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Everything posted by TRP

  1. TRP

    Brightest color in kelvin

    if it is true 30K is going to give off an almost blacklight color, which will be nothing as far as light output goes. In between 4300-6K will be the best bet as far as color choices go. 4300K will be a more yellowish tint, while 6K will have a more white and slight blue tint. 8K is a more noticeable light blue, and 10K is getting more towards a true blue or dark blue, while they both are still very bright they do not produce as much light distance. They will be very bright when right in front of them, but they will not throw the light as far as say the 6K would. Many people do not understand this, and all they see is how bright they are when standing like 6 feet away, but get a good distance away and you were certainly see the difference. Well man the good thing is most ballast are compatible with different bulbs, so if you do not like them you can always order some new bulbs that are more to your liking. Mind me asking what you paid for them? Well man let us know what you think, and if you do need new bulbs you can ask me for a quote as i sell kits also! And i sponsor the site and all!! Just throwing that out there!!!
  2. TRP

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    Nice man!! Great setup you have there!! I love my 125.2, i have it on a 10" ICON and it rocks great!! Watch for putting to much power to the speakers though, dont wanna blow them!
  3. TRP

    4-SA8D2's in 5cu=140.5db

    I dont think 12-16 8's with 4 kids goes well together, but thats just me!!! Specially if this is your daily!!! But i am very impressed with how 4-8's can do, i just build a system with 4 RF's on like 800w and it sounded great, even flexed my chest some!! GL with this system and the new build also! My vote is for more 8's people would not be expecting that at all!! open the hatch and see 10 8's starring at you in not an everyday thing!!
  4. TRP

    SSA Tattoo | Update: Video P2!

    I love the pan in shot of you on the bed!! looks like a dirty porn beginning!!! Not that i have seen anything like that, i have only been told! Tat looks looks good though. I need to get him to do my tat now also, i am getting my family crest on my shoulder. Will have to see when he is free, maybe when i am over working on your bros system!!
  5. If is knew what any of that meant it would be awesome!!! But they said it is good, so thats awesome!!! XCON and BTL are not the same, and i have NO idea where there would be even a little bit of talk of that? Unless people just dont read, and assume that since they can both handle alot of power they must be the same!
  6. TRP

    SAZ-4500Ds Sold Out

    Yea they are doing great, and also doing great things!!! Yea that was really fast, i am curious how many came in!
  7. TRP

    SAZ-4500Ds Sold Out

    I think the shipment was more than 4, but yes he did get a nice dose of 45's!!! Should be putting out some nice power with 4 45's!!! And with all those dang alts he has also!!!
  8. Let me know when man, preferably weekends. But he is gonna be here like what a sunday to saturday??
  9. TRP

    In about a year

    Ever thought M3 this one is pretty hot!! Autotrader M3 Or even an M5 would be great, about 10Cyl 7speed beast right here!!! Nice M5 But i guess you have a little while to look and research!
  10. TRP

    SAZ-4500Ds Sold Out

    Dang man already!! I was in works to build a guys system with one!! Might just have to go with 2 2000D's if they are in then?!
  11. TRP

    In about a year

    I have a CRX you can buy!!! ;D Hows life over there man!!??
  12. Looking good man!!! I am gonna try and spend a few days out there helping with the build... If i am allowed to at least, from you and the wifey!! You totally gave away the surprise!!!
  13. TRP

    Some trunk destruction

    nice bass man. I dont personally like the PSI logo, but thats just me.
  14. Thats awesome man!! Way to help out the local competitors. Do you work for Power Audio, or just posting up what they are doing?
  15. TRP

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    I woke up, does that count!! I had to sit-up out of bed!
  16. TRP

    Free Sundown

    Reading the topic i thought it was about giving away a free sundown! So disappointed! But yes great score, and i am sure it will sound great!
  17. Looking good man. I know mark is pumped about this build!!! I just hope i will know when you are in town and can lend a hand, mark doesnt call me much about builds anymore, since we now live on opposite sides of the world!!! But i might have to make it a guys weekend!!
  18. TRP

    i need advice and in a bad way!!

    Budget would be great, also in MECA the classes vary by cone size and fuze rating, so you could potentially be in a different class. There was a guy this weekend running a 40A fuze and hitting a 141-142ish. And he was in like the S1 or S2 class where most people will only do like 130's. But yes budget and if you would be adding more amps would be the best to get some good quality help from the forum.
  19. TRP

    My Xcon shipped today

    Congrats man, it will be a great day when it arrived!!
  20. TRP

    The time has come

    Good stuff Jacob!!
  21. TRP

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    Yea on the dash in a legal type of metering. Pictures were going to answer the same thing that he did, thats why i didnt fell it necessary to wait for pics. But they would be great to have when available. Would be good for you to do what was advised earlier, about finding where your car peaks, then just play that note and not do a full1-100 sweep. Narrow it down alot more if you were gonna compete at all. But either way man good job and good luck with everything.
  22. TRP

    should i sell my new navigator?

    I would say if you are not really interested in changing the box and setup for the Navi then sell it. It would certainly give you a new setup to design and test/tune. But to me with your posts you dont seem very thrilled about working on it. But either way man GL with your build!
  23. TRP

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    Where was the mic placed? Was it a legit score, as in the mic was placed in the correct distances? I know you said the guy was there in the beginning to setup the TL but did he place the mic right for a proper score for a certain competition? I know anything is possible, and i bet your system pounds to post up a 150 anyways. Just want to make sure its a true score, thats all.
  24. So do it already!!! I cant wait to hear this thing tomorrow!!!!
  25. TRP

    Argent Audio Tahoe

    Looking good man.