! I hope you get yours also bigbody, i am just saying i hope he does marks, i am so excited to see his build!!!!!
  2. TRP

    ICON Prototype 12" Temp build

    Looking good man!!
  3. TRP

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2010

    Its gonna be a plexi box!!!! WHAT!!! I cant wait now!!! GET TO WORK THUMMPER!!!!
  4. TRP

    Welcome home Speakerboy

    Welcome back man!! Now make sure to not fall into the old ways! Make life fulfilling with out old habits!! It will be really hard, and i dont know your exact situation, but it may require not hanging with some old friends if they are part of the habit. GOOD LUCK man!!
  5. TRP

    Ernie's 2 12" Demo Car Build | New PICS p4

    Should sound pretty good!!!
  6. TRP

    ICON Prototype 12" Temp build

    I AM EXCITED!!!! Need to upgrade to a 1000D now though!!! Josh talked about buying my 125.2..............!!! We will see!!
  7. TRP

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2010

    Yea cant wait!!!
  8. TRP

    2~15" Icon's Build

    Looks really good man!! Some great wood working skills you have. Do you use a table saw or just the circular?
  9. TRP

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2010

    Gonna be nice man!! I think another 3K would be awesome!! 2K a piece would be really nice! What kind of box design you going with? Subs up, back, port placement, windows? What are we looking at here?? And when is this all going down!!
  10. TRP

    Caddy 4th order cut through

    Looks nice!! I am thinking about doing the same type of porting, coming through the back seat arm rest. But i am just doing a regular type box.
  11. Awesome man!!! Sounds good.
  12. Thats awesome!!! Do you know the people or they just allowed you to cut the wood there? I know the operating cost for one of those has to be expensive! Either way man, if you can start cutting boxes out with that thing that would certainly be awesome!! You can start doing some crazy braces and whatever else your mind can think of!! Thanks for the help the other day, i ended up just going with a slot ported box, using the RE Audio calculator. SO what box is he building you Mark!!!
  13. TRP

    SAZ-3500D Protect Mode

    Is there enough air movement going on? I know in the summer my 125.2 will go into protect after about 45min of some serious beating, until i put my fan in. Is it hot when it is in protect? GL with troubleshooting!!
  14. TRP

    Second Skin Install+ Clamp Test's coming up!

    cool man looks good!! at some points it looked like you had 3 hands!! around 2:30ish area you were rolling the doors then you look up and you are holding the door also, but it never looked like you switched hands!! I just thought it was funny!!
  15. TRP

    Twin 12" Xcon Flared Port

    Cant wait to see marks new box!! Drop everything and build it NOW!!!
  16. TRP

    I got the best news ever!

    Congrats man!!! I remember when my wife told me!! I was like 2 months out from deploying, it was the greatest and worst news ever!!
  17. TRP

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2010

    So then get back here already!!! Needed your ass to help with this box, but no you had to go up there!! Whatever man!! HAHA!! Just playing, i hope everything went good! Went you getting back.
  18. Did you happen to use a constant? Was it the HU amp wire, or one from the fuses? Well man GL with it!! To bad i wont have this truck much longer you could come out and take a look at it, maybe even give me a hand with the box!! Handling full sheets of 3/4 MDF are heavy!!
  19. TRP

    Need some help

    I have an 03 Explorer and it has been great. V8 and enough leg room in the back for most people. I also have the 3rd row seat. Another option might be a 4runner, but they were running more expensive than my explorer when i was looking last. Just try a search on Autotrader, and look under the suv section and see what is pulls up! GL with it! PS looked it up for you!!! Check the link Autotrader search results!
  20. TRP

    Drive By Testing!

    Nice man!! That is certainly a great score!!
  21. TRP

    Damplifier Lite video

    Nice man, i am just finishing up an install for a guy and SS deadener has been the best i have ever used!!! And really kills the noises and metal tangy sound. (if that made sense!! )
  22. I am pretty sure they would just send you the dust cap, and then you would glue it in place. But i am not 100%.
  23. TRP

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday everyone!
  24. TRP

    BanginGMC's Build Log | The Rebuild

    Sounds good man!! Glad you were able to finish the install so quickly!
  25. TRP

    12x 15s Build -- Teaser Pictures

    All the amps back there looks awesome!!! What does the dustcap say? How is SI doing anyways? I havent talked with him in SO long!!!