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Everything posted by zaxfire69

  1. zaxfire69

    140.9db with 1 15"BL is that pretty good??

    I will post new numbers when I really get a chance to test it..I don't have a term lab sitting around you know.. But my friend does and as soon as I can get over there I will post new numbers...
  2. zaxfire69

    140.9db with 1 15"BL is that pretty good??

    Well I have another question that has come about..IF I did damage the speaker, I have the universal motor option On my BL, If I were to recone it to a dual 1 setup instead of the current dual 2 How much does that generally Cost..Like I said I bought the Universal motor option..
  3. zaxfire69

    140.9db with 1 15"BL is that pretty good??

    It seems to be ok..Yea it was low..I didn't really have a chance to play regular music back through it on the way back home..My wife was with me and she has virgin ears so..If I turn it above 10 fingers go to the ears. So I hope it is cool..Is track 19 a sweep cause I played it first and it didn't do anything until the end then it rolled into track 20 and it was over.
  4. zaxfire69

    140.9db with 1 15"BL is that pretty good??

    I love it day to day..But for Stereo Competitions I think it is a little on the low side..Well thanks for all you guys input..
  5. zaxfire69

    140.9db with 1 15"BL is that pretty good??

    Well that is the track that did it. Track 20..
  6. zaxfire69

    140.9db with 1 15"BL is that pretty good??

    It is for sure Daily tuned..30hz is low..That is what I like..Low earth shatering bass..Thanks for the props. Also the speaker is a Daily speaker, not the Spl upgrade.
  7. zaxfire69

    140.9db with 1 15"BL is that pretty good??

    Well the enclosure is 4.0Cuft @30hz..I have the American Bass VfL 150.1 on it The gold Chasis amp..Car is a Honda Civic 96 model. Seats were up. I played Track 20 on that cd..The thing is my box dosen't do higher bass at all..That chopped and screwed version of In the air tonight by Phil Collins literally makes my whole Dashboard move up and down an inch in either direction. I think track 20 wasn't the right song for my setup..It didn't even do anything until the last few seconds of my run..I know I can get more out of it..I just think I need to get more time on this Term Lab meter..My setup isn't set up for SPL anyway..I like listening to low bass hitting rap, stuff that makes my whole car flex and shake..I think it can do better...I just need a copy of that Usaci cd that they use..Then I could figure out which track to play..I know nothing about that cd or where to get it??
  8. zaxfire69

    Us Amps Usa-100Hc Some info on it??

    Hey guys. I am looking at this Usa-100Hc and I need some specs on it. If I was to get it I would be putting around 14.4 volts to it..I see at 1 Ohm it is rated at 800 watts..Do you guys have any info on it? I have done searches, came up with minimal material..Wanted to talk to the Us amp masters...Oh yea it is the Old style Usa-100Hc if that helps..The longer model...Thanks guys..Also would it be a better amp than my current Xt4000d??? I love the old school amps..
  9. Hey guys. I just purchased a American Bass VFL 150.1 with the Gold Chasis. What do you guys think about the amp in General? I am going to be powering my FI 15" BL @ 1 ohm with it..What you guys think that setup will do?? I like the way the amp looks and from all I have read about it it is a powerful dude..
  10. zaxfire69

    Do the BLs poend the lows

    Put it to ya this way..My 15 in a 4.0cuft @ 30 Hz owns the lows..I am breaking Trunk lids with my setup..First the OEM METAL Honda one now the Carbon Fiber Seibon I got..I am reinforcing it by filling the Cavatiy with Fiberglass Resin...It will be Heavy but I won't have to worry about it cracking anymore..Cause it will be solid...
  11. zaxfire69

    BL or Q?

    BL all the way..You can always get a better amp...That is what i am doing right now..I have my amp at ebay right now...Us Amps XT4000d..Anyway..The BL takes everything I have thrown at it and the important thing is that it has thrown back..Broke the wing off my Metal Trunk lid..So I ordered a Carbon Fiber Trunk lid...It flexes so Hard It cracked my new Carbon Fiber Trunk lid...So this weekend I am filling the Trunk lid with Fiberglass resin to reinforce it...But you will need plenty of power for the BL..I have the Fully loaded version and my Xt4000d was only putting out about 1000 - 1200 Rms to it and it needed more...So..I will have more soon...
  12. Hello Guys..I want to be convinced that I need to Purchase one or your Saz-1500d amps...I currently am running the Us amps Xt4000d and my Fi BL 15" Seems like It still needs more Power...It is fully loaded in a 4cuft@30Hz enclosure. My current amp just doesn't put out what I think the Fi speaker can handle...I really like your Amplifiers and would like to be one of the team...Could one of you who acutally own or make the amp give me some input about how it performs at 1 ohm....I really want one so my Us Amps amp went on sale today...Thanks guys..
  13. Hello guys. Look I am wanting to purchase a Us amp for my Fi BL 15" sub. I need something around 1000-1500 watts rms. i was looking at the xt4000d. Any of you have anymore suggestions?? I will be running the sub at 1 ohm...Please let me know..I want to order the amp today..Thanks
  14. zaxfire69

    Convince me to become A Sundown Audio owner!!

    Ohh....I have to sell my Us Amp...I have to buy one...
  15. zaxfire69

    Current Draw on Xt4000d?

    Hello. I am ordering a H O altenator and would like to know the Current draw @ 1 ohm on this amp..If you guys know or could help me that would be great...I have a PPI Sedona APA 425 on my highs..and the Xt4000d for my sub. Just need to know about how big of an alternator I need because my lights are dimming when I crank it loud..It is using some juice...Thanks...
  16. zaxfire69

    Current Draw on Xt4000d?

    Usampfreak 3 25 amp fuses, so a total of 75 amps??? It is killing my charging system. Lights dimming, inside and out...160 amp alternator can't keep up..I guess i need more battery..
  17. zaxfire69

    Current Draw on Xt4000d?

    Got my alternator installed today and took it up the road..You can notice a difference..Now my next question..I have a Phoenix Gold Pld-1 Line Driver. IT puts out 8 volts.. Could I use it on my Xt4000d and would it make a positive gain in my system???
  18. zaxfire69

    4000D Photos?

    Yeah that looks just like mine..And as far as hooking the amp up in bridge..Just wire your speakers for one ohm and use either of the speaker outputs. The amp is bridged internally so if you hook it up to channel 1 it will already be bridged to one ohm. Same for channel 2 doesn't matter.I am satisfied with my amp, Now if I could just get my Voltage right to keep up with the amp...
  19. zaxfire69

    Current Draw on Xt4000d?

    I ordered a 160 amp alternator...That should help out with the curent draw..These little amps are power hungry..But it works for what I want it too till I can get another...Thanks guys..
  20. zaxfire69

    Current Draw on Xt4000d?

    Somebody help me out here please..!
  21. zaxfire69

    An amp recommendation for an Fi BL 15" Sub

    Any idea how many amps this Amp will pull from my charging system under full song..Reason I am asking is I am going to buy a H.O. Altenator and need to know how big of one I need...Please help me out...
  22. zaxfire69

    An amp recommendation for an Fi BL 15" Sub

    Here is what I did. I paralled the speaker inside the box and ran one wire out of the box. I hooked it up to one side of the amp. Am I still getting the same amount of power or do I need to run both sets of wires out of the box and hook one coil to one side and the other coil to the other side??
  23. zaxfire69

    FI subs

    96 Honda Civic Dx 2Dr Coupe 1-15" FI BL with Universal Motor, Cooling Option, Flatwind option 1-Us Amps Xt4000D @ 1ohm 4.0Cu Ft @ 30Hz Crx Style box in trunk 0 Guage Big 3 0 Guage to amp and ground Have had it in 3 days and have already broken my Fiberglass wing and Cracked my Metal Trunk Lid...Haven't metered it yet but it hits low notes like no other...Sometimes it is scarry....Fi will be the only sub I ever buy again..No other compares...
  24. zaxfire69

    Thread for amps to run on FI Subs

    I am running the Us amps Xt4000d on my Fi 15 BL. Box is tuned to 4.0cu ft @ 30 Hz...Hits the lows real well...Amp doesn't even break a sweat..! Running @ 1 Ohm....Daddy Like...
  25. zaxfire69

    An amp recommendation for an Fi BL 15" Sub

    I have my Xt4000d in now i have to hook it up to my sub at 1ohm...Can someone help me with that...My amp has 2 different sets of hook ups..Do i hook up both coils to only one side or do I hook each individual coil up. One to one side one to the other side...If you are familiar with the 4000d please help...I have a Dual Voice Coil sub...