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Everything posted by zaxfire69

  1. zaxfire69

    My 2 Fi 15 BL Wall In Civic

    You can send it to me. I will power it up for you. Ha Ha. I love the VFL. I just would like to have the money to drop on a bigger VFL and some batteries. I like the 400.1 if I was rich I would have it. This VFL 150.1 I have doesn't even get warm. I can crank on it hard, touch it and it is still cool...craziest thing I have ever seen.
  2. zaxfire69

    My 2 Fi 15 BL Wall In Civic

    I have a 160 amp alt, Big 3, 1/0 guage to the stock battery and to the extra battery. I need,,NEED some new batteries real bad cause I have huge Voltage drop. Hopefully when taxes get here I can upgrade to some Kinetik or Powermaster's. As far as numbers go I have the Audiocontrol Epic 160 mounted right above my radio. I have seen a 150 one time the first night I installed it. After that my batteries won't keep up and I can get 148-149 out of it sealed on my dash with the Epic 160. Haven't put it on a TL yet. But hopefully I will be able to get some batteries soon and get them in there. Then see what my voltage looks like. If I get Kinetik I am gonna get the HC600 for my starter battery and 1 or 2 of the HC 2400's.. If I go with the Powermaster I am gonna get the 5100r for starter and the 3100's for the amp batteries. Batteries cost lots of money and I need them bad. As far as a build log I am over on Steve Meade's website. I am by no means a pro at this stuff this is my first stab at a wall. I am just glad to have it in.
  3. zaxfire69

    dust cover is warm... how hot is too hot?

    To set your gains correctly don't you play a 60 htz or so tone at 3/4 radio volume and set your gains accordingly with an OScope?
  4. zaxfire69

    God of Bass??

    I can tell you all this..As far as Bass goes, I believe it is as big as it was back in the mid 90's. As far as the quality of product goes, Fi is IMO the best sounding and performing subs I have ever owned. Quality is unmatched. I will not own another companies subwoofer ever. As long as Fi is around I will be true. I have come to that conclusion..I just need more time in a day to get all my ducks in a row..Guess I will have to start working late out in the shop to get stuff done. As far as the GOD or GODS of Bass as in my case. Scott and Steve Meade take top honors..If I only had 1/10th the skill these guys have, I would already have my subs in my car banging beats..I give mad props to Both Gods of Bass!! Also be looking for those ducks to be jumpin higher in the near future. It won't be long and the wall wall will be up..
  5. zaxfire69

    X series clearance

    What do the 12 Fi X's look like..A view from the Basket..If someone has one...I am going to talk my brother into upgrading from his Old School Pioneer 301c's to The Fi X's...Just need a picture... I NEED TO READ THE Thread don't I ...I see the picture now...DUHHH...
  6. zaxfire69

    Representing FI !! FI logo night pic..Kenwood Deck

    Here is another I made..American Bass and Fi logo. Pictue was in the daytime.
  7. Check my Cd player anybody else out there have this Logo on there deck? I doubt it. Taken at night so everything shows up.. FI hook me up with free stuff..Ha Ha...Enjoy..
  8. zaxfire69

    Fi sub wieght.

    My 15 BL weighs 35 lbs
  9. zaxfire69

    Representing FI !! FI logo night pic..Kenwood Deck

    Hey Flakko, give me an email address and I will send you the files I have made already..Got a couple of Fi and one with American bass logo with Fi logo on the side..Pictures tonight.. And also that was wrong what Jimmy did to Matt...He was furious..
  10. zaxfire69

    Representing FI !! FI logo night pic..Kenwood Deck

    Matt Damon the actor?
  11. zaxfire69

    BL promo

    That is awesome guys. I just recieved my second 15" BL with the flatwind and the cooling options..I am a freakin Fi man..Simply the best subs out there..Hands down...
  12. Here is the box i am gonna build to wall my Civic up..Let me know how it should match up with 2 Fully loaded daily 15 BL's. http://www.subwoofertools.com/forum/ported...mp;Fs=&CE=0
  13. zaxfire69

    Sick!--videos--152.3 bass race on TL

    Man what is your charging system on that car?? What amp alt and how many of what kind of batteries...I got to get mine to do that son..I am building a wall for my 96 Civic..Just ordered another 15" FI BL tonight..
  14. I am using Bass Box Pro and need these last parameters for my subs...If you or anyone knows them could you please post them...Thank you.. FI BL 15" LE Z Pe
  15. zaxfire69

    I need vids!!

    Here is one of mine..Nothing special, Bass Boom Bottom by Power Supply..Rear seats up..Having some voltage issues so trying to get that resolved. FI audio 15" BL, with Cooling option, Flatwind, Daily, Universal motor. Amp is an American Bass VFL 150.1.. [email protected] 160 is saying 142db...Hard to see..Cause the sun shining..If I could hold Voltage it would be louder..I need better batteries and Alt.. Oh yeah..I need to ditch the Sony cd player,,Don't laugh. IT skips BADD... Here's another one. Voltage dropped to 12volts..My Stinger reads 1volt lower than actual voltage. My Alt needs rebuilding and I need some Kinetiks..
  16. zaxfire69

    Bass Boom Bottom FI 15"BL in the Trunk..Video

    Normal levels sound good..That is with Volume on 15 or 16. Goes to 30..Oh I couldn't be more happy with my Sub..You guys make amazing products.. I only have one Complaint though..That complaint is that I don't have another 15" to go along with this one....
  17. Here is my video of Bass Boom Bottom by power supply. My 15" Fi BL is powered by an American Bass VFL 150.1 at 1 ohms...Just recently installed the Epic 160..Last night actually..Not finished installing, still need to fill in the gaps around it with some vinyl pieces...Anyway..Here is a quick video of it..On the Epic I am getting 142 db's with the back seats up..I do have blow through in my rear deck..But the seat is still Up..
  18. zaxfire69

    Bass Boom Bottom FI 15"BL in the Trunk..Video

    So what you guys think?? Weak Sauce or what??
  19. zaxfire69

    Bass Boom Bottom FI 15"BL in the Trunk..Video

    Well no pics of the actual install isn't anything special just naked box sub up, port back.. amp on rear seat...Plain jane..
  20. zaxfire69

    New vids of my 2 15" Fi SSDs w/ 1600 watts

    Thanks Deerhunt1988 ..Your Setup really kicks some azz...Thank you for the Pm..
  21. zaxfire69

    140.9db with 1 15"BL is that pretty good??

    I have the sub firing up through the Rear Deck, the Port is pointed toward the back of the car, the Seat was in the Up position, wasn't down..I think I can gain some more by simply putting my seat down..Also this was with there music on the USACI cd...My music is louder. I left the seats up because I wanted to see what it will do everyday with the seat up like I ride around with it...
  22. Well I hit my first competition today in Mccomb, Ms..I had my 15" BL in the Trunk with the seats up..Just like I ride around with everyday. I hit a 140.9...in the passenger Kick panel with my passenger window down. Should I be discouraged or happy..I hated I couldn't use my own music and had to use the Usac Cd the guy provided me..Cause I didn't know my noter or that cd that they stuck in my deck...I think If I would have know my note I would have done better...Please give me some feedback..
  23. zaxfire69

    140.9db with 1 15"BL is that pretty good??

    How is the New Lanzar line of amps..I know the old amps rocked back in the day, just didn't know about the new ones...
  24. zaxfire69

    kicker zx1000.1 w/ Fi 15" BL

    I have a American Bass VFL 150.1 on my 15"BL. I am seeing Roughly 1500 watts to mine on the Daily, Plus I have a Phoenix Gold PLD-1 Line Driver On mine...I have smelled the voice coils a couple of times...But I turn it down real fast and adjust my Deck to let her Cool Down..Although I have the Cooling, Flatwind, Daily Option on mine...I think your amp will do just fine...I have my box at 30hz instead of 32hz...It really doesn't catch the High bass like it should but the lows are awesome...It will Flex the Dash and the Steering wheel...Hard...