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About Pultzar

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  1. Pultzar

    Q12 to replace Peerless 830500 in Linkwitz Thor?

    Fortunately I have two subs so I can change one and then compare them against each other. Or it might just sound awesome. I find that the room itself makes more difference then most things.
  2. Pultzar

    Q12 to replace Peerless 830500 in Linkwitz Thor?

    Yeah I think they will play pretty loud I'm mostly concerned about the difference in response between a new driver and what I have now (830500) as the crossover is setup for wonderful integration. However if necessary I can measure the before/after and adjust the crossover or EQ to get a close match.
  3. Pultzar

    Q12 to replace Peerless 830500 in Linkwitz Thor?

    Thanks for your help everybody. The Fs is on my existing driver is 18hz while the FiQ/XCON and others is over 30hz. Even though these drives model with the same curves, will the FiQ/XCON have a different frequency response in the lower frequencies or do its other parameters make up for this? I'm not sure how close WinISD predicts actual results.
  4. Pultzar

    Q12 to replace Peerless 830500 in Linkwitz Thor?

    Is there a comparison between the Q12 and the XCON? Does one apply more in my situation?
  5. I have two sealed subs 47L enclosures built around the Peerless 830500 driver. This driver is rated at 12.5mm xmax. Details here: http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=297-608 Extensive details about my sub here: http://www.linkwitzlab.com/thor-intro.htm Bottom line is that I would like more output as I am bottoming my existing subs. I'm okay with building new boxes but ideally I would like to use the same crossover as it is tailed to work with my main speakers (Linkwitz Orion) Assuming that the 28mm xmax spec of the Q12 is one way rather than p-p, this driver should give me about 6-7db of headroom. I modeled my 830500 vs the Q12 in WinISD and the results were almost identical within a db or so. Even the efficiency is the same. The other Fi drivers either deviated much more or aren't suitable for sealed enclosures. Am I right in that this driver could be a drop in replacement without too many other changes? I know that it will sound different since the computer models aren't perfect. But I do expect it to play louder before bottoming. Since I am in a sealed enclosure crossing over the mains at 50hz, I'm assuming that I want the High QTS option? What does this change the parameters to? Any other drivers that I should be considering? Thanks for your help!