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Everything posted by TRP

  1. TRP

    g35 sedan build

    Not sure on these cars, but have you heard about any problems with the stock speakers and amps having a problem with an aftermarket deck? I know some vehicles have problems with this, but like i said i dont have any experience with this particular model! GL with the build. And yes we all started somewhere!
  2. TRP

    Arizona meet

    HAHA!! We will see! Still undecided, but leaning that way.
  3. TRP

    Argent Audio has a PHONE NUMBER!!!

    24/7!!! I plan to answer this phone even if it wakes me up! Andrew That is great CS!! Just make sure to leave some time to sleep and recharge though man!! Dont want to get burned out and leave the game!! You are a great company with huge potential!! Best of luck to you! And maybe one day we will meet, Cali and Arizona arent to far away!!
  4. If you are doing this in a 328I then no dont buy the kit, I have a 330I and i only used like 4 ft of power and like 3 feet of ground. I do not know the full technical details of fuse on the power, some people run it, some dont. I am actually using a 150A fuse on a 125.2 with 4ga wiring and have never had a problem. Have you upgraded your battery?
  5. Generally the fuse rating on amps is meaning what the amp holds for fuses. Like it will have 4 50A fuses mounted on the outer body of the amp. Like the 100.4 from sundown says "Fuse Rating 30A x 3" And if you look at the picture of it, it shows 3 X 30A fuses installed externally. Hope all that made sense.
  6. TRP

    Argent Audio has a PHONE NUMBER!!!

    Way to go man!! Now you will have NO free time!! Just Playing man!!
  7. TRP

    Arizona meet

    Well theres 2!! I am unsure if will is up and running and i believe D is down right now, due to electric issues. But havent talked with him in a little bit? Do you know if Clay if making it? I dont talk with him much either. I might still unsure!!
  8. TRP

    Headlights! - opinion needed

    Not a problem man, being a shop owner i personally like to make sure people, especially my customers, are aware of situations that they might encounter. Not saying that i know everything, and all possible situations. But i try and explain at least the ones that i have encountered or are aware of. I personally need to read up on the new AZ laws, they are getting pretty strict around here. And i have to say i have seen and installed alot of Halo systems, and nothing have ever gotten back to me that they were a problem, i actually had a customer have one halo go out, cop pulled him over and said to make sure they were both in working order, or neither on at all. And they are a blueish white halo. Either way man, GL with your decision!!
  9. TRP

    Headlights! - opinion needed

    Alright so from what i read on the link, it means there is a red light that is inside the housing, and when switched on it will shine red. But i am guessing with HID's on also, the light will not be visible, more just for crusing parking lots, things to that affect where not having lights on will be a big concern. But the Halo appears to be almost a light blue, or white with a tint of blue. I would ask some local cops what the law states as far as that goes, here in AZ i have been told that if the lights have a base of white, no matter what other color they are they are normally good to go, depends on the cop and how they are felling really. But every state is different, try and ask around or search the Michigan law books. Just dont want you to buy them and then be assed out because you got a ticket and had to remove them. Again best of luck!! If i can help in anyway please feel free to ask!
  10. TRP

    Headlights! - opinion needed

    If going for the menacing look the red projector is gonna fit best. But be really careful when and where you show them, depending on how bright they are, it is VERY illegal to have a red or true blue forward facing on a vehicle. They are reserved for emergency vehicles only, now getting past my public service announcement. Does the red projectors shine red, or are just hinted with the color? If they shine red, they will be very dim and useless when driving. But best of luck, i wish i carried stuff for bikes, i would be able to assist further in your parts search. Best of luck!
  11. TRP

    Arizona meet

    I am planning on it, just not sure right now, as i have a church event that i had already signed up for, but dont know if i really wanna go or not!! Really depends on how many team members are planning on going. IF only 1 or 2 are gonna make it i dont think i will either.
  12. TRP

    Arizona meet

    I see a DBDrag 3x in your future bro. J Yea i plan on doing something, just need to find out what i need as a show to do, and figure out the parking situation, kinda funky parking. But i will at least be having a major grand opening party of some sorts, try and get radio play and have them there with a booth and stuff!! Sorry having my bro's 30th tonight, but we will be near there, over at Blue Martini with a table and bottle!! Gotta love knowing the DJ!! But i would be interested in another night.
  13. TRP

    SA-12 vs. Treo TSX

    Great Sundown product review again. Great products Jacob!!
  14. Was thinking about it, but not sure if i will now or not. Kinda far for me and money is getting squeezed to put into the shop.
  15. TRP

    Arizona meet

    Yea I knew that, just wasnt sure which Saturday they wanted to go. If they wanted to go over after the MECA show, or another Saturday. You be quiet now, people from NY arent allowed to post here, only us Arizona folks!!
  16. TRP

    Arizona meet

    I am interested just depends on which day you are talking? Same as the MECA show? Or another day?
  17. TRP

    Arizona meet

    Certainly will, hoping it will be within the next 2-3 months. Make sure and spread the word to all your friends, the shop is a performance parts and audio business, so people of all types should find something they are interested in.
  18. TRP

    Arizona meet

    Well guys looks like i am going to be opening a shop location!! So i am hoping i can get something setup to have a meet there, doubt it would be a MECA meet, more just a SSA members and local area people meet, little get together and possible car show if the location will allow. I am not sure how it would turn out parking wise. But keep an eye open, and i hope i can see you all there.
  19. TRP

    I'd like to share my good fortune with SSA.

    Thats good, a raise is a raise!! Now start working for the next one, and the next!!!
  20. TRP

    Kyle is it possible?

    I understand, good luck with it!
  21. TRP

    Kyle is it possible?

    I would try a PM or email first rather than a public message. But either way hope it works for ya man!
  22. TRP

    ssa is the shit!!!

    Looks great Ernie!!
  23. TRP

    Arizona meet

    When i said "awkward" it wasnt meant in the form of sexual awkwardness, it was meant that sometimes people just dont click well for whatever reason, and well no one talks or if someone does they might be annoying, or not what someone else wants to hear. So if someone feels that way, or something out of the normal, (ie. people are talking and getting along) Than they can be like well guys i am going over here and get away from what they might not be liking, or even be like hey i gotta run home "wife" said we have something to do. Makes for an easy way to skate out. Trust me i have been to plenty of new meet and greets, and it is not always peaches and cream!! Things happen, not everyone will be friends, and not everyone is outgoing and will want to tell there life story to someone they just met. So on that long note, i am down for meeting, but i will have to recheck my schedule, i think i just booked something for the same day. But would rather go to this!!
  24. TRP

    ZCON Prototype

    Very perty!!! Some of these in 18 will look great in my van!!!
  25. Or he just forgot to do it!! And never told anyone!!??