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SS Teacher

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Everything posted by SS Teacher

  1. SS Teacher

    New here. Old school guy

    Welcome. How old school are you? Is 2007 considered old school now? If it is, I must be Dinosaur or Ancient school.
  2. SS Teacher

    2012 Fusion All Sundown Everything! Start Pg. 14

    Looking forward to this build, want to see how you seal off the trunk. I'm finding my trunk to be a bass black hole, but than again I'm not running 2 Zcons!
  3. SS Teacher

    (4) 12" Ported Enclosure

    It looks like it will turn out breathtaking, figuratively and literally!
  4. SS Teacher

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

    Time to edit the thread title to The Epicness of 2012-2013.
  5. SS Teacher

    Yo! Noob here

    Welcome to SSA, there are a lot of amazing builds in the Build Log section. What type of car do you have?
  6. SS Teacher

    Welcome to the IHoP

    But yet you'll eat 4 sticks of butter and have no fear about cholesterol problems or CVD. I have to chuckle. Your simply ignorant. I'm laughing as I type this and not trying to be a dick, but when you call someone ignorant you want to say "you are" not "your", your is possessive. Sorry man, I do enjoy reading your posts and not trying to make an enemy. Grammar has never been my strong suite. I can't spell to save my life, I teach high school and students are constantly correcting my spelling.
  7. SS Teacher

    Welcome to the IHoP

    But yet you'll eat 4 sticks of butter and have no fear about cholesterol problems or CVD. I have to chuckle. Your simply ignorant. I'm laughing as I type this and not trying to be a dick, but when you call someone ignorant you want to say "you are" not "your", your is possessive. Sorry man, I do enjoy reading your posts and not trying to make an enemy.
  8. I'm surprised some of the box gurus haven't chimed in yet, but most people aren't happy about putting a sub up, port back in a trunk car. Hang in there, I'm sure someone will help.
  9. SS Teacher

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm so glad every child gets a free breakfast at school, now they get to throw more trash in the bushes!
  10. SS Teacher

    Which Amp??

    Of those 2, I'd buy the cheaper one, but I'd still prefer the Rockford.
  11. SS Teacher


    Why are you buying some of the best subs in the business and continue to buy cheap, crappy amps? I know a watt is a watt, but stick with reputable companies. Save money by buying used, but don't buy cheap garbage amps and expect great results.
  12. SS Teacher

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Clark is most known for 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is an amazing work, the follow up, 2010 was also very good and deals with the possibility of life on Saturn's moons. It's obviously fiction, but Clark was a scientist and deals with real issues- no magic gravity devices or aliens that look just like us, but with different foreheads. If you're a science fiction fan, it's some of the best reading you'll ever do.
  13. SS Teacher

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Read any Arthur C. Clark? He writes some great sci-fi, but he was an amazing scientist.
  14. SS Teacher

    Car Audio for competion!!!!!!!!!

    If this is spam, it's an awesome fake. Namibia is by no means a wealthy country, but for Sub Saharan Africa, it's actually pretty good. It's not unreasonable to think there could be car audio fans in the capital and major cities. OP, if you're legit, you have got tons of research to do because your goal will not be cheap to achieve. Spend more time on this forum doing research. Bcae1.com is a great place to start for beginners, and welcome to the forum.
  15. SS Teacher

    My SSA 12" ZCON Order

    I wish I could remember the post I read it in. Most people don't know how small an operation SSA is, but they can only make so many subs at a time and this method is a lot more efficient. They really are an awesome company, be patient your sub is coming.
  16. SS Teacher

    Here's to a new hobby

    It was meant as a joke, you're buying a world class sub. Give this hobby some time, you'll be wanting more soon.
  17. SS Teacher

    My SSA 12" ZCON Order

    If I remember correctly, Aaron posted that they aren't building subs in order of purchase but rather by model due to the huge number of holiday sales.
  18. SS Teacher

    Here's to a new hobby

    Welcome to the forum, you will find a wealth of information for your new hobby. Great choice for a new sub, but the only problem is how do you upgrade later?
  19. SS Teacher

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.theregist...n_stomach_pump/ Yeah baby! Haven't models been doing this for years? It's called finger down the throat.
  20. SS Teacher

    in the market for components and amp

    I'll second the Boston Acoustics GT-2125, I got one for Christmas from Sonic Electronix for $109, the GT-2200 was $149 last time I checked. Either would provide plenty of power for a set of components. I liked the Alpine Type R's I heard, but many people find them too harsh.
  21. SS Teacher

    Which Amp??

    Both amps are great. For the same price I'd go with the Fockford amp. It's subsonic filter isn't as flexible as the sundown's so make sure it fits your application. Good to see you interested in a higher quality amp than the Hifonics HiFi series.
  22. No, I wouldn't trust anything RE makes these days, Rockford and Crescendo are both worlds apart in quality compared to the new RE. If money doesn't play a big role, I'd go with the Fosgate amp, I've run them in the past and was never dissatisfied.
  23. SS Teacher

    Oh hello there

    Glad to have you aboard.
  24. SS Teacher

    lets see the king cab builds ,

    Wow Taco, you managed to piss a lot of really smart people off. You can read the rules, not be a dick, and change your attitude than you'll find a wealth of knowledgable help.
  25. SS Teacher

    allow me to introduce myself

    Welcome, this site is awesome!